Politics and Religion

Face Coverings, Politics & Appointments
Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 778 reads

I'm posting this here because it relates to people who are passionate about politics.   It's a bit lengthy, so I apologize in advance!

I am a full-time touring lady, hosting incall in hotels.  Almost all hotels I've stayed in since June have signs posted that face-coverings are required in all public spaces on the property.  

At first, all my clients were wearing face coverings and some wore gloves too.  But more recently, people have begun to relax on this since then.  

In early August, I met a couple people who arrived without a face covering.  One remarked to me that the front-desk clerk gave him "the stink eye" for not wearing a mask but he won't because he supports his President.  
The other said he had one with him and would have put it on if a hotel employee asked him to do so but he believes this is all a hoax and went on to say anyone who believes it's real is just a gullible sheep and yes, he mentioned he is a Trump supporter.  

So I  then put it on my site (in a few places) and as part of my day-of instructions that clients need to wear face coverings per my hotels' rules.    

All was well, everyone abided by it, until yesterday when 2 repeat clients showed up (separate appts, this wasn't an MFM lol) without face coverings.  
 When I asked the first if he had a mask, I was treated to five minutes of "facts" and "statistics" about masks being ineffective which he feels is now proven by Trump having Covid.  So he flat-out refuses to wear a face covering anymore, though he said he had been for months.  

When I asked the second, he said "oh we're pretty lax here (Wisconsin) and I didn't see anyone in the lobby wearing one" ..... ok, but it IS the rule, the employees are wearing them, signs about it are posted all over the hotel and WI's numbers are increasing again so ..... sigh.  This just makes my head hurt.  

All beliefs, political leanings, statistics, etc aside.....   shouldn't one abide by the hotel rules?    

NOT wearing a face covering there can make one stand out so if for no other reason, it will help clients visiting providers blend in with all the other hotel guests.   Heck, I've had guys say they LIKE being more incognito and they don't worry about hotel-cameras as much anymore lol.  

I get it that some people's political beliefs factor in to many aspects' of their lives, but is bringing them to a provider's (hotel-room) doorstep acceptable?   Talking politics seems to be a mood-killer, no?  

If you are in that group of folk refusing to wear one due to your beliefs or political leanings, would you hold to this even when visiting a provider whose location requires it?    


Basically, for me it's down to a discretion issue.  I firmly believe that should outweigh politicizing face-coverings, but I would like to hear others' opinions on this.  

-- Modified on 10/3/2020 8:59:39 AM

Given that Trump and his crew refused to wear masks a week ago at the Barrett-fest and now many are ill, followed by EVERYONE at the White House finally wearing masks, perhaps you'll meet less resistance on your policy.
Anyway, your policy is EXACTLY the same as requiring someone shower upon arrival or any other such request.
Make your requirements clear and turn away anyone who can't comply for any reason.

I’m imagining a scenario where a “Karen” whips out her cell phone and starts chastising the monger for not wearing a mask.

So he reasoned that Trump once wore a mask (back at some factory visit - campaign rally in June? July?) and for another 5 minutes while standing behind RBG's casket on the steps of the Supreme Court, but it didn't prevent him from contracting COVID so that means that masks are ineffective.  
Sound reasoning. Maybe Trump wants to appoint THAT guy to SCOTUS.

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
All was well, everyone abided by it, until yesterday when 2 repeat clients showed up (separate appts, this wasn't an MFM lol) without face coverings.  
  When I asked the first if he had a mask, I was treated to five minutes of "facts" and "statistics" about masks being ineffective which he feels is now proven by Trump having Covid.  So he flat-out refuses to wear a face covering anymore, though he said he had been for months.

Did he have someone take the SAT for him? Must be ...
Thank you for sharing your experience with these morons! I recently been to a hotel stay for a couple of days and yes the manager on duty was serious about every patron wearing a mask.
From hobby perspective it makes more sense to be incognito! And, I agree a political discussion will be a mood destroyer especially in early few visits!
Glad you are keeping up with your rules and requirements. 👍

Personally I believe that a mask affords about as much protection against COVID as putting up a chain link fence around your yard in an effort to keep the mosquitos out, but we can argue about those little cloth "chin diapers" effectiveness on another thread because that doesn't seem to be your actual question here.

For the record, except when absolutely required by law or by management, I NEVER wear a chin diaper, but some battles simply aren't worth fighting. If I enter my bank I am required to wear a mask, If I go buy groceries ditto. I simply don't have the energy to fight this battle 24/7, so to answer your question, YES I will wear a mask, at least from the front door to the elevator if hotel rules (or local ordinances) require it. I really don't need to get kicked out of a hotel that I am not even staying in, it's simply not worth the hassle IMHO.

BTW this has NOTHING to do with who I support for POTUS, nor does it have the least bit to do with politics, even if Trump does a 180 and starts supporting chin diapers for all people, all the time, I'll still know it's dumb and I will only comply when I have to. People I vote for support all sorts of dumb things, if I had to agree with a politician about EVERYTHING before voting for him/her than I'd never be able to cast a vote for any of them.

Lastly, this doesn't mean I will EVER show up at the door with a chin diaper on, I WILL wear one in the lobby if required, and even in the elevator if I am sharing said elevator with germaphobes, but that Doesn't mean I am going to wear one while walking down the hall without anyone else in site. That's just DUMB to be wearing a mask while walking down an empty hallway on your way to see a relative stranger who you are about to be naked with, breathing all over each other for an hour or more. I hope at least "someone" here will see that irony.

more protection than a vaccine:  

"I might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine, because it may be 70%. And if I don't get an immune response, the vaccine is not going to protect me," Redfield said. "This face mask will."

And it is not “do masks protect me, or not.” The mask is one part of the total armor –face shield, washing hands, and social distancing. I wear a face shield, mask, and gloves  when I fly even when the middle seat is open. On the flights I’ve been on, they still pack the jet port so you are helpless there but for your armor.

Trump could have could have caught covid even if he wore a mask at all times. But what is the most likely reason he caught it?

Finally, even if you are correct and Dr. Redfield and virtually all the experts are wrong, you should still wear a mask because it protects other people when you sneeze or whatever and there is no downside to wearing one.

You REALLY need to rethink this one.

It actually IS rocket science. Studies from labs all over the world have studied particle dispersions from sneezes, coughs, singing, shouting, talking ... using high speed cameras and other hi tech. With no covering, you get a mushroom cloud of droplets of various sizes that remain suspended for X time and Y distance. Let's rate that event 1000.  With a various face coverings, the particle spread drops rapidly and effectively, down to 5-100.  The experts can then argue about whether a 3M N95 is better than a Chinese K95 or a blue surgical mask but they all work to provide a tremendous knock down.  
Those particles (of many different sizes) carry virus. Those tiny particles floating in the air spread disease with each inhalation.
The "rocket science" of epidemiology also proves that masks work.
"But I'm not sick. I feel fine." doesn't matter. You don't need to by symptomatic to be a spreader, also proven by science.  
Grownups often do things that they don't have to do or want to do to demonstrate to children that something is a good idea: "See, even grownups like me wear a helmet when I ride my bike. You should, too! Put your helmet on and we'll go for a ride." "Hmmm, these Brussels sprouts are delicious! Hmmm. Eat yours with me!"  You don't have to change your beliefs about masks. Be a grownup and wear a mask to set a good example for the children, including other grown up children.

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Debra, unlike "Planet Stupid" here I will try to actually answer your question
Personally I believe that a mask affords about as much protection against COVID as putting up a chain link fence around your yard in an effort to keep the mosquitos out, but we can argue about those little cloth "chin diapers" effectiveness on another thread because that doesn't seem to be your actual question here.

He's proven beyond a doubt he's Universe Stupid. In a career of stupid posts, this one may be his stupidest. CaCa is a Black Hole of stupidity so dense he can suck in and crush all intelligent life around him.

I just want to say I like it how you call them "chin diapers".  

I see the irony. I love ironies. But I believe you is not necessary to wear a chin diaper when walking alone or being alone in the open. Walking down a hotel hall you don't know who just walked by minutes before. Whoever walked by coughed and left the germs suspended in the air. When you're with a stranger for an hour or less it's a choice and taking a chance.  
We take chosen chances that increase our chances, but we lower them in other chancetances.

But unlike other people on this board who try to take credit for things that other people invented, even stupid shit like "swallowpee" I try to give credit where credit is due and the credit for "Chin diapers" goes to Matt and Trey of South Park.  

Regardless of your political leanings "The Pandemic Special" is hilarious, and YES they rag on Trump too, but they rag on EVERYBODY, so it's still easy to laugh even when they make fun of "your side" unlike the very "unfunny" SNL, George Lopez et al, who only find it appropriate to laugh at one side of the political aisle

As for walking down hotel hallways, you do you and I'll do me. Deal?

South Park’s “Pandemic Special” was entertaining and funny. Compare it to the pathetic attempt at comedy they go for at SNL. Cold open for their season opener fell flat, and the show was panned by typically liberal reviewers.

Do as the Romans.  If you were in Wisconsin and lots of people disregard masks, then as an oddity, it isn't.   If many people aren't wearing masks then it really isn't a "stand out" issue.
I believe that was the point of your remarks, not the medical efficacy question.

I had to throw in a Political jab here, after all this is the PR board. This wearing of mask has made it's way to the political atmosphere we're in now. Most Republicans feel the rules don't apply to them.They'll give some mumbo jumbo bullshit as to why mask don't work, blah, blah, blah...They just don't get it. Or they don't have family to go home to. See it's those guys who sit alone in their studio apt, lights off and the barrel of a 38 shoved down their throat, one tequila shot away from pulling the trigger who seem to be some of the resistance to this.
I don't like wearing a mask but I get it, if it's mandated and If any place of business or if my city requires it then I'm good..I didn't like sitting at my hotel pool getting sun and having to wear a mask. But I'm good...cause I get it.

-- Modified on 10/4/2020 5:13:45 PM

Steve_Trevor14 reads

Discretion should outweigh politicizing face-coverings.  

So if the provider asks you to wear a mask, wear a mask. And follow whatever rules the site has for mask wearing. Most hotels require them in public places.  Many apartments and condos require masks in lobbies, hallways etc too.

Not difficult to understand, except for those who have no consideration for others and don’t understand the value of not giving someone a reason to single you out in these situations. Plus, a mask make it much harder to ID you if you’re caught on camera or someone is just nosey.

Posted By: Steve_Trevor
Re: You’re absolutely right
Discretion should outweigh politicizing face-coverings.    
 So if the provider asks you to wear a mask, wear a mask. And follow whatever rules the site has for mask wearing. Most hotels require them in public places.  Many apartments and condos require masks in lobbies, hallways etc too.  
 Not difficult to understand, except for those who have no consideration for others and don’t understand the value of not giving someone a reason to single you out in these situations. Plus, a mask make it much harder to ID you if you’re caught on camera or someone is just nosey.
You managed to condense what I took too many words to write!  

The way I see it is that in most geographical locations I tour, not wearing a face-covering in public will cause one to stand out.

So if anyone watching on cameras, or even just housekeeping staff in the hallways, happen to notice someone who's NOT wearing one, especially if he's spotted bare-faced both coming and going,  they might also notice what room he's visiting.

Naturally, I want to avoid drawing any attention to the activities in my hotel-room, so of course I appreciate it greatly if everyone can please follow the hotel rules and try to blend in as best as possible.  

(yes, it may have been true that people hanging out in the lobby of my Milwaukee hotel on a Friday night weren't wearing face-coverings but I did not personally witness this. I still feel everyone should at least carry a mask and be ready to don it.)

I guess there are plenty of dumbass old white guys besides all the ones on this board. lol

Yeah, that really was "too easy" but sometimes even I will go for the low hanging fruit.

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