Politics and Religion

Of course you try to distract attention...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 606 reads

...away from your posts in this thread so people won't see how stupid you are.  Let's recap:

You know nothing about Israel, you don't know what "Semitic" means and you engage in ad hominem attacks while accusing others of doing the very same thing.  Is that about right?  Idjit!

...until 20 years ago, the European Jews and native-born Israelis lived in a de facto segregated state.  Many people believed that had they not had the Arabs as a common enemy, they would have been at each other's throats.

If Israelis can't get along with each other, there's no way they'll ever get along with Arabs.  They treat Arabs as we treated blacks 100 years ago.

Michael Kinsley said: "A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth."

Timbow850 reads

''Any statement comparing Israel to apartheid  is nonsensical and ridiculous.”

...from the groups with the money - AIPAC or Karl Rove's American Crossroads.

Cataclysm538 reads

I have two friends from Eritrea and can tell you Israel treats them with kid gloves by comparison . They always say most Americans just don't get it when dealing with Muslims . You are one of the people they are talking about.

DS:It's the world! You go to Israel,the blacksare just treated like dogs.

V:So do you have to treat them like that too?

DS:The white Jews,there's white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?

V:And are the black Jews less than the white Jews?

DS:A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent.

V:And isthat right?

DS:It isn't a question—we don't evaluate what's right and wrong, we live in a society.We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture.

V:But shouldn't we take a stand for what'swrong?And be the change and the difference?

DS:I don't want to change the culture,because I can't. It's too big and too [unknown].

V:But you can change yourself.

DS:I don't want to change.If my girlcan't do what I want, I don't want the girl.I'll find a girl that willdo what I want! Believe me.I thought you were that girl—because I tried to do what you want.But you're not that girl

Cataclysm785 reads

They sure as hell don't go in illegally like people from Mexico do here . Maybe you think Israel treats them like dogs because they make them enter legally

The indictment reads that Tzerki, who faces an attempted murder charge, told police who arrested him that he stabbed the baby “because I hate them, they’re black and they make a real mess.”

He also told them “I attacked black terrorists, she’s a black baby,” and that he was trying to stop “black terror,” according to the indictment.

When he was asked what he was trying to accomplish, the indictment says he told police he “wanted to kill her, I didn’t try to kill her, I was certain that I did it. The daughter of a whore died? The baby is dead? I’m sure she’ll die.”

He added that he committed the crime as “a sword of vengeance for the whites against the terror against white people.”

The 1.5-year-old Eritrean was badly wounded in the attack, with the scissors piercing deep into her skull and causing internal bleeding.

When Tzerki saw the mother walking with her brother and the baby, he came up from behind them unnoticed and stabbed the baby in the head with the scissors, with intent to murder her, alleged the indictment.

Pimpathy712 reads

DS: It's the world! You go to Israel,the blacksare just treated like dogs.  


Observations are not racist.


4. the facts learned from observing

"I wanna know why you think you can coach these n*ggers."
-To potential coach Rollie Massimino, 1983

"That's because of all the blacks in this building, they smell, they're not clean."
-To a property supervisor, 2002, sworn testimony.

"I don't like Mexican men because they smoke, drink and just hang around the house."

"I don't have to spend any more money on them, they will take whatever conditions I give them and still pay the rent."
- On Koreans, sworn testimony.

Cataclysm799 reads

and you also don't know shit about Benghazi .  

The email has now been made public asshole .

GaGambler735 reads

I still think that Kerry has shot himself in the foot politically, and of course I never cared for him in the first place, but I can't argue with a single thing you have said in this post, OR the one below this. Go Figure.

Thank you for proving that it is possible to be anti Israel without being anti semitic.

JackDunphy971 reads

That's the kind of bullshit that drips off of Farrakhan, Abu Abbas, Rev Wrong and the Iranian nut jobs mouths.  

And you agree its "phony Republican outrage"? Since when did the ADL, Barbara Boxer, Mark Begych, etc become "Republican?"

JackDunphy663 reads

Your hero Obama has been there. Does even his leftist ass call it apartheid????

...what the GOP thumpers tell you because the only reason they give a fuck about Israel is because they NEED there to be an Israel to be a major piece in their jigsaw puzzle of Bible prophecy.  Without Israel there can be no Second Coming and that's all Republicans are interested in.  

Republicans care about the LAND of Israel, not the PEOPLE of Israel who are all going to die in their view because they don't believe in Jesus.

Talk to me when you've been from Rosh Hanikra to Taba and all points in between and actually talked to Israelis and Arabs.  Until then you are just another uninformed moron relying on the GOP to brainwash you.

JackDunphy794 reads

Do you even read your posts or do you just dive for the send button? Sheez your dumb.  

And here I thought that we cared about Israel b/c they are an ally in a fkin place where radical Islamic fascists are all around them and want them dead. My bad I guess.

And how many Jews and Arabs did you talk too? 5? 25? I am going to guess it's like .000000001% of the populaton or did I exaggerate to the high side? LOL.

Only you would extrapolate ANYTHING based on your miniscule sample size.  

You expose your ignorance here every time you post. You never answer any questions when people pose center/left leaning organizations as proof to back up their arguments.  

You run away like the little Obamaphile you are, thrilled with his economy, happy he spies on the press and the citizens, pleased he hasn't closed Gitmo, and who hasn't made a single perp walk for the banking or "torture" scandals.  

But kids stay on their parents policies till their 26, so it isn't all bad I guess. They just have to see a new doctor. LOL

You and WW rely on name calling when you get housed in arguments, which is quite often and the sign of the truly desperate and frustrated.

I await your next ad hominem with great eagerness.

In the meantime tell Farrakhan I said hi. If you can remove your lips from his ass long enough.

...away from your posts in this thread so people won't see how stupid you are.  Let's recap:

You know nothing about Israel, you don't know what "Semitic" means and you engage in ad hominem attacks while accusing others of doing the very same thing.  Is that about right?  Idjit!

JackDunphy678 reads

...who had to be told that the Voter ID law was found constitutional by the SC, who thinks Barbara Boxer is a Republican (ROFLMAO) and who has interviewed every Jew & Arab in Israel! LOL

If you weren't a race baitor and devoid of any facts whatsoever when you argue, you wouldn't have any personality at all! :D

GaGambler818 reads

Having a personality that is. The rest of it? well yeah that kind of sums him up. lol

but I will agree with him that Israel is essentially an apartheid state. I don't see us ever cutting ties, or even backing away in the slightest from them because of it. but lets call it like it is. Any other nation would be facing severe sanctions from us if they acted in the same fashion to their own citizens.

EnrolledAgent756 reads

Rabin was assassinated in 1995. Then they blew their chances making any kind of deal with the Palestinians after that. Birthrates favor the Palestinians and Israeli Jews will eventually become a minority. Their only route will be the South African model for good or ill.  

Except that I doubt the Palestinians have a Nelson Mandela.

-- Modified on 4/30/2014 7:10:42 PM

JackDunphy718 reads

Kinsley is a Lib and really destroys the Israel apartheid argument in these 3 para:

But in other ways, the implied comparison is backward. To start with, no one has yet thought to accuse Israel of creating a phony country in finally acquiescing to the creation of a Palestinian state. Palestine is no Bantustan. Or if it is, it is the creation of Arabs, not Jews. Furthermore, Israel has always had Arab citizens. They are a bit on display, like black conservatives at a Republican convention. No doubt they suffer discrimination. Nevertheless, they are citizens with the right to vote and so on.

There used to be Jews living in Arab nations, but they also fled, in 1948 and subsequent years -- in numbers roughly equivalent to the Arabs who fled Israel. Now there are virtually no Jews in Arab countries -- even in a moderate Arab country such as Jordan. How many Jews do you think there will be in the new state of Palestine when its flag flies over a sovereign nation?

And the most tragic difference: Apartheid ended peacefully. This is largely thanks to Nelson Mandela, who turned out to be miraculously forgiving. If Israel is white South Africa and the Palestinians are supposed to be the blacks, where is their Mandela

No one would ever dare cite Wikipedia in an academic setting, but then again, TER is HARDLY what anyone would call an academic setting! LMAO. Your lack of knowledge on this subject is breath-taking in lieu of the fact that you have apparently designated yourself the resident expert on the subject. Even the author of the article you cited acknowledges the similarities between the Bantustans in Apartheid South Africa and today's Palestine... though he blaims this state of affairs on the Palestine, themselves. Kindly at least SKIM the points laid out in the link bellow before you comment further on this subject. Thanks.

JackDunphy831 reads

is a LONG way away from calling it an apartheid state. The author refutes the assertion and does so with fact and logic.

I guess the U.N.'s "lack of knowledge on this topic is breath taking" as well or did they list Israel as apartheid state and I just missed it? Is there an embargo on Israel I am unaware on? Sanctions?
Racism is alive and well in the U.S. Are we an apartheid state too? Its laughable. This whole issue comes from the far left. Centrists and Conservatives overwhelmingly agree on this point and the American people overwhelmingly support the Israeli state. So the American people are pro-apartheid??? Is that what you are telling me?

You are entitled to your opinions, not matter how far in the minority you are. Now how about some facts next time and come back with a clue. And stay away from Wiki-idiocy. Just makes your argument look even more ridic.

...He can't face reality so he has to rely on booze as a crutch and to give him liquid courage.

Water is wet. Fire burns. Farts stink. You know why you can't make this shit up? Because it's true.  

Why is it that it's easier to criticize Israel in Israel than it is in the USA? I'll tell you why. Because for the last 50 years conservatives have had to keep their mouths shut in shamed silence whenever anyone talks about racism. Conservatives know no humility at all, until it comes to race.  

Are they ashamed about Dubya? Or the record number of convictions from the Reagan administration? Fuck no, they worship that fucker. Are they even ashamed of Nixon? Not a bit. Of Sarah Palin? Hell no. I've even seen some conservative talking head trying to rewrite history when it came to Joe McCarthy.  

But the one thing that shuts them up, that puts them in their place, is race. Last week, conservatives couldn't lick a certain rancher's ass enough. But as soon as that welfare queen of a rancher starts spewing racist shit, conservatives bail.  

Conservatives have had to face their white guilt for the last 50 years, and they don't like it. They don't like that they can't say shit about anything going on in the black community without being called a racist. That bothers them.  

So what do they do? They try to find their own group that can act as their martyrs. So let's see here. What group could conservatives defend that have been historically been victims of a horrible crimes, while bolstering conservative philosophies?  

Enter the fucking Jews. You can't say anything about the Jews, or you're an anti-Semite. You can't criticize Israel, you're an anti-Semite. And what conservative wouldn't want to promote the notion of religious persecution to excuse away their own right wing Christian lunatics?  

Conservatives get all bent out of shape for the same reason why Liberals get all bend out of shape whenever some rich old cracker says something fucked up about black people.  

Well, Willyfuckingwonka doesn't censor himself. I will be the first to say that not everything that's happened to blacks is the fault of whites. Most of it is, but not all. The black community would do good to do a little naval gazing from time to time. And I will also be the first to say that I could give two shits about the Arabs or the Jews. Fuck them, I hope they kill each other off. The world would be a better place with fewer religious lunatics in this world.  

So I call 'em like I see 'em. I call a spade a spade. And Israel is an apartheid state. Israel is a terrorist state. And if Germany behaved like Israel does today, then the USA would bomb the shit out of them.  

Fuck those apartheid fucks.  

-- Modified on 4/29/2014 7:01:13 AM

JackDunphy735 reads

Kerry backtracked already. So Tooters and Kerry no longer agree. ;)

He may have backed off the word, but not the nature of said conditions.

JackDunphy649 reads

He now denies even saying it. So if it is true that Israel is an apartheid state why is the Obama admin making him walk back his comments?  

It's b/c they KNOW it's not true. ;)

"'that Israel is an apartheid state"? He says: "“A two-state solution will be clearly underscored as the only real alternative. Because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second-class citizens — or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state,' Kerry said Friday in remarks originally reported by the Daily Beast."  No where does he say the Israel is an apartheid state.

P.S. I noticed you didn't answer my question from the post immediately below.  ;)

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