Politics and Religion

Because I can....
*Well N Tao d* 2812 reads

I met BILLKILE in a strip club a few years ago and someone said to me.....

woooo there's BILLKILE he has 50 reviews.

John McCain went to the Nam.

I went to the Nam.

I thought at the time....what's the big deal about 50 reviews? I had roughly the same number or maybe more.

I thought at the time....what's the big deal about being in Nam? He got caught, I didn't.

We make a big deal of review count for what reason?

Some criticize people with many reviews as those who sleep with women for money.

What are we doing here? Hypocrical if you ask me.

I was scorned thoroughly when I arrived home in 1969.

McCain is a war hero.

Hmmmm, what's the difference between us?

Neither one of these people qualify as MY hero.

I don't subscribe to the content of the character of either one of them.

A doddering, frail old man espousing the values of the perpetual 'shit eatin' grin' or one who puffs out his chest because he's slept with a bunch of women?

Same thing if you ask me.

Puff Puff!

When all is said and done Obama will be OUR new President, live with it or not.

When all is said and done, John McCain will still be a war hero. No question about it.

When all is said and done, BILLKILE will have seen many of the same women I have and neither one of us will be any more valuable to the planet.

What's the difference here?


So, you can allow your blood pressure to rise to the level of having a stroke and spew cyber-crap until you're blue in the face.

Or, you can get busy and do something about what's going on in the world.

Yakkin' a mile a minute on this board is going to change ZIP!!!

WillieTheBarTender1438 reads

instead of getting over & on to the next one.

Not to say that we shouldn't learn as we go.

harryj1787 reads

you certainly do have a lot to learn, kind of like a kindergarten kid aren't you. Well, here is your lesson for the day: OsamaObama Hussein is a piece of shit and he will not be elected. Write that 500 times so maybe it will stick in your pea brain, then take the rest of the day off napping with your teddy bear.

feel free to take a parting gift on your way out

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