Politics and Religion

If the DEMs can't find anyone better than Chelsea or Michelle, they will be fucked, again.EOM
followme 4144 reads
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depending how trump does the first term will determine his dem opponent in 2020.  

if 2020 or 2024 I see the possibility of chelsea and michelle running against each other in the primaries and that will be one hell of a lot of fun watching that. I guess all the nice wonderful things that hillwhorie and michelle said about each other this past election will be thrown away.

Cannot wait......chelsea vs michelle ........skank vs skank... the bitch fight of the century

 Should be much like the bitch fight I was hoping for this past primary that never came to be...........hillwhorie vs liz warren, that had the potential of being a good one

followme 438 reads
2 / 24

Speaking of sad  
the only women you are getting are the  ones you meet on line at the soup kitchen.

You're Welcome
In Moochers We Distrust

BTW What makes you think I cannot get it up and why does that  interested you so much/

GaGambler 328 reads
3 / 24

Chelsea has ZERO chance of getting very far in 2020, or hopefully "ever" but could be seasoned enough by 2024. Michelle OTOH could very likely run in 2020 if Trump were to falter and no one of consequence were to rise from the ashes of the Democratic defeat of 2016.  

If Trump is not seriously embattled and looks like he is not "ripe for the taking" Michelle will bide her time and wait until 2024 until she is "drafted against her will" to run for POTUS. I doubt seriously that Michelle will want to "pay her dues" by running for even a post so lowly as a Senate seat, much less run for a seat in Congress. Further complicating things, even if she did want to run for Senate is the inconvenient fact that Mark Kirk the GOP junior Senator, just won reelection and won't be up again until 2022 and the other Senator from Illinois is Durbin who is unlikely to want to "get out of the way" just to give Michelle a stepping stone to the White House.

In short, you might get your "bitch fight, but it won't be for 8 years at a minimum

followme 295 reads
4 / 24

will not want to pay her dues. However
On the outside chance it is felt she should belittle herself and serve in the senate, they will just do what clinton did and fine a very blue state where there is a dem senator retiring and like the clintons  and be a carpetbagger.  

Thank you
LI = 5

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 358 reads
5 / 24

Will be if Trump gets primaried...Let's see after 2 years or so....After all isn't the GOP the party that eats it's own.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 373 reads
6 / 24

fact check..Kirk lost his senate seat..Tammy Duckworth is now our new senator..

Posted By: GaGambler
Chelsea has ZERO chance of getting very far in 2020, or hopefully "ever" but could be seasoned enough by 2024. Michelle OTOH could very likely run in 2020 if Trump were to falter and no one of consequence were to rise from the ashes of the Democratic defeat of 2016.  
 If Trump is not seriously embattled and looks like he is not "ripe for the taking" Michelle will bide her time and wait until 2024 until she is "drafted against her will" to run for POTUS. I doubt seriously that Michelle will want to "pay her dues" by running for even a post so lowly as a Senate seat, much less run for a seat in Congress. Further complicating things, even if she did want to run for Senate is the inconvenient fact that Mark Kirk the GOP junior Senator, just won reelection and won't be up again until 2022 and the other Senator from Illinois is Durbin who is unlikely to want to "get out of the way" just to give Michelle a stepping stone to the White House.  
 In short, you might get your "bitch fight, but it won't be for 8 years at a minimum

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 415 reads
7 / 24

...and are so jealous of him that he can still get it up and isn't limited to "snatching a kiss" from women.  You no doubt spend your waking hours stalking/searching all Laffy's posts ( most likely cataloging them in some form)  and posting links to them and or quoting or paraphrasing him or telling us how many times Laffy has said something  in hopes of insulting him. Only a person who is angry and filled with hatred and vitriol is sick enough and miserable enough to go to all that trouble.

You're welcome


BigPapasan 3 Reviews 431 reads
8 / 24

...Liz Warren is a bitch.  Maybe if you saw a urologist, you wouldn't be such a misogynist.  Don't take it out on women because you have ED.  Sad.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 273 reads
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The only woman who might (of the Dems) is Elizabeth Warren. Wouldn't put money on that, though. Except she might make a bid in the primaries.

GaGambler 336 reads
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With two Dems as US senators from Illinois, it makes it even LESS likely she would run for Senate.

My bad about Kirk/Duckworth. I Googled a link from a few days ago. oops

GaGambler 266 reads
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Michelle OTOH "could" run on her husbands coattails alone, especially since she does so well with the Oprah and The View crowd. but her and Warren are hardly the only women who "might" run in 2020. Don't count out Kamala Harris the Senator Elect from California.

-- Modified on 11/14/2016 2:33:51 PM

JackDunphy 393 reads
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if Chelsea will be out of jail by 2020? Never know where that corrupt Clinton Foundation investigation is heading. rotf

followme 338 reads
13 / 24

affy’s white night, rides in on his ground hog to save the day for laffy.

So inept that you need to stalk me and quote me as you incapable of thinking on your own.

I was going to say you can do better than that but sadly you cannot.  

You’re Welcome
In Brokebackstabber We Distrust................Not that there is anything wrong with that

BTW Will laffy put on a ground hog costume to show his appreciation

followme 370 reads
14 / 24

Has actually, bullied, harassed, and threatened providers.

Again you sure do have an intense interest in my dick. (and you wonder and whine about the nickname brokebackstabber)

How is it you think you know anything about my health?
Just like lostvegan and cheesy you just pretend to be intelligent, you live in the world of make-believe along with several of your lib pals.  

Speaking of those two pretenders and losers, I’ve not seen them post in a while, not that I miss them but I have to wonder, did you stab them in the back? In cheesy’s case that would be the second time.

You’re Welcome
In Obese Pretender We Distrus

JakeFromStateFarm 401 reads
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First of all, she and hubby won't even be living in Chicago for a few years.  What's to stop them from moving to New York?  Hillary did it, and RFK before her.  That said, I don't think she's interested and doubt she'll ever be a candidate for national office.

GaGambler 301 reads
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but I disagree that she doesn't want to be POTUS.  

The problem with the carpet bagger approach is that it shoots her "reluctant hero" bullshit right out of the water, which is her only chance of ever winning.  Hillary was always a politician, and she admittedly worked hard to put herself into position to win the White House,  which makes her loss even sweeter to someone like me with a huge personal dislike of her, She thought she DESERVED the presidency. it was OWED to her ROFLMFAO.

I am sure Michelle "wants" to be POTUS, but she is unlikely to want to get there the traditional way of getting elected to some other office first. I am sure she believes that if Trump can do it, so can she, and she may have a point. As I have conceded, she owns the Oprah crowd, the VIEW crowd and would kill it with both women and minorities. She speaks a hell of a lot better than she did back in her "I am finally proud of my country" days and "could" be a formidable political force.

Luv-Kitty 497 reads
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BigPapasan 3 Reviews 403 reads
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...I pull your strings and you dance.  When I pointed out your homophobia, you were embarrassed and stopped saying "brokebackstabber."

After I pointed out that you stopped saying "brokebackstabber," I told you to start saying it again so everyone can see what a homophobe you are.  And you obeyed me like a good little puppet.  Boy, you really showed me, didn't you!!  You don't care if the world knows you're a homophobe.  You will proudly display it for everyone to see!!


followme 350 reads
20 / 24

ou took the bait again, and all you can do is copy/repeat and or paraphrase my lines and sayings. A sign of true weakness and ineptitude ……pathetic

I definitely hit a nerve, I got to you and am under your skin. I have you so flustered you are beside yourself.
You are nothing and you have nothing.

Since you are such a fragile little sissy boy I’ll allow you the last word in the branch, in fact I order you to reply. Go ahead cry it is OK to let it out.

You’re Welcome
In BrokeBackStabber We Distrus

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 295 reads
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...You always do that when you got nuttin' and you're futilely failing.  You have no comeback so you tell the other guy to have the last word because you have no last word, other that your usual banal, jejune and trite tripe.

JakeFromStateFarm 340 reads
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when you pull out your incredibly tired routine called "you're my puppet and I pull your strings?" Please see above.
What other ancient, overused put-down will you dredge up next?
I can't stand swallowpee either but, for the love of god, get over yourself you huge toolbag.

-- Modified on 11/15/2016 9:16:19 AM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 259 reads
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...grasping at straws to find something.  It's followme who "plays the fiddle, pushes the button and pulls the strings."  I was mocking his unimaginative use of those lines.  But it's nice to see that you and followme are besties now.  Maybe you'll even stop calling him "swallowpee."

You should ask mrfisher what supplements he uses to keep his brain sharp.  Even though you're waaaaay older than fish, there still may be some hope of saving your greatly diminished number of brain cells.

followme 194 reads
24 / 24

The dems are in chaos and disarray. Pelosi might get shit canned as minority leader and the dnc chair got shit canned then the interim chair gets caught giving hillwhorie debate questions in advance.

The dems have problems so yeah michelle and chelsea may just be the best they have

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