Politics and Religion

Facts are stubborn things,
sassyfla See my TER Reviews 609 reads

they don't change just because a progressive wants them to.

The facts are out there for those who want to see.  Unfortunately progressives don't want to see.  They want to believe that all they have to do to perfect the world is steal enough from those who work and give it to themselves/those who don't.  Why does society have to absorb the costs of everyone's healthcare?  Because government says so.  You don't solve one government abuse, by enacting a further abuse.
Every problem with medical delivery is directly attributable to govt interference in the free market.
The free market isn't perfect, but it is vastly superior to every alternative.  Especially govt markets.

Oh yeah and while I'm at it, let me show my disdain for the Unions,  who should have no place in America any longer,  all they do is blackmail Company's with their Socialistic Agenda, for their own edification,  because,  honestly,  they could care less about the workers and their pay scale, they are only looking to make profits for theirselves,  and what happens in the meantime,  the consumer gets f--ked and I don't mean just in prices although that is the obvious manifestation.  But anyone who has ever dealt with more than one Union at a time,  knows full well what I mean.  I used to do a lot of "trade shows"  when I was in the manufacturing business and I can tell you first hand,  putting up a booth to show my wares,  should have taken an hour,  instead it took 9hrs,  why?  Unions,  once on the floor,  you were not allowed to do or touch anything,  you could only sit on your hands and be at the mercy of when the "carpenters union" would come,  when the electrician's union would come,  etc,  all of which was time, drain and money on myself,  my business and my employees.  And of course,  ditto on the breakdown.  It was and is an absolute travesty to American businesses.  

With all "the Laws" in place now by the Government,  Unions are just redundancy on the American Business.

That's MHO and unless you have an opinion please don't bother with the insults,  they do nothing to buttress your view,  or lack thereof.

...thrilled and overjoyed that Obamacare is causing "carnage" throughout America.  What a patriotic American, rooting for failure.  Here's what he said:


Now Snowball will have to swallow his words (along with whatever else he swallows) because...

followme765 reads

A patriotic American, rooting for failure, You lie, as usual, as he is not rooting for failure...to the contrary he is pointing out that the libs are setting up America for failure.

now how about this very unpatriotic person.


You're Welcome
GOP = For God and Country = Truth

You're welcome.  And have a great Thanksgiving.

Snowman39771 reads

IF you are opposed to me, I KNOW I MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT!!!

Snowman39838 reads

They will still do it, they just will not talk about it.

Funny how liberals are the first to rejoice when free speech is oppressed. But it does not matter, these costs will be added to the end consumers bill and the middle and lower class will be stuck paying for liberal programs again.

Do you REALLY have no concept how business works? ALL COSTS are included in the calculation of the end price to the consumer.

Man it gets old trying to educate liberals.

Must suck when the real world kicks the shit out of your liberal ideology

Snowman39725 reads

Can you not add 1+1?

Amazing how liberals just have no concept of cause and effect. That is why so many of them are protesting in Greece today.

Snowman39962 reads

I never said they do not have the right to boycott, although I suspect it would work out as well as the one did for Chick-fil-a.


My point was the CEO just did to want to dick with it, so basically they would do it and not talk about it. I love debating, but man, do I have to point out stuff so obvious!!!

When someone questions their rubbish, it is against free speech and when they

no one layed a glove on your point!

Did'nt even try!!!!!

Sucks to be liberal.

Sucks WORSE to be a victim of the "intellectual" liberal's social engineering.

they don't change just because a progressive wants them to.

The facts are out there for those who want to see.  Unfortunately progressives don't want to see.  They want to believe that all they have to do to perfect the world is steal enough from those who work and give it to themselves/those who don't.  Why does society have to absorb the costs of everyone's healthcare?  Because government says so.  You don't solve one government abuse, by enacting a further abuse.
Every problem with medical delivery is directly attributable to govt interference in the free market.
The free market isn't perfect, but it is vastly superior to every alternative.  Especially govt markets.

Oh yeah and while I'm at it, let me show my disdain for the Unions,  who should have no place in America any longer,  all they do is blackmail Company's with their Socialistic Agenda, for their own edification,  because,  honestly,  they could care less about the workers and their pay scale, they are only looking to make profits for theirselves,  and what happens in the meantime,  the consumer gets f--ked and I don't mean just in prices although that is the obvious manifestation.  But anyone who has ever dealt with more than one Union at a time,  knows full well what I mean.  I used to do a lot of "trade shows"  when I was in the manufacturing business and I can tell you first hand,  putting up a booth to show my wares,  should have taken an hour,  instead it took 9hrs,  why?  Unions,  once on the floor,  you were not allowed to do or touch anything,  you could only sit on your hands and be at the mercy of when the "carpenters union" would come,  when the electrician's union would come,  etc,  all of which was time, drain and money on myself,  my business and my employees.  And of course,  ditto on the breakdown.  It was and is an absolute travesty to American businesses.  

With all "the Laws" in place now by the Government,  Unions are just redundancy on the American Business.

That's MHO and unless you have an opinion please don't bother with the insults,  they do nothing to buttress your view,  or lack thereof.

Of course I haven't been paying that much attention to your posts, since all your post that I have read are unsubstantiated opinions and beliefs. But first of all, I had the best medical care and dental care I have ever had, while I was in the military. That is government  provided and managed health care. Secondly, I've worked both under union and non-union circumstances, and I know neither side is perfected or has pristine intentions, there is a needed ying and yang dynamic that is produced. So, to write off the unions the way you do just proves your ignorance. I've seen how unions have helped in saving the lives and health of it's members, when management was just concerned with getting the greatest amount of product out the door.


When are you going to start producing some of those facts you keep touting????  ;)

Lets face "fact"  every statement is indeed just that,  a statement/an opinion/semantics whether it be coming from an "opinion" which is stated as a "fact" by someone who writes it on the internet or if it someone like myself who puts it on a "f--ckboard",  as you boys so lovingly reference this board.  It is simply an opinion,  lets see what exactly is "fact"

Whomever is communicating the fact, is only communicating it as it reflects their own thoughts, memories, etc. So, in my way of thinking then, there are no absolute facts. Facts are based on the interpretation of the person who is communicating them at the time they are communicating them.
There are no facts. Facts have to change by the state of their nature.


"Does the sun rise and set?
Actually no the sun doesn't.  The earth moves but then we all knew that.  So much for the facts gained by limited observations.  There are some truths which are simply truths.  For instance, I am female by every definition of the word and I don't plan on changing that, therefore it is a fact. However in the case of the sun the fact depends on the extent of one's knowledge and understanding of things beyond the obvious.  Some "facts" are only facts until more information arrives.  

Knowing the difference is almost impossible.  We establish things as facts to give us a basis on which to judge situations and interact accordingly.  Functionally, for those not educated in basic astronomy, the sun does rise and set.  In that person's life time the rising and setting of the sun requires no more analysis than having an idea of when it might happen in order to plan the day's activities.  For those aware of things beyond the narrow scope of what is immediately observable, the sun does not rise or set. The earth rotates and with that rotation any given point on the globe may enter or exit the sun's direct radiation.  So in this case facts are relative.  We know as much as we want or think we need to know about a situation then move on to the next topic".
The majority of "facts" are subject to context and perspective.

Onward to your medical care in the military,  I'm sure it was very good,  just like the politicians medical care is EXCELLENT,  but lets face "fact"  (MHO,  of course)  Military and politicians healthcare is no where near what Obamacare is and will be to this country.  As I have stated before Mr Richard Cheney would be dead by now had he had Obamacare.  So you are talking apples and oranges.  Now you say how Unions are Yin and Yang,  I agree,  but for the overall good of the masses,  they are not at this point in time,  they have become very self indulgent,  and that is not for the good of the masses.    So I ask  of you Mr Mattrad to produce your "facts" you are touting about you've  "seen how unions have helped in saving the lives and health of it's members, when management was just concerned with getting the greatest amount of product out the door".

Good debates encouraged,  calling names,  abstain

Well, since you're just going to make up the rules as you go, I've got nothing else to communicate to you, other than, when you've typically said "let's look at the facts," it's when someone has stated a reality from their point of view; sometimes it's a fact, sometimes it's his or her opinion. However, when you say that, you are implying that your statement trumps theirs, because yours is based in fact, which you just proven from your own words, is baloney. You can play any game you want to, and choose the rules you want to play by, but expect to feel a bit lonely when no one wants to play!

No doubt, words and ideas can always be twisted and interpreted the way the reader wishes.  That is a shame, as a good debate on this board could most certainly be enlightening and maybe even entertaining,  people don't have to agree and they certainly should be adults and "agree to disagree".  The point of a debate is not to make your opponent look bad but rather to find a better solution to a problem or to compare view points. In fact attacking your opponent instead of the issues makes you look as if you lack real knowledge of the subject.

The Liberals that were able to put forth their point,  without attacking,  unfortunately, have gone the way of  the dodo.

you didn't even address my point about you using the word "facts" to trump other peoples facts, opinions or beliefs. Given your approach, you give one only the option of attacking you or ignoring you, since there has been no real attempt on your part to debate an issue. You really don't understand the concept. So, don't bother responding, for I've put you on "ignore." You, who complain about there not being any civil debate on this board, and you have no idea how to do so. "Say goodnight Gracie!"

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