Politics and Religion

I can see I struck a nerve fat boy
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 3362 reads
1 / 50

...Republicans would tear their hair out and impeach him, if they didn't storm the White House with their torches and pitchforks first.

But that's exactly what happened in reddest red state Oklahoma.  The Supreme Court of OK voted to delay two executions.  OK Gov. Mary Fallin defied the S.Ct. and went ahead with the first execution.  It was horribly botched, resulting in a gruesome death.

What if Obama did what Fallin did?

marikod 1 Reviews 992 reads
2 / 50

That court in fact dissolved the stay of execution and then the state executed this man based on what I read. So no actual defiance. Further, the Okla Sup Ct does not have criminal jurisdiction in the governor’s view, and Oka Ct of Criminal Appeals had said no stay. So we really have a complex jurisdictional question here, not executive defiance of a supreme court order on a matter unquestionably within the court’s jurisdiction.

     The real story here is the OKla Sup Court caved and allowed this man to die when they were threatened with impeachment and not bc of the merits. A bad day for the judiciary, not the executive

LucasHood 787 reads
3 / 50

Have rights the Feds do not. And O'bama has his pen and phone remember? Nice economic report today btw. Great recovery. Eveyone is doing soooooo well........

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Republicans would tear their hair out and impeach him, if they didn't storm the White House with their torches and pitchforks first.

But that's exactly what happened in reddest red state Oklahoma.  The Supreme Court of OK voted to delay two executions.  OK Gov. Mary Fallin defied the S.Ct. and went ahead with the first execution.  It was horribly botched, resulting in a gruesome death.

What if Obama did what Fallin did?

digem-all 809 reads
4 / 50

The OK supreme court lifted the stay allowing the executions to go forward, avoiding a constitutional crisis.  But, it's interesting how much of a hard-on the governor had for the executions.  Talk about "Right to life:  ironic isn't it.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 981 reads
5 / 50

Clayton Lockett shot a 19-year-old woman twice with a sawed off shotgun , a woman he had never met until the day she died in 1999 . When she didn't stop  breathing h e ordered his boys to  bury  her alive,  laughing how tough she was, while she slowly suffocated in her shallow grave .  

  I see no need in using drugs  for death sentence executions. Lockett  could have easily been suffocated with a soft pillow until his cold blooded heart stopped.

JackDunphy 754 reads
6 / 50

that ends in DEATH for a scum bag murderer, a "horribly botched" execution. ROFLMAO.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 897 reads
8 / 50

and a convisted murderer!!!!

What's the babies crime? "Potential" carbon footprint?
Posted By: digem-all
The OK supreme court lifted the stay allowing the executions to go forward, avoiding a constitutional crisis.  But, it's interesting how much of a hard-on the governor had for the executions.  Talk about "Right to life:  ironic isn't it.

ed2000 31 Reviews 895 reads
9 / 50

Still trying to decide if the distortions you post are a dishonest regard for facts or an honest exhibition of stupidity.

ed2000 31 Reviews 847 reads
10 / 50

There are many Catholics that have pure right to life convictions.

Maybe he's Catholic, or maybe he's just disingenuous

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1054 reads
12 / 50

...carry out the execution as scheduled, regardless of the decision.  An OK legislator threatened to impeach members of the OK S.Ct.  Then the S. Ct. backed off.

"On April 21, the Supreme Court said that to avoid a miscarriage of justice, it would delay the executions until it had time to resolve the secrecy matter.

The next day, Ms. Fallin, a Republican, said the Supreme Court had overstepped its powers, and she directed officials to carry out both executions on April 29. An outraged legislator, Representative Mike Christian, said he would seek to impeach the justices..."

Again, what would Republicans and the militias do if Obama ignored a SCOTUS decision?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 805 reads
13 / 50

...show me where I claimed to be smart or are you just demonstrating once again what a lying POS you are?

Timbow 1092 reads
14 / 50
digem-all 904 reads
15 / 50

I just find it ironic how those on the right, who claim that life needs to be protected, are so willing to terminate a life when it doesn't fit within their view.  If you were to be consistent, then you should not support capital punishment after all, it promulgates a culture of "murder" as a good portion of you fondly say.  

I think what it exposes is the following, even though those on the right do not admit it, is that they value the life of some more than they value the life of others.  It's just plain hypocrisy and I'll call them on it any day.
Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
and a convisted murderer!!!!  
 What's the babies crime? "Potential" carbon footprint?  
Posted By: digem-all
The OK supreme court lifted the stay allowing the executions to go forward, avoiding a constitutional crisis.  But, it's interesting how much of a hard-on the governor had for the executions.  Talk about "Right to life:  ironic isn't it.

GaGambler 888 reads
16 / 50

I believe in Freedom of Choice where it comes to abortion rights and I also support Capital Punishment. Sorry, but some people, by committing acts so heinous, are beyond any kind of redemption and actually deserve to die.

My only issue with capital punishment is my desire that guilt should not be in question. I believe the threshold for the death penalty should be guilt beyond a "shadow of a doubt" as once a person is put to death, you can't "undo" the sentence.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1036 reads
17 / 50
Pimpathy 732 reads
18 / 50

The state spends money to execute convicted murders...

When it can be done for free

GaGambler 926 reads
19 / 50

but only the ones where some murdering scum lived through it.

Sorry libtards, but I just can't muster up a bit of sympathy for these criminals. Now if you would like to point out the flaws in our criminal justice system that allows innocent people to be convicted and executed, you will have my undivided attention. I save my concern for the innocent, not the guilty.

JackDunphy 829 reads
20 / 50

Stop already! We're convinced! :D

-- Modified on 5/1/2014 12:22:17 PM

JackDunphy 731 reads
21 / 50

What part of the "court backed off" don't you understand???  
Yet AGAIN...she can't be accused of IGNORING a decision that no longer was in force.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1051 reads
22 / 50

an innocent life and a convicted murderer.

I used to work in a machine shop machining drill bit heads for deep drilling. I hear they put diamond tips on those suckers. I doubt even that is strong enough to get this difference thru your fat fucking skull.

And yeah, I'll be around to shove that stupidity in your face every chance I get.
Posted By: digem-all
I just find it ironic how those on the right, who claim that life needs to be protected, are so willing to terminate a life when it doesn't fit within their view.  If you were to be consistent, then you should not support capital punishment after all, it promulgates a culture of "murder" as a good portion of you fondly say.    
 I think what it exposes is the following, even though those on the right do not admit it, is that they value the life of some more than they value the life of others.  It's just plain hypocrisy and I'll call them on it any day.  
Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
and a convisted murderer!!!!  
  What's the babies crime? "Potential" carbon footprint?  
Posted By: digem-all
The OK supreme court lifted the stay allowing the executions to go forward, avoiding a constitutional crisis.  But, it's interesting how much of a hard-on the governor had for the executions.  Talk about "Right to life:  ironic isn't it.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 766 reads
23 / 50
GaGambler 848 reads
24 / 50
JackDunphy 962 reads
25 / 50

Clearly a well educated guy. I just don't think he thinks his posts through before he sends them and seems to be totally ideological.

When confronted with incontrovertible evidence he is wrong about something, he just ignores it, calls you a moron or starts a new thread.

That's entirely his call how he posts, but I honestly don't get it.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 848 reads
26 / 50

...You say whatever you want and it has to be true simply because you said it.  You're the Ramesses I of TER: "So it is written, so shall it be done."

Do you remember when B of A was $3.00/share and you proclaimed its death?  Of course not -- you just have another bottle of booze, risk a DUI and killing an innocent, and make more bold proclamations.

GaGambler 809 reads
27 / 50

but he makes his arguments quite dishonestly, he constantly either pulls his own posts when he is on the losing end of an argument, or he has admin pull them for him and to tell the truth, he's kind of a dick.

Other than that, I like him just fine.

Oh yeah, he is also the biggest race baiter on the board.

JackDunphy 665 reads
28 / 50
GaGambler 832 reads
29 / 50

BAC bottomed out at around $5.00 a share, and I did not "predict it's death" I said I still wouldn't touch it because it's true value was impossible to determine due to all the "toxic" assets it had partly due to the CountryWide acquisition among others, and that is was possible that BAC stock had no equity what so ever.

Yes, I was wrong about the stock, but at least gets your facts straight.

and as for my drinking, don't you ever get tired of singing the same old song? I make a lot more sense drunk than you do sober.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 947 reads
30 / 50

...As far as "knowing" goes, GaG doesn't know either; he just pulls shit out of his ass, posts it and dummies like you take it as gospel.

JackDunphy 805 reads
31 / 50

I cleaned your clock in that argument so why in the world would I pull it???? STOP making shit up. You are totally proving GaG's point here

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1036 reads
32 / 50

...of mentioning your drinking.  You're so proud of being a drunk but it's always innocent people who die because of drunks.  You've been a drunk for what, 35-40 years?  You're the oddsmaker - What do you suppose the odds are of that eventually catching up to you, if it hasn't already.  Maybe you drink to forget about the people you hurt when you were drunk.

I've never seen anyone brag so much about being a drunk but it's only a matter of time...

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 911 reads
33 / 50

...ass kicked in that thread so YOU had it removed.  Go ahead, tell everyone how you claimed Reagan was soooooo popular among NINETEEN per cent of Americans, only 6% more than Clinton.  LMAO!

GaGambler 795 reads
34 / 50

and most of the people on TER drink, you just have no originality, you saw that Gator Jimmy used it to get Mikey's goat, and thought you might do the same with me. The difference of course is that I don't have a thing to be ashamed of, it's just tedious after a couple of years is all.

and just what is your problem with alcohol any how? Was your father or mother an abusive drunk and is that why you are such a miserable person? Or do you have problems with alcohol yourself, along with your eating disorder of course? A big, fat, miserable alcoholic, no wonder you are always in such a foul mood.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 826 reads
35 / 50

...miserable alcoholic" and you are 5'10" and weigh "about" 170.  Those statements MUST be true because you say so, right?

JackDunphy 995 reads
36 / 50

Reagan came in FIRST of ALL presidents in that poll and second in the PPP poll. Didn't do well in math, huh?

GaG had you nailed. You are TOTALLY dishonest when you argue and now I know you are a liar as well.  

Take your anger and bitterness somewhere else you petulant, race baiting, little boy

GaGambler 974 reads
37 / 50

out of curiosity, just how big are you? and how happy are you about it?

GaGambler 890 reads
39 / 50

You've been dishing it out for years, but you don't seem to be able to take it, can you?

Have you really been stewing for all these years that the "cool kids" never invited you to join their club? It must really gall you that a guy with no reviews who never wanted to be a mod was picked over you. All this bitterness, and all over a meaningless crap said on an anonymous fuck board. It must really suck to be you.

You do know it never too late, you can always join a gym, get in shape, maybe lose 20-30 lbs, I don't know what you can do about your lack of personality, but lets cross one bridge at a time.

Or if you really want to meet in person so badly, you are always welcome to PM me for my address. or you can email me. I am positive you saved my email address from that site that outed me.  I haven't changed a thing, so if you ever just can't stand it any more, feel free to look me up I'll be right here waiting. lmao

ed2000 31 Reviews 1015 reads
40 / 50
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 877 reads
41 / 50

...see for yourself instead of just assuming things.  PUI again?

I have no idea who was picked for a mod over me since I never wanted to be a mod.  Just another "fact" you pulled out of your ass.  But if YOU say it, it must be true.  

You, OTOH, have managed to post 8,266 times on the General Board and 9,774 times on this board.  How many more thousands of times have you posted on the other boards?  How does a busy oil exec find the time, in addition to drinking, fucking and gambling?  A much more appropriate handle for you would be Walter Mitty.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 696 reads
43 / 50

You're starting to repeat yourself.  Either your brain is pickled from too much booze or you're just an unimaginative, trite, jejune, banal moron like your buddy followme.

digem-all 1023 reads
44 / 50

You might be surprise to hear this GA...but I share the same sentiment.

Posted By: GaGambler
I believe in Freedom of Choice where it comes to abortion rights and I also support Capital Punishment. Sorry, but some people, by committing acts so heinous, are beyond any kind of redemption and actually deserve to die.  

My only issue with capital punishment is my desire that guilt should not be in question. I believe the threshold for the death penalty should be guilt beyond a "shadow of a doubt" as once a person is put to death, you can't "undo" the sentence.

digem-all 878 reads
45 / 50

I actually do draw a distinction between the two.  I actually have no problem with capital punishment with the following caveat, that it can be absolutely proven that the person we're killing actually committed the crime.  I believe that it was recently reported that potentially up to 1/4 of those on death row are actually innocent.  So as a society, are we willing to take the life of someone knowing that our judicial systems is so flawed.

Secondarily, I don't view the abortion issue as black and white.  I believe women have the right to choose and I believe that the original Row decision got it right.  I think the longer the pregnancy goes, the more the state has an interest in ensuring that the birth happens.  What is happening today, in Republican controlled legislatures, is that they are effectively regulating the abortion to the point where a woman cannot obtain the service she needs under the guise of protecting the health of women.  

I just choose to call you so-called freedom loving, life loving extremists  out on your hypocrisy.  You're neither freedom or life loving.
Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
an innocent life and a convicted murderer.  
 I used to work in a machine shop machining drill bit heads for deep drilling. I hear they put diamond tips on those suckers. I doubt even that is strong enough to get this difference thru your fat fucking skull.  
 And yeah, I'll be around to shove that stupidity in your face every chance I get.  
Posted By: digem-all
I just find it ironic how those on the right, who claim that life needs to be protected, are so willing to terminate a life when it doesn't fit within their view.  If you were to be consistent, then you should not support capital punishment after all, it promulgates a culture of "murder" as a good portion of you fondly say.    
  I think what it exposes is the following, even though those on the right do not admit it, is that they value the life of some more than they value the life of others.  It's just plain hypocrisy and I'll call them on it any day.  
Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
and a convisted murderer!!!!    
   What's the babies crime? "Potential" carbon footprint?    
Posted By: digem-all
The OK supreme court lifted the stay allowing the executions to go forward, avoiding a constitutional crisis.  But, it's interesting how much of a hard-on the governor had for the executions.  Talk about "Right to life:  ironic isn't it.

GaGambler 1055 reads
46 / 50

Talking to yourself is the first sign that you have lost it. Saying the same thing months or years later is usually just a sign that one meant what they said the first time.

You're starting to look and act just like your BFF from last year, come to think of it, he was the ONLY friend that I can ever remember you having here after all these years. I guess it must be that sparkling personality that we were talking about earlier. You really should go at least rent one since you obviously don't have one of your own.

marikod 1 Reviews 760 reads
47 / 50

I remember that post well..sign... and that is exactly what he said. Plus he was not "wrong" - the analysis was  on the mark and frankly could still be true today. Mark to market leaves big corps with so much discretion on how they value their assets.

       Merely bc the stock went up does not mean the analysis was wrong. In the stock market, you could argue that  50% of the market is wrong each day. What he was really saying was that the risk reward ratio for BOA was so out of whack that he did not want to invest. I can't disagree with that. I was already stuck at the time, so i had no choice

GaGambler 1091 reads
48 / 50

Would you have been able to hang on if BAC had ever gone to $3.00? I suppose you were not holding it in a margin account, which I am sure gave you a bit more breathing room.

Yes, my issue with BAC was that they had a market cap of about $50 billion if memory serves me right, and they had a portfolio of assets in the 2$2 TRILLION range, which would mean that if there assets were overvalued by even 5% there not only would be zero equity, but they would have an actual negative value of $50 billion.

So once again BigPapascum aka FatBoy proves that either he has no idea what he is talking about, or that he is simply a liar. Or in his case, most likely some generous servings of both.

It's one thing to be right or wrong where it comes to any specific issue on Wall St. Like anyone else active in the market, I am wrong all the time, it comes with the territory.  It's quite another to have no idea about what the fuck you are talking about and once again FatBoy proves that he doesn't have a clue. Maybe he has been taking lessons in how the market works from our current SPOTY champion Fungy?

GaGambler 929 reads
49 / 50

Just look at his post directed at me where he claims I "pronounced B of A dead when the stock reached $3.00"

The stock NEVER fell as low as three dollars, or even close to that level, it bottomed out at around five, so clearly FatBoy is full of shit. The only question that remains is whether he is actually stupid, or just a liar. Which one do you think he is?

GaGambler 571 reads
50 / 50

We disagree on a lot, but not everything. lol

One of the things we share in common is our loathing of the religious right. Our major difference is that I loathe the loony left even more.

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