Politics and Religion

It was over hyped by the trump campaign
Hpygolky 206 Reviews 10 reads

And by some here...:cough cough: Some here shot their load when it hit 300,000 and then they lost their minds when it hit 1mil...we all know who it was...lol.
But it wasn't the Covid pandemic, they didn't even wear mask so you know they don't believe it's real. So that's wasn't it.
It wasn't those scrawny punk ass pencil neck geeks protesters who scared them away. If it was then I have the crazed gun toting trump supporters all wrong. They had me fooled. If trump supporter were that intimated then it shows that they're all talk. But I don't think that was it.
I think this pretty much says it all by Lori S.
"People are just over it. They're over his mouth, they're over his everything about him and his whole bit, that they're ready for any kind of change."

Once-Is-Not-Enough481 reads

So why was Trump's rally in Tulsa, so poorly attended and what WAS the correct number of attendees?

Could there have only been 6.200 in attendance?

While Trump and his supporters blame the media or protestors for the poor showing, we all know those are just two of his many lies.

But what do YOU think?  Could the online presence of K-Pop and TikTok users have truly fooled the Trump campaign into believing 1 million truly wanted to attend?

Not K-Pop/TikTokers either. All they might have done is trick Trump's campaign staff into touting the high number of tickets reserved so they looked like dupes when the attendance was so sparse. Parscale even denied that was the case.
So IMO, it was only the fact that COVID is getting worse in OK and the surrounding Red States now and people didn't want to take the chance.
Now let's see if the event proves to be a super-spreader despite the tiny crowd.

-- Modified on 6/22/2020 11:07:04 AM

but I predict this will be an election where the polls are nearly meaningless.

The question the pollsters should be asking is not who you plan to vote for but will you actually come to vote.  

         Every where I have voted in my life you have to stand in line for at least an hour and the voting machines are jammed together.  Surely they will make some changes but I suspect we will see the lowest vote cast totals in this century.

          For me, seeing the miniscule turnout was a huge relief. If indeed a million voters had wanted to come to that rally where there were no meaningful safeguards at all, that would indicate that Trump’s support is so deep and passionate that they will turn out on Nov 3. Biden’s a nice guy but the best thing you can say for him is he is not Trump. His turn out will be low bc of the pandemic.

        So whether the reason for the low turn out at the rally was Trump really does not have the level of support he thinks he has , or he does but his voters are not willing to risk infection, either way it is a very good thing for November 3.

is that minorities are fighting for their life and future; rednecks are fighting for hate! In the final analysis in face of any adversity rednecks will stay home but minorities will show up in troves!!! More proverbial nooses are hung more minorities will show up!
Just check what happened in recent primary in Georgia!!  

In a twisted way, if Trumpanzees are any smart they should fake kindness and care for the minorities to assuage fear and trepidation.

So that SHOULD address your point, but nonetheless, it is interesting from a slightly different perspective.  

Just because someone claims to be a "LV" i.e. a "likely voter" now, does that carry with it the same clout as in in past elections without the cloud of COVID hanging over it? What will the COVID sitch be in there county/town on election day? All unknowns.

I wouldn't tie Tulsa turnout with election day turnout however. The Trump peeps knew  Saturday meant nothing in the big picture. The first Tuesday is November means everything, and OK is never in play anyway, which would give them even less reason to risk their health by showing up.

The venue was hardly filled to capacity, but it also was not 2/3rd empty, It was more like 2/3 thirds full which would put the number closer to 12,000 than 6,000, still a disappointing number by Trumps standards, but many thousands more than Joe Biden would have been able to draw.

I think the disappointing attendance was a combination of ALL the factors, the press hammering against it for a full week most likely was one of the biggest reasons, followed by fear of ANTIFA and BLM violence, the Tiktokers little prank, fear of COVID, all of these were factors.  

Yes, it was disappointing from the Trump perspective, but the election isn't held in June. This is like trying to call the Belmont stakes at the first quarter pole. Yes, you want to be in decent position, but peaking too early is a good way to lose the race as well. If Trump only draws 12,000 in October, THAT would be time to worry.

Posted By: GaGambler
The venue was hardly filled to capacity, but it also was not 2/3rd empty, It was more like 2/3 thirds full which would put the number closer to 12,000 than 6,000, still a disappointing number by Trumps standards, but many thousands more than Joe Biden would have been able to draw.
The official count by the Tulsa Fire Dept was around 7,000. Because entry was tightly controlled with ticket scanning, they have that official count, also, which I think was reported to be around 7,000 ticketed attendees.

but I did watch a lot of it on TV, and the arena was more than a third of the way full, lot of empty seats yes, but not 2/3 thirds empty. I lived in the Tampa Bay area when the Bucs were only winning 2 games a year, I know what an empty stadium looks like. lol

I don't know if it were 10,000 or 12,000 like Tim Murtaugh claims, but I will believe my own eyes over the fire department and I saw an arena at least half full.  

It's not really worth quibbling over though, I fully stipulate that no matter what the actual number is, the number was disappointing to the Trump camp.

The official count from TFD was 6,2000.  I will rely on them and certainly not a limited view from selective and friendly camera angles or the total bullshit machine the Trump campaign is.

Righties fall all over themselves praising firefighters and police.  But Trump (through Murtaugh) throws them under the bus the first chance he gets.

An important part of the firefighter's job is assessing crowd size for safety reason, maximum capacity of venues, etc.  I, as a lefty lover of our heroic first responders, will take the word of our heroes who were there IN PERSON, rather than a "Trump über alles" supporter who has had NO training in estimating crowd size and who watched the event ON TELEVISION and trusts Trump flaks rather than our heroes who put their precious lives on the line every day.

Which only ran tight shots, not crowd shots. So if you watched on Fox you might have thought the place was full.
Fox Lies.

You HATE cops, but you LOVE firefighters. I am so glad we have that cleared up, so I am sure if someone breaks into your home and robs you, your first call will be to the fire department, right?

I am not! GaG is a pathetic excuse of ha uman being with no clue about social order, fairness and more importantly the principles on which this country was built.  
His response to any debate is any of the following or a combination there of:
1. Dance around to distract and fake balanced responses  
2. Scratch the other posters like a monkey when people see through his monkey brain shit
3. Bark like a dog to get attention and dramatize the conversation  
4. Escape or blame everyone else like Trump or Rush do for everything every
and don’t forget his tied at the tail monkey partner Cock Devouring Leech ... that one’s ‘no brain’ should be frozen and kept in the museum to show future generations the oddity of how a brainless person could still walk around .... lol!

gets bashed and called a failure for ONLY having 6000+ attendees at a rally in the middle of a pandemic, while Joe is lucky to get a few hundred out when he appears in public.  No matter how you slice it, there's still an enthusiasm gap among respective supporters.

1) Biden hasn't had a rally post COVID because he's not reckless.
2) It's no way of gauging enthusiasm. For example, Biden out-fundraised Trump last month.
How 'bout that????
3) Lots of lefties were out protesting Trump and police violence all across the country, if you want to measure lefty enthusiasm for change. How many of those folks will be voting for Trump.
You are blind as a bat.

campaign speeches and public appearances.  Are you saying that because of the low public turnout, then by definition, they can't be called rallies?  Actually, I would buy that excuse, . . . . . . er I mean . . . . . "explanation."  

when we argue with an idiot.  He has no capacity to see your point.  The best we could hope for is; ending up only mildly frustrated with his stupidity.

A great number of "protesters" were getting paid . . . . . by way of the loot they were stealing under cover of protesting against the police.  When they were interviewing protesters at these events, I heard very little about Trump.  It was all about the Police, so I think your overreach in saying they were "our protesting Trump and police violence" is more Lib wishful thinking.  If you think voters are going to support Liberal change that includes looting, seizing property owned by others, and violence against small businesses, you need to lay off the crack.

I didn't suggest all the protesters supported Biden and you know it. ALL I said was it was a gauge of general "enthusiasm," and that I doubted any would vote for Trump.
You need to get on some Sodium Pentathol.

just above this post.  I rest my case.

Trump NEEDS his crowds to rile them and himself up. He can't communicate by the written word (essays, Op Eds, books ... which are ll written by ghostwriters, anyway) because his base doesn't read. Even Trump finds speeches written for him by staff that he reads from a teleprompter are dull and boring ... and quickly contradicted in his follow up tweets. News conferences and briefings are not effective when there are reporters there to expose his lies or to ask him embarrassing, unanswerable  questions.  
The big, friendly arenas with single-minded supporters are Trump's "safe place". He can rock and rant and lie to his base and draw strength from their mindless chants: "Lock her up!" "Build the wall!" He can spew his stupid shit ("That's my African-American!" "The lyin' fake news ... you know who they are." etc.) and get applause, not push-back.
Most other candidates don't have that singular need.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: I think its interesting when Trump . . . .
gets bashed and called a failure for ONLY having 6000+ attendees at a rally in the middle of a pandemic, while Joe is lucky to get a few hundred out when he appears in public.  No matter how you slice it, there's still an enthusiasm gap among respective supporters.

telling photos of Trump I have ever seen, was posted by Nick, yesterday.  Man, did Trump look completely defeated and totally drained!  If he was not such a dirt bag, I would have almost, I said almost, feel sorry for him.  What a dejected, pitiful, human being!

His people and his TER followers can spin it any way they choose to, but that photos tells us all we ever need to know.

Not show up. Imagine they could have breathed the same air as their master. But this rally will not have an impact on the election as Trump is still a dangerous opponent for Biden and if Biden fucks up and loses the moderate voters then it’s four more years. The Tulsa rally has about as much meaning as a preseason football game.

And by some here...:cough cough: Some here shot their load when it hit 300,000 and then they lost their minds when it hit 1mil...we all know who it was...lol.
But it wasn't the Covid pandemic, they didn't even wear mask so you know they don't believe it's real. So that's wasn't it.
It wasn't those scrawny punk ass pencil neck geeks protesters who scared them away. If it was then I have the crazed gun toting trump supporters all wrong. They had me fooled. If trump supporter were that intimated then it shows that they're all talk. But I don't think that was it.
I think this pretty much says it all by Lori S.
"People are just over it. They're over his mouth, they're over his everything about him and his whole bit, that they're ready for any kind of change."

No one wants to hear this tired old bullshit anymore..His clown act has lost it's luster..

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