Politics and Religion

We must bomb Iran before Barry gets in office!!!!!!
GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 2480 reads

Iran is making the WRONG  choices.  We must stop them.   They continue to train Iraq shittie militia to plant bombs and such.  They continue to import the bombs and other weapons that are killing US  soldiers.  We must teach them a lesson (before dumb-shit Barry is president) that they cannot mess with the USA.

We must have a massive bombing of the Iranian training camps and a massive bombing of the Iranian nuke facilities.  

That's the only way we can teach them a lesson and save the world.  CAUSE THEY'RE GONNA HAVE THE BOMB AND USE IT AGAINST ISRAEL IN 2009 IF WE DON'T!!!!!

So, let me reiterate that we must bomb Iran ASAP.

Dickless_Cheney2979 reads

I agree, wWe need to nuke Iran before they get the bomb!! Besides, we need the oil!!! ;)

I'll make sure the Puppet Bush get's it in his little pea brain that we need to move NOW! I am sure he will make some bullshit pretense up (oil!)and will once again lie to the American people as to why we need to go to war (oil!).  Besides, all my buddies at Halliburton need some decent bonuses this year!

Damn,...isn't this is much better than that movie "Dr. Strangelove"!!

Bushit-eater1957 reads

Nukem till they glow!

Hey!  I just thought!  How cum we can't finish the wars we've started?  Is it the Democraps fault?  Must be, I guess.

Khomeinis_Ghost1961 reads

The USA continues to make the wrong choices.  They continue to occupy Irag in pursuit of their Crusader/Zionist war against Islam.We must teach them a lesson while Bush is in office, that they cannot threaten and mess with Iran, and that they cannot try to reorganize politically the Middle East, on behalf of their corrupt, warlike, rotten client states.

By 2009, it may be too late.  The Great Satan may have a less insane, less ideologically corrupt, less head-up-it's-ass president. And we will have less pretext and justification to act!  Carpe Diem!!!

So, let me reiterate, with Allah's blessing and guidance, praise be upon his name, we must strike at the USA and Israel before the next US presidential inaguration.

EnglishProf2283 reads

relates to "president".  

Therefore, either (a) the president has no gender, or (b) the proper phrase is "less head-up-his-ass" - taking notice of the common assumption of this president's gender.

Indeed, how could a woman be that stupid?  Crazy, maybe, but STUPID?

Sen_Craig1257 reads

If so, then I am all over it!!!! ;)

The massive bombing would not involve nukes.  It would be bombs from the B2's, B52's and cruze missiles and such.

Another reason why we have to do it is because they (the Iranian mullahs and Amadijidan) can't be reasoned with.  They're a bunch of crazies.  They are certified nuts.  (Personally, I think it's from their stupid so called muslim religion).

And the military targets would result in not so many civilian deaths.  Hopefully, lots of Iraqi terrorist recruits would get it along with the instructors.

Unfortunately, some innocent scientists would get whacked.

WillieTheBarTender1487 reads

Did you notice strategic bombing forcing the Japanese or Germans to do shit?   We torched Tokyo, killing more people than the nukes did, and they just kept on truckin'.

And that is because you have no concept of combined arms.  You want to secure an objective, not just piss people off, the ordnance needs to land about 200 m in front of advancing troops, and the troops need to keep advancing until they destroy all the enemy's military forces.   Of course that depends on FINDING them 1st.

And the troops don't hang around picking their noses in the kill zone while their retarded leaders try to make up their mind WTF they want them to do.   For my money, the pay of every dead man should be deducted from the pay of the elected & appointed executive department, starting at the top.

Killing people is not a joke, or for your entertainment.  You do it only when you have to, and when you have to, you get it over with and don't prolong it.

We have to destroy their facilities that make nukes and the training camps and such.

Lyndon Johnson lost Vietnam.  After the Tet Offensive, we should have smashed North Vietnam and we would have won but what's done is done.

CaptainKhaos1850 reads

Let's have Iran and Israel blow the hell out of each other.  Maybe we'll get lucky and Israel will hit a couple of other Arab countries in the process.

Use those nukes to glass over the desert.

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