Politics and Religion

Obama pays women less than men and it didnt hurt him...e
JackDunphy 674 reads


86H13LTP2882 reads

Hey it's no different than the shit her and O'clown are running in Georgia right now .  

The good ole boy down the road said he even shot  her in the eye once and she giggled .

86H13LTP792 reads

Last I looked he's the governor not the mayor of Atlanta. The city had the equipment and that worthless Mayor didnt deploy didn't stage it . Instead wasting money fucking in Savanah over the port ( The governor's job ) he should have been in St Paul or Buffalo learning how to prep for a coming snow storm .

But if you want to change the subject, my biggest disappointment was to learn that when he turned down the billions in federal funds to expand Medicaid, that we had to pay the taxes anyway and it just went to other states.  I believe tax dollars should benefit those in need, not the greedy.  And Nathan Deal is a greedy old ugly man that only cares about himself.  

It's immoral for the greedy to steal from the poor, and the whole while making them ashamed they can't make enough to buy healthcare and have an extra grand sitting in the account monthly.  And try getting an elderly relative help with Medicaid paying the difference for someone that worked his ass off until retirement?  and he paid taxes but can't get help.  Fuck Nathan Deal and his whole ilk that love him and rubbing noses with the wealthy

salonpas804 reads

......Senate seat. One can only imagine the earthquake it would cause in Republican Party circles if this were to occur.

it's not helping Perdue that he outsourced jobs and GA is #1 in unemployment for the WHOLE nation.  It has become clear to me that these greedy motherfucker Repubs are out for themselves and live in gated communities, behind more gates.  And fuck the rest of us struggling!  Gee thanks for giving me a gun to protect myself.

This is coming from somebody like me, that is about 60% liberal, with a strong sense of personal responsbility and individual freedom, business owner.  Our conservative choices suck ass and I am voting Ga blue for the average person.

CltLuvr942 reads

that's due to having a majority of uneducated and unskilled workers in the state.  It's not the result of any political party.  

Have skilled and professional workers lost jobs, sure, but that's happened throughout the country. Industry in almost all states have outsourced jobs to China, India, Mexico, Malaysia, etc.  Ask yourself why GA is the highest

salonpas551 reads

...........If Georgia had a Democrat Governor you would be screaming from your tree-top mansion that he was responsible for the high unemployment.

.......in 2016. Just kidding, in case you are inclined to believe it. I really think you're dumber than a bag of rocks. JD here's another one I'm happy to see on your side of the aisle.

The Democrats would raise energy costs so high. Their constituents wouldn't be able to afford gas for those cars, or heat for those homes.

A Democrat is the POTUS and the energy cost is the lowest it has been and projected to go even lower for long time.

Under Democrat POTUS, US became energy independent and poised to produce more oil than Saudi Arabia for very long term.

What did Republicans do? Subsidize big oil companies for charging higher prices at the pump.

Faux news does fry your brain.

-- Modified on 10/29/2014 8:27:38 AM

My comment was based on what HONDA said.

Hillary was going to give out cars and homes, obviously I believe has was joking. Had the comment been true there would need to be some financial gain from the give away.

Why do you think energy prices are so low? Two reasons. Greater supply, mainly from the US and decreased economic activity. This has been the worst economic recovery since the great depression. Is THAT 'Bush's' fault?  

Posted By: anonymousfun
A Democrat is the POTUS and the energy cost is the lowest it has been and projected to go even lower for long time.  
 Under Democrat POTUS, US became energy independent and poised to produce more oil than Saudi Arabia for very long term.  
 What did Republicans do? Subsidize big oil companies for charging higher prices at the pump.  
 Faux news does fry your brain.

-- Modified on 10/29/2014 8:27:38 AM

GaGambler661 reads

Just like it is perfectly ok to attack conservative women, but attack a BSC woman who happens to be a Dem and you get accused of launching an "attack on women"

You've got to hand it to the lefties, they seem to have it all figured out.

JackDunphy545 reads

Or as the NY Times often refers to him as a "white African American." :D

it would "hurt" him, just not "help" him. Perhaps it'll be a wash!   ;)

And, ya, Obama definitely got egg on his face on that one.

-- Modified on 10/29/2014 11:46:36 AM

JackDunphy676 reads

Moderate Matt is back! Yay! lol

Ask any woman who works in an unregulated business if she makes less than men.

What are unregulated businesses?  

The selling produce at the street corner? He doesn’t have employees.

bigguy30926 reads

Just take a look at what the repubscum are offering as a candidate in Georgia senate race.

So this asshole is actually proud of shipping jobs overseas?  

This is why voter suppression is the only way, they will win and post stories like 86H13LTP just posted.  

I know which one story is worst, repubscum say country first?  

We all know it's power, money and then country!

86H13LTP915 reads

But like all truths you left clowns hide from them . In the race for Govenor they're saying deal wiped out opportunity for 80k when the facts are they have had to rework hope several times because of all the money being wasted sending cotton pickers to college . They fuck around LIKE ALWAYS and can't keep the GPA needed to stay in the program . Then they  blame. it on old man KKK

Enough is Enough Fuck PC

bigguy30847 reads

This is how they act, with name calling and no truth to back up anything.
So sorry 86whatever, I am only into woman and the ones I fuck are very satisfied.
It must be hard on repubscum always talking with no facts, message or truth.
Thanks for the laughs and get some help.
You are losing it on here, with all your lying. Lol

86H13LTP550 reads

have done to this country maybe.  

You idiots even stomp your feet in rage because VS runs an ad saying the perfect body . You get mad because they put down an Ebola dog , you cry because they won't let a person vote using a wrinkled up speeding ticket from 1979 as an ID

Do you even know how the Hope or Peach Care works?  

What Jason Carter is saying is the truth on every point. Prove if it is not. Don’t want your fucking opinions, facts.  

Deal creating more jobs in GA is fucking lie. GA has nations highest unemployment rate. Only Repubscum governors will turn back funding from ACA while the unemployment rate is high.

86H13LTP672 reads

Her ads.  

Perdue done give me job to a Chinamen cry cry cry . No old fat lady your greed did

86H13LTP701 reads

You need a photo ID to do almost anything in this country - even half the hookers want to see one-
But you idiots keep beating the drum because you can't bus them around to eight polling stations

Posted By: 86H13LTP
You need a photo ID to do almost anything in this country - even half the hookers want to see one-  
 But you idiots keep beating the drum because you can't bus them around to eight polling stations .  

Sellout is. When have power and money then, they sell out the country for money to China

86H13LTP574 reads

Like they are in Chicago and the State of Maryland since this race is becoming so important

Then, Repubscums can cry about another non-existent whatever Fox creates.

GA SOS is Repubscum so, how is it possible. Are you saying Repubscum is defeating themselves. Incredible shit head logic.

Another proof Low Mass of Intelligence of BSC Repubscums.

86H13LTP972 reads

Get their test answers changed by their teachers ( see all the teachers going to pokey in the largest case of grade fraud ever )

Their answers get changed to keep their average high enough to get Hope.  

They go to college on Hope but UGA , GS , Kenn St actually all Georgia colleges except for Morris Brown and Spelman won't change their grades to keep the B GPA so they lose Hope.  

They then go back home and live off Peach Care the rest of their life .  

Jimmy Carter may or may not give them a free home so they can move and complain because they don't like the color of the tiles in the bathroom

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