Politics and Religion

I can't stand Sanchez, but "Tebow"??? That's a low fucking blow
GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1896 reads

As for Raider Nation membership, even manslaughter is only a qualifying crime, if and only if, it was a plea from a more serious crime. Something like first degree murder of an opposing player or fan. lol

Somebody who brags that he drinks six shots of vodka a day barely qualifies as a Raiderette. I think I drank that much while typing this post.

St. Croix9135 reads

because I'm losing this argument with every woman and liberal I meet. Does everybody know the circumstances around Scott Brown vs Elizabeth Warren? During a Democratic primary debate Warren was asked (sic) about how she paid for her college education, and her response was "well I kept my clothes on". So Scott Brown during a radio interview was asked about Warren's comment, and replied, "Thank God". He didn't say anything else but those 2 words.

Everything fucking thing I read is that Brown has to apologize. She started the trash talking. Kudos for her for coming up w/a clever line during the debate. Kudos for Brown for his trash talking response. Someone punches you in the mouth, you punch them back. So according to women and liberals, Brown is clueless and disrespectful of women.

Why doesn't Warren have to apologize? Why just Brown? Does Brown only have to apologize for his subtle, yet unspoken message, that Warren is "butt" ugly.

So what's the verdict? Only Brown has to apologize, or only Warren has to apologize, both have to apologize, or just let it go?

-- Modified on 10/9/2011 5:26:53 PM

for making Warren so incredibly butt fucking ugly. lol

Hey women wanted equal rights. That's why you have to be very careful what you ask for in life, you might just get it.

BTW did you see the Raiders today? +180 on the money line, I bet you can guess who I bet on today. lol

-- Modified on 10/9/2011 5:35:19 PM

St. Croix2044 reads

You obviously know where I stand on this issue. I've seen nuns that are better looking than Warren. And to make it even worse, that cunt Pelosi is coming to Warren's defense. Ugly backing up ugly (lol).

I only had 2 bets today. Yep, I took the Raiders and the points, no parlay. You just never know what you are going to get with them, but I just had a hunch. Great game. Then I topped if off by just taking the over on the Chargers/Broncos game, again no parlay. What was fucking hilarious was watching Tebow. I actually needed him to score some points. He is just an awful QB. He can't even handle the snap from the center, and his throws are horrific. But it was fun game to watch, and I won.

I had SD and the over. I expect to get fucked every once in a while gambling, it kind of goes along with the territory, but losing on the last play to that sanctimonious fuck would have probably resulted in a broken TV. lol

Speaking of overs, did you see how many high scoring games there were today? Only Oakland, NE, and Minn went under all day. Unfortunately I had both NE and Oakland parlayed with the over, missed on NE by a fucking half point, but I pressed on a second half parlay so I still did well on that game.

The Brewers were my best bet of the day, run line was +145 and the over 7 1/2 was +105 to boot. Nothing like a six run inning to make your day. lol

I planned on loading up on GB against my own Falcons, but I chickened out and didn't plunge. I still love GB, but it isn't looking good so far.

....are wealthy conservatives so clueless that they don't know that thinking the only worth of a woman is how badly you want to stick your dick in her is sexist?

No wonder 81% of the country want to raise your taxes.

-- Modified on 10/10/2011 9:37:28 AM

He certainly has the right to be an asshole in defending himself. She is the one that delivered the first low blow.

If women like her want equal rights, then equal it shall be. She, and you seem to want it both ways. No wonder people like me despise people like you and her. You are fine with dishing it out, but don't seem to take it too well.

Priapus531322 reads

This OP had nothing to do with "feminazi" PC treatment. Croix was pissed at Chris Christie
"fat" jokes & this was just "payback". Also, check out BreakerMorant's whining about "sexist" comments made toward Palin, O'Donnell, etc. MY----HOW PC ! Talking about conservatives that can't "dish it out" ?!-------LOL !

IF Croix wanted to make a joke OP about this, fine, I coulda dug that. BUT, whining about this trivial matter in SO serious a fashion, shows how
"compassionate" some conservatives really are.

And LIBERALS are called overly sensitive ?!----LMAO !

-- Modified on 10/10/2011 11:16:27 AM

She is an ugly fucking cunt who opened the door to this, and If it's ok to call Christie a fat fuck, what's wrong with calling her an ugly cunt? Especially since she is an ugly cunt, both inside and out.

If she didn't want to roll in the mud, she should have kept her big fucking mouth shut, and I can't speak for St Croix, but I never claimed to be fucking compassionate, and yes you libs are overly sensitive, when you are the ones taking it at least. You seem to have NO problems in dishing it out however.

Priapus531974 reads

Again, lemme say if this trivial bullshit was handled as a joke, fine by me--otherwise----

Btw----correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this whole subject broached when a conservative student at a college asked Warren about Brown's
"magazine spread" ? You or others can correct me if I'm wrong.

Again, this whole matter is stupid & both Brown & Warren can go fuck themselves as much as I care.

Btw-----I CAN dish it out----particularly at place below-----LOL !

That shows I have sense of humor about myself when "jabs"are thrown at me------board conservatives should do likewise----:)

You seem to be the one being all PC and sensitive on this thread, I am just calling a cunt a cunt.

My or St C's motivation for calling that nasty cunt a cunt is really beside the point, she is a nasty fucking cunt.

Oh BTW, did I mention I think she's a cunt? lmao

As to who broached the story to begin with, I don't have a clue, nor do I really care. The only thing relevant to the story is that some libs here think it's ok for her to "throw a punch" but not ok for him to punch back. Typical lib behavior, cry foul after provoking an attack. Kind of reminds me of Willy.

Priapus531263 reads

Well-----we share THAT in common----LOL !

My only point was in who started this mess-----as for "preferential treatment" for women, DUDE, you know me better than that ! I hate that PC
"Feminazi" bullshit! If a woman initially insults a man, OF COURSE he has the right to fire back ! If babes don't like that part of equal rights, fuck 'em !!

BTW, as equal opprtunity offender, you've seen me insult providers here, along w/ 90% of rest of board-----LMAO !

St. Croix1268 reads

When this story broke, I actually didn't give a shit. What pissed me off was all the crap from liberals, i.e Pelosi, women's groups, you name it they all came out in defense of poor little ugly Warren. As GaG mentioned in an earlier post, Warren threw the 1st punch, and Brown punched right back. Equal rights for everybody.

Let me echo what GaG has said,  Warren is a big ugly CUNT. I don't like her. I don't like her political views, especially when she was starting the Consumer Protection Agency. But again, that wasn't my motivation.

Christie did not enter my mind when I wrote the thread.

-- Modified on 10/10/2011 12:45:14 PM

Priapus531469 reads

Perhaps at a latter date.

Here's the way I sincerely feel about far right GOP POTUS candidate Michelle Bachmann : Bachmann
is a big ugly CUNT. I don't like her. I don't like her political views-------

At LEAST the "fairness doctrine" applies here----LOL !

Sarah Palin:  Stupid MILF cunt
Hillary Clinton:  Tough, don't-meet-her-in-a-dark-alley cunt
Michelle Bachmann:  Hot-looking batshit crazy cunt
Nancy Pelosi: Not ready for prime time, poster-girl-for-bad-plastic-surgery cunt
Oylmpia Snow: RINO cunt
Barbara Boxer: Old JAP cunt
Nikki Haley:  Priya Rai wanna-be cunt
Elizabeth Warren:  Pain-in-the-ass, know-it-all schoolgirl cunt
Is that "Fair and Balanced" enough for all you cunts out there?
PS:  I'd be happy to come up with an equally balanced dicks list.  Right at the top would be Harry Reid and Eric Cantor.

...physical appearance of male and female public figures.  It's okay to poke fun at Chris Christie but if a similarly built female politician was criticized for her appearance, we'd never hear the end of people coming to her defense.

The difference in Brown and Warren's remarks is that Warren commented on Brown's choice of displaying his wares to make money and Brown inferred Warren was ugly.

chastises you, Brown did not infer Warren was ugly, he implied it.  You inferred that, in his comment, he was talking about her looks.
(sorry, I couldn't help myself)

Priapus532064 reads

FUCK---------"the cunning linguist" will lose his
"lickher license" over this !-----:(

Ok, Ini, let's get back to talking about Planet X---------;)

I only hijack posts made by trolls, StC might be an insensitive asshole, Ok he is definitely an insenstive asshole, but he is by no means a troll, and I have the entire Raider Nation to back me up on that point. lol

Thanks for taking it in stride.  I can't help myself sometimes.

Priapus532046 reads

Political trivia not even worth mentioning !  I don't give a shit------Cmon, Croix----you were the dude that posted that great economy OP couple days ago !

Tell ya what---gonna hijack this thread with something of great relevance to everyone, as seen below------;)------LMAO !

St. Croix1980 reads

How many times do we have to sift through a "There is no God" thread, or "I hate drones" thread, blah, blah, blah.

Like anything, shit like this goes viral in a nanosecond. If it was isolated to Mass., OK, but others are wading in on the subject. So now it's becoming a women vs men topic. And BigPapasan makes a valid point re double standard. Look at Christie. How many jokes on Letterman, Leno, etc has there been on his weight? Try that with a woman, and you are dead meat. To me, it's about equal treatment, and that means everyone is fair game.

Also it's an important 2012 race, and it's going to get nasty.

OK, what is with your "Big Bang Theory" pictures?

Priapus532100 reads

I think the mass media blows this BS outta proportion-----------much more important stuff to bring up.

As for "Big Bang",some may think I'm referring to
a certain board troll---but, actually it refers to Kathy Bate's Wedding night-----now there is ONE FAT broad !------ Pic below is from political movie "Primary Colors"--one of few times I needed vomit bag w/ my popcorn; those who saw movie know what I'm talking about----:(

-- Modified on 10/9/2011 7:06:44 PM

2) They both should appologize for degrading the level of the campaign.  Warren is a smart lady who needs to learn when to bite her tongue.  As for her looks, YMMV, I think she'd make a great looking domme.  Then again, maybe she's a post-op tranny.
3) The Jets suck ass.
4) So do the Giants.
5) Wish I liked hockey.

and yes, I called you Shirley.

Why should he apologize? and yes both the Giants and Jets suck ass, but on the bright side, it might shut liorr up for another couple of days.

As for hockey, the Rangers are 0-0-2, no place to hide in New York.

and even if she were a tranny, I doubt even Xfean could fuck something that ugly, regardless of what sex it was.

St. Croix2346 reads

Do you have any felony convictions? Have you been in jail or prison for more than 3 consecutive days?  Drunk driving doesn't count? Are you homeless? Do you have a serious addiction problem? Have you ever beaten the shit out of somebody, because you could? Extra points are given on the last question if done at a tailgate party.

If you have a checkered past, send GaG or I will review your resume. We will give serious consideration for making you a honorary member of RAIDER NATION (lmao)

P.S. Sanchez has got to go! I know I like him because of his SoCal connection, but he sucks right now. Even Tebow looks better, if that is even possible. OK, that was low shot.

-- Modified on 10/9/2011 6:49:48 PM

As for Raider Nation membership, even manslaughter is only a qualifying crime, if and only if, it was a plea from a more serious crime. Something like first degree murder of an opposing player or fan. lol

Somebody who brags that he drinks six shots of vodka a day barely qualifies as a Raiderette. I think I drank that much while typing this post.

All my felonies have gone un-indicted!  My only conviction is for a misdemeanor for drinking underage. All the real felonies, for narcotic sales and nun raping, have yet to be discovered.  As for prison, I spent about three months on Rikers Island but it wasn't on the wrong side of the bars.  Figure that one out.  I got the crabs anyway, but that's another story.  A "serious addiction problem?"  What do you Oakland pansies consider serious?  My 1.75 liters-per-night vodka addiction?  My addiction to $1,000/hr. porn stars?  As for having beaten the shit out of someone, the last time I did it was when some asshole jumped me in New York and took more lumps than he gave. He didn't enjoy playing with the pavement. But the bystanders loved it.
And, yes, the Jets and Giants suck ass.

I think someone should go drinking white wine spritzers with our favorite BAC shareholder. lol

You make all the right noises, but your resume seems to be full of fantasy encounters. I am sorry, but you really seem to be trying a bit too hard to fit it. I think you are better suited as an LA Angel's fan, you know somewhere where you can get a California Roll washed down with a bottle of Perrier. I am sure you and Marikod would have a real good time there.

and as for "nun raping", no one in the Raider Nation rapes nuns, we go right to the source and rape those child molesting Catholic Priests, and make them beg to find their "Heavenly Father" just to pull the bottle of Napa Chardonny out of their holy asses. I an sure by NY standards you are worthy of the Raider Nation, but by Oakland standards, you are woefully short. lmao

St. Croix1255 reads

Speaking of virgins, it reminds me of the movie "40 year old virgin" where they have a poker game, and Steve Carell does his best with tall tales about his love conquests. Same shit!

So what do you think the odds are for Raider Nation to make LA its home again? We are pretty close to getting a stadium approved. I know, no fucking shit. 49ers want a new stadium, but doubt the Raiders would share a home with those ass fuckers across the bay (their words not mine). If not the Raiders, then maybe the Chargers. They want out of Qualcomm Stadium ASAP.

Maybe I need to invite inicky to LA. Take him to my sister's studio on Exposition Blvd. I consider that area South Central light. Hell, I only go during the day. Maybe introduce him to the LA chapter of Raider Nation, and there is still a big fucking chapter. Raider Nation on Sunday, but Crips and Bloods the rest of the week. I'd better not. He would just end up having a Chardonnay accident in his dockers (lol)

-- Modified on 10/9/2011 10:28:50 PM

I've never actually raped a nun.

I say let it go, and forget it. But, there is a double standard regarding discussing the appearances of politicians, between male vs. female. I've seen remarks, in the press, about how Romney looks too much like a Ken doll. Now, if someone said that a female politician looked too much like a Barbie doll, there'd be a big stink about it.

regards to Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell et al but Scott Brown says "Thank God" and all hell breaks loose? If the liberals cannot see the double standard then they are hypocrites.

women, okay cuz you kinda have to.

but you'll never win a arguement with a woman or a lib

you think, they feel. how in the fuck do you argue with someone like that?

Priapus532150 reads

You wanna wind up in "banned penalty box" ?------------LOL !

I knew guys like you in school. Talking smack like some big shit, then running to the principals office.

I'll bet you got stuffed in trashcans alot in school.

Snowman391405 reads

"well you don't have to take your clothes off to give a blowjob..."

du du... dum... (punch line drum theme)

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