Politics and Religion

Once again CaCa proves to be a dimwit, not a Constitutional scholar.
inicky46 61 Reviews 28 reads

If the Court deadlocks at 4-4 it simply means the previous ruling stands.  
And don't hide behind the little qualifier you threw in about "without a solution that is going to satisfy anyone." Because obviously that's also untrue. Whatever the lower court ruled would satisfy one side or the other.

GaGambler762 reads

How many of you are willing to tell a bald faced lie and claim that if the situation were reversed and that if it was a Democrat in the White House that you would be calling for him/her to wait until after the election to nominate a successor to replace a conservative Supreme Court Justice?

I can't wait to see how many of you are willing to twist yourself into a pretzel make this claim.

Secondly, why is all the outrage focused 100% about the hypocrisy of the GOP, without a single mention about the hypocrisy on the part of the Dems?

Steve_Trevor24 reads

But only with the condition that we’re talking about September 20, 2020.

In that case, President Clinton would have already named two justices to the Supreme Court, making the balance 6-3 prior to RBG’s death.  

Let’s also assume the Senate has the same split as it does today, 53-47 for Republicans.

Under those circumstances, I think it would be best for Clinton to make a nomination and ask McConnell to begin hearings, but make it clear that the vote should wait until after the election, since by the time she made her nomination there would be only 40 days or less before the election.

I don’t have any problem with Trump putting forth a nominee. That’s his responsibility under the Constitution. Obama did that in 2016.  And I don’t have any problem with the Senate starting hearings.  Again, that is their Constitutional responsibility—which they ignored in 2016 (more hypocrisy).  I just think that it’s too close to the election (voting has already started!) to not let “the people decide” (ala McConnell, Graham et al) on Nov. 3 before taking a vote.  

BTW, it was a much different situation in 2016.  There was 9 months before the election and SCOTUS would have to work with only 8 justices for over a year if Obama’s nominee didn’t get hearings and a vote— which is what happened.  

And you know the only reason that Trump and McConnell are in such a big hurry is that they know they’re going down in November, along with Republican control of the Senate.  

Now let’s see you address the gross hypocrisy of McConnell, Graham and other Republicans. And tell us why Americans should ever believe anything they say in the future.

-- Modified on 9/20/2020 1:10:50 PM

and you certainly did turn yourself in to one VERY twisted and convoluted pretzel trying to justify your own sides hypocrisy.  lol

You are right about one thing, the court would have to operate with only 8 Justices and THAT is why it is so important to get the court back to full strength.

You Dems have made it perfectly clear that unless you win in November that under NO circumstances are you going to accept the will of the voters if they choose not to vote your way, which means it's extremely likely that the 2020 election, just like the last time you whined about the results of an election that didn't go your way all the way to the Supreme Court, will be decided by the Supreme Court, as it stands now the chances are very good we could end up with a 4-4 tie in the Supreme Court with John Roberts siding with the Dems as he has done in the pass leaving us with a Constitutional Crisis without a solution that is going to satisfy anyone. Yes, it is critical to get the court back to full strength and with even Mitt Romney putting aside his hatred of Trump it looks like that indeed is what is going to happen.

If the Court deadlocks at 4-4 it simply means the previous ruling stands.  
And don't hide behind the little qualifier you threw in about "without a solution that is going to satisfy anyone." Because obviously that's also untrue. Whatever the lower court ruled would satisfy one side or the other.

and the blue states sue the red states,
that suit is filed in the original jurisdiction of SCOTUS. If there is 4-4 tie, we have an incredible constitutional crisis.  The only solution I see is SCOTUS would decline to decide until a ninth justice is confirmed but this could take months, the confirmation hearing would make Kavanagh look like a PTA hearing, and who would be president until this is decided?

Nightmare scenario.

Steve_Trevor12 reads

who’s made it clear that he won’t accept the results of the Presidential election unless he wins is Donald Trump.

Furthermore, he refused today to commit to a peaceful transition of power... something that is at the heart of our Constitution.

And you have the gall to talk about a Constitutional Crisis??

"When George W Bush took office in 2001, some of his first judicial nominations included resubmissions of Clinton nominations that had never come to a vote, hoping to end the tit for tat that spiked nominations in 92 and 00. This olive branch was ignored."
Liberals are liars.  There is no point in play "fair" with them.  Power is all they care about.

"Democrats, as the WSJ notes, filibustered several qualified nominees. Others, like Shalom Stone, never got a vote. In *2007*, nearly two years before the end of his term, Schumer preemptively promised that Bush would never get another SCOTUS confirmation even if a vacancy."

Steve_Trevor24 reads

Could it be, first of all, because your post is inaccurate?  Schumer didn’t say Bush would NEVER get another SCOTUS confirmation (which btw would only happen in case of a vacancy).  Also, the context of why Schumer said what he did about future confirmations is important.  For example:

“Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter, the Judiciary Committee’s ranking Republican, said he was persuaded by a conversation with Justice Stephen G. Breyer, who spoke with Specter at the Aspen Institute gathering in Colorado this month, to study the decisions of the Roberts Court. The term that ended in June was notable for several rulings that reversed or chipped away at several long-standing decisions, delighting conservatives but enraging liberals.

Breyer has publicly raised concerns that conservative justices were violating stare decisis, the legal doctrine that, for the sake of stability, courts should generally leave precedents undisturbed.

‘It is not often in the law that so few have so quickly changed so much,’ Breyer said, reading his dissent from the bench in June to a 5-4 ruling that overturned school desegregation policies in two cities.”

Virtually all his selections have been corrupt and are in jail now.

Neither one of them have rocked the boat at all so far.  

I can only imagine what kind of left wing loon the radical left would force Dementia Joe to nominate, it should be clear to all but the dumbest or blindest of you that Biden isn't running shit, nor would he actually be running anything in the horrific event that he were elected POTUS.

But I suppose we are going to have to only "imagine" what kind of loon Biden would nominate because he won't name a single candidate that is on his "list" of potential Supreme Court Justice nominees.

-- Modified on 9/22/2020 12:56:41 PM

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