Politics and Religion

MSNBC/Blubberman et al,
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 3293 reads

These guys are like porn to Bushhaters....

Former LA Times TV Critic Skewers Olbermann as Bad for News Industry
By Noel Sheppard | June 8, 2008 - 10:21 ET

Keith Olbermann is not good for the news industry.

Such was the opinion of former Los Angeles Times television critic and Pulitzer Prize winner Howard Rosenberg in a rather scathing article published Saturday.

Adding delicious insult to injury, Rosenberg didn't have very nice things to say about Chris Matthews, Dan Abrams, MSNBC, or that network's obvious love affair with Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama either.

Here were some of his candid observations (emphasis added, h/t TVNewser):

"Countdown With Keith Olbermann" is the bean ball between "Hardball With Chris Matthews" and "Verdict With Dan Abrams" in MSNBC's weekday lineup. This trio has spent the election season heckling Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton from deep inside Sen. Barack Obama's hip pocket and hammering Sen. John McCain since Day One.

Olbermann and Matthews co-anchored MSNBC's coverage of this year's party caucuses and primaries, and when Obama clinched the Democratic nomination this week, calming down these guys would have required a defibrillator. But the low point was New Hampshire, when they spent probably 15 minutes giggling at and making fun of the speech McCain gave after topping that primary's GOP field.

All right, McCain couldn't give a good speech even if he were lip-syncing Obama. Yet inept as he was, the news nihilism of Olbermann and Matthews was worse. And Olbermann hasn't let up; he's now attacking McCain's grammar.

We worried in Walter Cronkite's day in the '60s and '70s that a news anchor would sway public opinion merely by raising a brow in subtle response to a story. Oh the horror.

Some difference in just a few decades, wouldn't you agree? Yet, Rosenberg wasn't done:

But is his ends-justifies-means credo good for the news biz? The answer is no, even if you dislike the president and his policies as much as Olbermann does. I do, and can still testify that watching Olbermann collect Republican scalps like baseball cards is only marginally more rewarding than watching his favorite foil, O'Reilly, batter guests who don't share his wacky views. [...]

But at least O'Reilly invites dissenters to his lair (if only to disembowel them), whereas "Countdown" is more or less an echo chamber in which Olbermann and like-minded bobbleheads nod at each other.

Exactly. And, for the most part, so is Abrams's "Verdict," which is why both are obvious advocacy programs with no place on a cable news network.

Fortunately, more and more people in the media are beginning to not only recognize the lack of real journalism emanating from MSNBC, but are also willing to voice such opinions.

Maybe NBC will eventually get this point despite the million some-odd extreme-liberals that never will.

—Noel Sheppard is the Associate Editor of NewsBusters.

Timbow1175 reads

Yep Keithie is a loon and  could not last at ESPN or Fox. He is having the pussy Scottie on tonite to discuss how our Senators were lied to by Bush in the newest report by Rockefeller so expect Keithie to have an orgasim !
So our Senators were duped by the idiot Bush :)and Rockfeller voted for the war .

Someone on here said not long ago that MSNBC was the Left's answer to right wing talk radio. I'd be fine with that, if only they would label themselves as such. All the right wing radio folks proudly label themselves as conservative all the time, but liberals flee from their label. Why?

Why can't they say, we're coming at this from the Left? Do they think they're tricking evryone? Maybe it does trick the casual observer, because there are people who think that liberal/left views are held by 90% of the US. They can't figure out why we've had 3 Democrat terms out of the last 36 yrs.

Timbow2026 reads

Yep Danny Abrams made a decision for MSNBC to be the left wing network to counter Fox.
Fox has more balance though but Pat Buchanan on MSNBC makes Dan and some left wing guests look very naive :) so it is fun to watch.

-- Modified on 6/9/2008 10:00:48 AM

WillieTheBarTender1929 reads

If a genuine war hero with a brewery loses to an Ivy League black feller, it's only because most people are thinking there is no end or depth to the mendacity and general fucked-upedness of the GOP.

And who am I to say differently??  You can of course thank yourself - not GW Bush, because he's COMPLETELY fucking helpless and incompetent.  YOU PUT HIM THERE, IT'S YOUR FAULT!

GaGambler1460 reads

I'm talking about that idiot Avenger101 or whatever the fuck his name is.

Has he done a show in the last year where he doesn't make some kinda smartass remark about him?? Seems like whenever I flip the channel by his show he is shreiking about Bill O.

Liked him on ESPN but can't stand him now. He should go back as his old self to ESPN and maybe I could once again watch Sportscenter whose anchors now make it totally unwatchable.

Timbow1124 reads

Bill O even though he is older would kick Keithie's ass :)

TimBlowMeHard1321 reads

Oh wait, that stupid dumbfuck does it to himself daily just by opening his mouth.

GaGambler2263 reads

You have more aliases than JackO,  and even less sense, if that's possible.

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