Politics and Religion

“Fight like hell” sounds ‘peaceful’ to you? e
inicky46 61 Reviews 808 reads
1 / 42

He also assaulted one of his staff who told him he couldn't go. He said, "I"m the fucking President!" Later he threw his lunch at the wall.
Not to mention that he tried to get the security people on the Elipse to let people into his speech he KNEW were armed with pistols, knives and ARs, saying. "They aren't her to hurt me."
The man is nuts. And he's an out-and-out criminal.
Now cue up the righty goons who'll desperately try to pooh-pooh this.

inicky46 61 Reviews 32 reads
3 / 42

So, you're saying you've got nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Snotty 46 reads
4 / 42
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 30 reads
5 / 42
cks175 43 Reviews 28 reads
6 / 42

Now cue up the righty goons who'll desperately try to pooh-pooh this.
Both NBC News and CBS News are reporting the agents in the President's limo are denying yesterday’s testimony is accurate and true.

inicky46 61 Reviews 27 reads
7 / 42

First of all, its humorous that all of a sudden you choose to believe NBC and CBS. Also, the comments have ONLY to do with the limo incident not all of "yesterday's testimony." The limo incident, while graphic, is the least important of the revelations, especially those the witness saw directly instead of having heard about second hand. That, for example Trump knew many people outside the rally were armed and he didn't care.
Taken as a whole, the testimony was damning.
But not to partisan hacks.
I guess you didn't care that Trump had a habit of flinging plates of ketchup-covered food at the wall of his private dining room.
Very Presidential.

cks175 43 Reviews 30 reads
8 / 42

Yes, the irony of a guy claiming protestors brought AR-15s and pistols to Trump’s speech.

Nicky’s own words:
 security people on the Elipse to let people into his speech he KNEW were armed with pistols, knives and ARs,
I believe one guy, after the protest had ended, was arrested for carrying a pistol. If someone had brought an AR to the protest it would have been all over the front pages and cable news the next day and for weeks to follow.

inicky46 61 Reviews 27 reads
9 / 42

This isn't simply based on the witness's own words. The committee played several tapes of police alerting each other of the presence of ARs and pistols in the crowd outside the Elipse.
Hyper-partisanship has made you deaf, dumb and blind.

followme 28 reads
10 / 42

Yep the left gets duped…..AGAIN  

Now the TER lefties are desperately scrambling to come up with lies to cover their lies.  




2022 = 28

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 37 reads
11 / 42

Only believe what they want to believe and not the truth.  Let's go over this one more time. Hutchinson testified under oath to what she was TOLD happened in the presidential SUV. She doesn't have first hand knowledge of what happened and never represented that she did. Whether trump tried to grab the steering wheel or the Secret Service agent is less important than the fact that he wanted to go to the Capitol to be part of the armed attack on the Capitol and was enraged when he couldn't. He knew the rally attendees ( soon to be rioters ) had weapons including guns, knives, spears, bear spay, etc and that the weapons would not a danger to him. He directed them to go to the Capitol and "fight like hell" and that he'd be there with them. Clearly trump incited a riot and an insurrection and tried to overthrow our democracy.

gentleguy1020 38 Reviews 34 reads
12 / 42

A lot of righties in real world are coming out of in support of her and turning away from mafia mogul trump.
But of course- righties on this board are special- they eat and live trump tweets.

cks175 43 Reviews 27 reads
13 / 42

That’s hilarious.  

The point is that since the in the limo hearsay is now very suspect, so is the rest of her hearsay testimony.

How many times yesterday did she use the phrase, “or words to that effect?”

eroticspirit 27 Reviews 36 reads
14 / 42

No discussion on rising gas prices, rising inflation, higher cost of living, higher crime rates, the border crisis, supply chain issues, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. It's all Trump obsession and sneers--that 's all the left's got!!  They are so friggin pathetic it's hard to fathom!!

bergenbob 2 Reviews 38 reads
15 / 42

Before I make a decision on what i believe here, I'd like to have her submit to cross examination.  

inicky46 61 Reviews 30 reads
16 / 42

"the rest of her hearsay testimony?" Most of the rest of her testimony was NOT hearsay. So does this mean you believe it?

cks175 43 Reviews 33 reads
17 / 42

I’m talking about the rest of her hearsay testimony. As far as the testimony that wasn’t hearsay, she sure used the term “words to the effect of” a lot.

followme 39 reads
19 / 42

At an emergency meeting to coordinate and collaborate on the lies, distortion and deflection to post  regarding the Hutchinson testimony, in the kangaroo court, because her testimony is being taken apart and debunked lie by lie, hearsay and how many times did she say “something to the effect of”.

She was well coached. Most likely had the questions in advance

The TER lefties got duped big time and took her false testimony hook, line and sinker.



willywonka4u 22 Reviews 29 reads
20 / 42

We only believe what we want to believe, am I right??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 25 reads
21 / 42

How naive of you. C'mon man, get real. If trump meant those words he would have acted to stop the violence instead of doing nothing for over 3 hours as the attack unfolded. For months he lied about a stolen election and he tried everything he could to stay in power illegally.  When all else failed he summoned his angry supporters to DC on January 6, riled them up further with talk about taking back our country and a stolen election, had speakers who told them to "kick ass and take names" and to conduct "trial by combat", and pointed this armed, angry mob at the Capitol. He knew they were armed and didn't want the Secret Service to confiscate their weapons when he said to take down the metal detectors at the pre-attack rally. He may have used the word "peaceful" once but his actions, words, and intentions were just the opposite.

inicky46 61 Reviews 31 reads
22 / 42

The entire situation just shows how exactly like a mob boss Trump is. He makes it crystal clear what he really wants but always includes weasel words to fall back on.
"Oh, Vito. I really don't wanna see him again."  *WINK, WINK*

inicky46 61 Reviews 31 reads
23 / 42

"words to the effect of" simply means "I'm not claiming it's an exact quote but it's correct in terms of the meaning." And y know what wasn't hearsay? EVERYTHING she said she heard Trump say about letting armed people onto the Ellipse and wanting them to march to the Capitol.
If that's correct, nothing else matters much.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 35 reads
25 / 42

That's ridiculous. You don't get a 'get out of jail card' just because not everything you said and did was illegal.  I'll be sure to post when the seditionist, one-term, twice-impeached con-man ex-POTUS is indicted.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 26 reads
27 / 42

Since they don't let you take statements out of context you would be the dumbest fucking lawyer on the planet.  Sounds fitting, doesn't it?

impposter 49 Reviews 43 reads
28 / 42

I also look forward to her testifying at Trump's trials and being cross examined. Thus far, numerous former Trump supporters have said that they found her Congressional testimony to be credible and applicable (to proving Trump's criminal behaviors).  
Trump has called her a liar and a loser in the public comments.  
"Trump calls Cassidy Hutchinson testimony ‘all lies’ in latest rant."
I wonder what Trump's COURTROOM cross examination will reveal?

Posted By: bergenbob
Re: once again
Before I make a decision on what i believe here, I'd like to have her submit to cross examination.  

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 31 reads
29 / 42

The Democrats Jussie Smollett the 1/6 hearings, and you think she's credible. C'mon. I betcha you can find a dozen ladies on the DNC dime who will come forward to say that Trump grabbed them by the steering wheel.

impposter 49 Reviews 29 reads
30 / 42

Did you "like" your own post? It is evidence of your inability to read or your deliberate attempt to manipulate or misrepresent the facts ... or both.
Agreeing with bergenbob, I said, "I also look forward to her testifying at Trump's trials and being cross examined."  
I then wrote, "numerous former Trump supporters have said that they found her Congressional testimony to be credible and applicable (to proving Trump's criminal behaviors)."  *****"Former Trump supporters ... found her Congressional testimony to be credible**** and applicable." I am not a current or former Trump supporter. Mulvaney and others found Hutchinson to be credible.
To repeat: I want to see Hutchinson testify and be cross-examined under oath at several of Trump's criminal trials. Let her truthfulness be confirmed or undermined there. I hope that the cameras will pick up Trump squirming in his seat at the defendant's table.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: imp thinks she's credible!!! LOLOL!!!
The Democrats Jussie Smollett the 1/6 hearings, and you think she's credible. C'mon. I betcha you can find a dozen ladies on the DNC dime who will come forward to say that Trump grabbed them by the steering wheel.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 29 reads
31 / 42

I just think it’s funny that the Dems managed to Jussie Smollet their 1/6 hearings when it dawned on them that everyone outside the left wing echo chamber didn’t give a shit.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 31 reads
32 / 42

And neither do hard core MAGA types.  But true patriotic Americans do care.  This was a violent assault on the Capitol and an assault on democracy orchestrated by the former president.  It was an attempted coup. If you don't care about that what kind of citizen are you?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 30 reads
33 / 42
jazzman121847 105 Reviews 33 reads
34 / 42

Yes you are. You've been duped. You've been tricked. You've been scammed. By a cheap, obvious confidence man and demagogue. Trump has a bridge in Brooklyn he'd like to sell you too.

RacinDude 4 Reviews 38 reads
35 / 42

And a hooker peed on him in Russia. You actually continue to believe this crap? Lol

cks175 43 Reviews 27 reads
36 / 42

will probably be that Trump has a steering wheel fetish.

LostSon 43 Reviews 30 reads
37 / 42

Posted By: inicky46

He also assaulted one of his staff who told him he couldn't go. He said, "I"m the fucking President!" Later he threw his lunch at the wall.  
 Not to mention that he tried to get the security people on the Elipse to let people into his speech he KNEW were armed with pistols, knives and ARs, saying. "They aren't her to hurt me."  
 The man is nuts. And he's an out-and-out criminal.  
 Now cue up the righty goons who'll desperately try to pooh-pooh this.
No he didn’t your koolaide peddlers are pushing the BS flavored koolaide and your swilling it! The secret service is on record they this didn’t happens and will testify to that fact!

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 28 reads
38 / 42

And they still think a Russian hooker peed on him. They must have gotten mixed up with Hunter.

LostSon 43 Reviews 32 reads
39 / 42

Posted By: inicky46
Re: You haven't been listening.
This isn't simply based on the witness's own words. The committee played several tapes of police alerting each other of the presence of ARs and pistols in the crowd outside the Elipse.  
 Hyper-partisanship has made you deaf, dumb and blind.
There were no ARs in the crowd CKS is right one AR slung over a shoulder would have been all over the front page of every news outlet on the planet! Quit lying!

LostSon 43 Reviews 24 reads
40 / 42

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re:  Gullible hard core MAGA types
Only believe what they want to believe and not the truth.  Let's go over this one more time. Hutchinson testified under oath to what she was TOLD happened in the presidential SUV. She doesn't have first hand knowledge of what happened and never represented that she did. Whether trump tried to grab the steering wheel or the Secret Service agent is less important than the fact that he wanted to go to the Capitol to be part of the armed attack on the Capitol and was enraged when he couldn't. He knew the rally attendees ( soon to be rioters ) had weapons including guns, knives, spears, bear spay, etc and that the weapons would not a danger to him. He directed them to go to the Capitol and "fight like hell" and that he'd be there with them. Clearly trump incited a riot and an insurrection and tried to overthrow our democracy.
No he didn’t quit lying!

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 26 reads
41 / 42

Blind, gullible, and in denial is no way to go through life. You are indeed LOST, son.

impposter 49 Reviews 53 reads
42 / 42

MANY Trump supporters are gullible. MANY Trump supporters have been and will be duped, tricked, and scammed.  
You can go back to Trump's early days cheating vendors and laborers out of their payments, driving small businesses into bankruptcy due to non-payment. You can look at Trump's self-serving "charitable" Foundation that was dissolved by NYS due to fraud and fined several million dollars. Or you can just look at his most recent and still successful scam to have raised $250 M from the MAGA morons for a charity does not even exist!  
(Fox News did not carry the story.)
"Trump might have defrauded his own campaign donors.  
Evidence is mounting that Donald Trump may have defrauded donors when he solicited funds to challenge the 2020 election result but then diverted donations elsewhere. If confirmed, it would hardly be the first time he has used bait-and-switch tactics to swindle and deceive those naive enough to have trusted him.  “Not only was there the Big Lie, there was the Big Rip-Off,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.
"Instead of using the donations for the solicited purpose, he collected more than $250 million worth and diverted them for wildly different activities. One example was a $60,000 payment to Kimberly Guilfoyle for less than three minutes of work: She introduced her fiance, Donald Trump Jr., at the president’s pre-insurrection rally on Jan. 6, 2021."
"Trump’s “Big Lie” Was Also a Big Grift.
The January 6 committee’s revelations that the Trump campaign raised money for a bogus “Official Election Defense Fund” point to criminal fraud."
"On Monday, the January 6 Select Committee revealed that former president of the United States Donald J. Trump may have committed wire and mail fraud, to the tune of $250 million. The committee alleged that Trump and his campaign sent out fundraising letters asking people to donate to the “Official Election Defense Fund.” But, as the committee’s chief investigative counsel, Amanda Wick, said in video testimony, “no such fund existed.” The money Trump raised was instead funneled to a Trump leadership PAC and other Trump-adjacent organizations, the committee claimed.
"Mail fraud and wire fraud are both federal crimes, punishable by $1,000,000 fines or imprisonment for up to 30 years. A crime is considered to have been committed when a person knowingly devises a scheme to “obtain money” through “false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises.” Telling people to send you money for a thing that does not exist is a textbook violation of the statute. ..."
I wonder how much Lost, willy, cks, CDL, et al. have been cheated out of by Trump? Often, when one is cheated this way and exposed, the person becomes very defensive and even more devoted. "I am NOT stupid! It IS a real fund! Trump WILL use the money to "Stop the Steal!" I am NOT stupid enough to be duped by Trump! There is no scam! There is no grift!"
Or maybe they all claim to be super smart and prove it be presenting their degrees from Trump University which was also shut down due to fraud and misrepresentation.  

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: Yep, we’re the gullible ones!!!!
Yes you are. You've been duped. You've been tricked. You've been scammed. By a cheap, obvious confidence man and demagogue. Trump has a bridge in Brooklyn he'd like to sell you too.
Actually, Trump claimed to be selling condos in SoHo (posh neighborhood in New York City) that weren't even in SoHo! When sued by buyers, he lost, big time.  

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