Politics and Religion

No hookers for you!
anon1112245 2840 reads

State Dept Warns on Prostitute Use

Monday, June 16, 2008 3:53 PM

By: Jim Meyers  Article Font Size  

The U.S. State Department has issued its annual report on human trafficking, analyzing 170 countries’ efforts to fight trafficking for prostitution, forced labor and other purposes.

But Newsmax has learned that the Department has also issued a directive to its own employees warning them not to contribute to the problem by enlisting the services of a prostitute.

The notice sent to employees states:

“Combating human trafficking has become a central component of U.S. government foreign policy over the last several years…

“The United States is committed to eradicating human trafficking, which includes the exploitation of persons in prostitution through threat, force, fraud, or coercion…

“People who buy sex acts fuel the demand for sex trafficking. This cable serves as a reminder to all employees and contractors under Chief of Mission (CoM) Authority that irrespective of whether prostitution is legal in the host country, employees

should not in any way abet sex trafficking or solicit people in prostitution. DOS [Department of State] employees who engage in this conduct are subject to discipline.

“Penalties range from admonishment, reprimand, suspension to separation from Federal service, depending on the circumstances.

“Involvement with the commercial sex industry is unacceptable in light of the diplomatic and foreign policy goals of the United

States and the conduct that is expected of Department employees.”

The State Department’s “Trafficking in Persons Report” includes allies Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia on the list of nations that traffic in people. Others include North Korea, Sudan, Algeria, Iran, Myanmar, and Cuba.

© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved

Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia traffic in peeps...  humm.... and we have assisted them?  hummmm what a shock.

“Involvement with the commercial sex industry is unacceptable in light of the diplomatic and foreign policy goals of the United States and the conduct that is expected of Department employees.”

Does this include porn?  and which countries do not criminalize sex trade... ?  all allies?  England, most of Europe?    hummm..... we are the odd man out.  I guess.

Devils-advocate1382 reads

And talk about penalties!   Celibacy holds no terror next to admonishment!  Please don't admonish me.

Shit, a person should PAY to be separated from that mob of bureaucratic twits.

What I want to see is some concern for the human rights of men.  The way I see it, every man is born with a congenital disability, called a dick, and it is incumbent on the community to salvage our self-esteem by making sure that we get serviced weekly by acceptable babes.  This is clearly an ADA issue, as well as a public policy matter.  It is well known that countries with ugly and uptight women are the ones that cause all the trouble in the world.

seems to me that the recent flood of beautiful sexy and willing women from russia and the rest of the former eastern block would run a bit counter to that argument.... but then again.... who knows....

Devils-advocate1451 reads

when the Russians dressed their women in potato sacks, they went around causing trouble.  Get them some French knockoffs, and they become a force for sex, I mean good!

It also 'irks' me as it does many of you that our media and political powers "jumble up" the ideas of woman making empowered choices with their bodies and the notion of women who are forced into this trade. Their is such a huge divide between woman who can do anything for their livlihood and who choose to come into this industry and those who are bought and sold and who cannot control what happens to them as they are true victms of crimes. I really wish that we could get some "pro-prostitution" type politicians into public office and then could really start educating the community about the inherent differences between "sex work" and "sex trafficking" which goes on in our country!
--Sitara Devi

Amanditas_Agent1134 reads

confessional book and pimping it on Oprah's show.  Then you can afford all the hobbying you want!

But be sure to divorce the missus 1st!

Devils-advocate1948 reads

Seriously, what we need are more "sex-positive feminists", and perhaps fewer determinists, ie those people (and I use the term loosely when applied to these academics) who believe that one's fate is determined by economics, biology, emotions, whatever.

Then we need more men to act like women, at least as far as staying miles the fuck away from unpleasant people.   Way too many of my buddies think that fighting (with each other, their SO or some obnoxious civil servant who is usually somebody's fat maiden aunt) is their fate, when they could just say, "FUCK THIS SHIT" and walk away.  

years before I actually did.  would have saved both the ex-Mrs... and me lots of grief...

Devils-advocate1370 reads

how the TER agenda could be popularized, or politically presented.

And the answer is, (1) women need to be the "sex-positive feminist", ie take responsibility for their own sexuality.

And (2) men need to walk away, and stay away from unpleasant women, their agents and political policies.   We don't have to pay for unpleasantness, and that can be taken as the reverse of (1) above ie, stop thinking with the little head, that we have to protect & defend every crazy bitch out there in hopes of getting laid sometime.

Since my ex, I have adopted a two-strike policy:  she gets ONE (1) free swing.  The 2nd swing & a miss, she's OUT, and I'm on to something else.  No drama or comment, I'm just gone.   It works great.

You can quote Paul Simon that a good whack job is better than a bad lay:  
"If you took all the girls I knew when I was single
And brought them all together for one night
I know they'd never match my sweet imagination
Everything looks worse in black and white"

Devils-advocate1452 reads

it was a slow color positive film that exaggerated color saturation - faster films tended to produce more subtle colors.  Hence the association with exaggerated fantasy.

Digital cameras still have their problems, notably speed.  The big advantage seems to be getting it to market is a fraction of the cost.  Chemical films are still IMHO better, just incredibly more costly, ie way beyond diminishing returns.

But Paul Simon's idea is that fantasy trumps reality every time.  And that's the reality of it.

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