Politics and Religion

Exactly-and when the police arrive, everyone will be treated as the
marikod 1 Reviews 517 reads

Shooter. And if any of them are black guys, well you know the police presumption

by concealed carry permit holders starting in 2016, thanks to a bill rammed through by the Republicans.  

       Why is this such a bad idea? In Texas, where the best looking P & R Board posters live, you have to be carefully trained to get a concealed carry permit, don’t you? Well, not exactly – four hours of training is all it takes.

      But we need guns when we go to the mall for self –defense, right? Lot of drug traffic in Texas. Maybe, but in Texas the number of persons killed by someone they didn’t know is about the same as those killed in domestic incidents. In other words, if self- defense is the rationale, then you need to wear your holster when you are walking around inside your house.

     But since concealed carry has long been allowed, why is open carry any additional problem? Open carry means quicker to draw, quicker to fire. If you see someone pull a gun on you out of the corner of your eye, you can turn and fire like Clint Eastwood. Opps, it was a kid with a water gun. Or a bad guy can grab your gun out of your holster.

       So how does this work in practice? Let’s say you want to get a latte in Starbucks which has a “no guns” sign posted. “Here kid- would you mind holding this Glock while I get some coffee?” Or maybe you go with your buddies and have a designated gun holder who stands outside with four  holsters draped across his arm.

What do you do when you go to the toilet in Starbucks? Leave it hanging on that hook?

      What about that guy who cut you off in traffic? Just raise that holster so the bad driver can see it in his rear view mirror- that should calm things down.

       What about accidental discharges? They happen to the best – only problem now is an accidental discharge on a crowded street means that cute little 7 year old girl gets shot.

       But when there is a murder in public, it should be helpful to have all these armed citizens around, right? Well, the police don’t think so. When they show up and see 15 honest armed citizens and one body, guess what is going to happen?

      But, hey, these are minor quibbles – the bottom line is, more guns will make us safer:

“The most dangerous place in the country is a gun-free zone,” said state Rep. Allen Fletcher, a Republican from Cypress who authored a campus-carry bill pending in the House.

      Texas has solved that problem. Thnak you Republicans

It seems to me they are safer than the areas around them. And, yes, most violent crimes occur in the home, and by someone the victim knows already. I guess that all doesn't matter much to the Texas Republicans. They want what they want, and no reasoning is going to stand in their way.

Another example is banks. I'm certain all the bank employees, particularly the security guards are going to feel quite grand about someone packing. I know my bank reminds me to take of any mask I might be wearing, during Halloween. Makes sense they'd have the same attitude toward guns.

While I'm personally not in favor of generalized open carry (because the public disturbances come from people like you), your objections (as well as those in Texas) are quite late to the debate.

...42 states, but as far as California is concerned, the unloaded open carry law was repealed as of January 1, 2012.  Maybe you should check the date of your link.  No wonder you carefully avoided including it.

Do you really need someone to show you how to determine the source of the picture I included? In case you still can't find it, it is a CC group in the state of Hawaii. Care to address all the non-California states that Texas is following?  

I'll up the game to a wikipedia source:


Are you going to now ask me to add up the columns for you? Or just continue to pick around the edges? It's possible matt might like to have a word with you but I'm guessing not.  

-- Modified on 4/18/2015 8:32:02 PM

...why your picture was dead WRONG about California?  How many of the other states was it wrong about?  We don't know because you're too scared to post the link.

Instead, you "up the game" with a Wikipedia link.  ROFLMAO!!!  You consider Wikipedia to be "upping the game?"  You don't have a clue as to the lack of credibility of Wikipedia.  For all anyone knows, you could have edited the article to make it say whatever you wanted just before posting it.

Wikipedia is a joke...and so are you for repeatedly relying on it as authority..

that is too stupid to figure out how to follow it.  And I forgot you don't get sarcasm by written word only. You require colored pictures to tell you how to infer such things. Wikipedia? You don't deserve better since you think the world revolves around California.

...you throw out.  It's you who has the responsibility to post a link if you want to have any credibility.  That's why TER supplies a "link URL" box.  Maybe you don't know how to copy & paste an URL.  Or you're too embarrassed that it's one of your right-wing tinfoil hat wearing websites that routinely makes lots of errors like yours did with California.  In any case, you still haven't admitted that your BS link was wrong about California being an unloaded open carry state.

Do these other posters deserve better than Wikipedia, your go-to link?  .....

I'm guessing you've been unemployed for a long time.

mari seemed to have no problem with the bulk of state data I showed, whose only purpose was to refute the impression he was attempting to make that it was a big deal that Texas was becoming an open carry state. While in fact the majority of states already allow open carry (to one degree or another). Whether the status of a state or two on that map might not be 100% up to date is totally irrelevant to my point of fact. A point BTW you totally ignored  

BTW the source wasn't wrong. It was a "crumb" of data from a year before California changed their law. Of course you would have discovered that had you gotten out bed. You can continue to worry about the crumbs or you can get off your ass to start doing things for yourself. Or maybe simply read with comprehension. I still think matt (our resident gnat detector) would like to have a word with you.

-- Modified on 4/19/2015 12:45:09 PM

“uniformed” or not – in my post. Sadly, all of the reasons why open carry is a bad idea that I gave are factually based- you can quibble with how often it happens but each entry in the parade of horribles has actually happened in other states.  

        As to my concerns about how open carry works in practice, I don’t see any exaggerations there either – what do Second Amendment cowboys do with their guns when they enter a “no guns” establishment?

As for being “late to the debate”- tough crowd- the bill just passed Friday.  You may very well have a constitutional right to some degree of open carry - but from a policy standpoint that is an argument you cannot win

took your exaggerations seriously and thus were not hyperbole in your minds. My criticisms were plural and include the hyperbole in the posts by others that followed yours.

BTW, responsible firearms owners make sure their weapons are properly and legally secured at home or in their vehicle if they know they are going to enter a restricted facility.  

Maybe you missed the part where I agreed that open carry is not a good idea, if only because too many people aren't prepared for it. But it serves no useful purpose to exaggerate.

There was no ramming.
  The bill was passed by The Texas House of Representatives  96 to 35.  
 An inquisitive mind would like to know, why are there missing votes, or is my Math incorrect,  
   leading  me to believe, there were  Texas Representatives not present, or absent of courage when  an important law was on the floor ?  
   I've been wrong before, usually Grammar or spelling, rarely with Math.  :-D

   An inquisitive mind would like to know, isn't  the Texas Governor required to sign the bill, before becoming law?
   FYI The best looking P & R Board posters do not reside in Texas.  
   I should know, like you, I'm not a Homophobe, fearful of  recognizing  a handsome man, though your taste is evidently different than mine.      :-D  

   An inquisitive mind would also like to know,  Why are you so concerned with a State where  
    you do not reside ?  
      Is Texas your favorite vacation destination ?

Posted By: marikod
by concealed carry permit holders starting in 2016, thanks to a bill rammed through by the Republicans.  
        Why is this such a bad idea? In Texas, where the best looking P & R Board posters live, you have to be carefully trained to get a concealed carry permit, don’t you?    
:39 AM

-- Modified on 4/19/2015 1:06:51 PM

as far as where the best looking P & R Board posters reside. I may have to invite Priapus back to school you and Ed on proper word choice. While never fully appreciated, Priapus did have his own copy of Strunk and White, The Elements of Style.

      Those mean Republicans rammed thru the bill by rejecting the reasonable compromises offered by the Democrats to include an opt out provision for big cities and a simplified “no guns” sign proposal.

        And yes the governor must sign the bill before it becomes law but he has already said he will

Regarding hyperbole, I've agreed we will probably never concur on what you consider to be an exaggeration or that you truly intend for even your most outrageous examples to be taken literally.

on just this one bill than Harry Reid offered his opposition in total over several months, maybe years. So is "ramming" OK when the result suits you?

the Republicans took the Democrats by the hand, served them tea and raspberry scones, and in the spirit of collegiality asked if they wanted any changes to the bill.”

Is that better?

      Now can we get back to whether open carry is terrible policy for all the fact based reasons I mentioned, none of which you have rebutted or accurately characterized as hyperbole.  

       On a completely separate topic, how did you gain a reputation for straining at gnats? Hard to believe, isn't it

I've already stated (twice) that I disagree with open carry, but not for the grossly exaggerated reasons given here by you and others.

St. Croix544 reads

Why do you live in Texas, even if it happens to be Austin, the lone enclave of liberals in that big bad state? If you don't live in Austin, I'm surprised you haven't been shot yet.

I really don't follow this legislation, cut correct me if I'm wrong, isn't there over 30 states that allow open carry to varying degrees, i.e. permit required, or no permit required? I believe Oregon and Washington, two very liberal states have a open carry law on their books. I also believe Democrats control the legislature in both of those states. Why would they have passed such a law? Is your issue just with Texas because that's where you live, or would you have the same issue with Oregon, Washington, or any other open carry state?  

At the end of the day, you do have a choice of where to live. I believe California does not permit open carry.  

Posted By: marikod
by concealed carry permit holders starting in 2016, thanks to a bill rammed through by the Republicans.  
        Why is this such a bad idea? In Texas, where the best looking P & R Board posters live, you have to be carefully trained to get a concealed carry permit, don’t you? Well, not exactly – four hours of training is all it takes.  
       But we need guns when we go to the mall for self –defense, right? Lot of drug traffic in Texas. Maybe, but in Texas the number of persons killed by someone they didn’t know is about the same as those killed in domestic incidents. In other words, if self- defense is the rationale, then you need to wear your holster when you are walking around inside your house.  
      But since concealed carry has long been allowed, why is open carry any additional problem? Open carry means quicker to draw, quicker to fire. If you see someone pull a gun on you out of the corner of your eye, you can turn and fire like Clint Eastwood. Opps, it was a kid with a water gun. Or a bad guy can grab your gun out of your holster.  
        So how does this work in practice? Let’s say you want to get a latte in Starbucks which has a “no guns” sign posted. “Here kid- would you mind holding this Glock while I get some coffee?” Or maybe you go with your buddies and have a designated gun holder who stands outside with four  holsters draped across his arm.  
 What do you do when you go to the toilet in Starbucks? Leave it hanging on that hook?  
       What about that guy who cut you off in traffic? Just raise that holster so the bad driver can see it in his rear view mirror- that should calm things down.  
        What about accidental discharges? They happen to the best – only problem now is an accidental discharge on a crowded street means that cute little 7 year old girl gets shot.  
        But when there is a murder in public, it should be helpful to have all these armed citizens around, right? Well, the police don’t think so. When they show up and see 15 honest armed citizens and one body, guess what is going to happen?  
       But, hey, these are minor quibbles – the bottom line is, more guns will make us safer:  
 “The most dangerous place in the country is a gun-free zone,” said state Rep. Allen Fletcher, a Republican from Cypress who authored a campus-carry bill pending in the House.  
       Texas has solved that problem. Thnak you Republicans.  

...a post in this very thread.  Of course he's totally wrong and you are right that CA does NOT permit open carry but when has that stopped a righty from posting false information.

Now I know why they're called "Righties" - they always think they're right and can never admit when they are wrong.

You make this post (4/20/2015 4:56:48 AM) AFTER the one above (4/19/2015 1:27:33 PM) where you acknowledged the data I sourced was created BEFORE California changed their laws. You knew the record had been corrected but still perpetuated the lie.

I guess it's time for you to have this post pulled as usual when you get caught lying.

"BTW the source wasn't wrong."  You led people to believe that California is an open carry state TODAY. And you still are saying that the source wasn't wrong.  Of course it wasn't wrong - FOUR YEARS AGO!  But you posted a map leading people to believe that California is an open carry state TODAY without telling anyone that your post was hopelessly outdated and useless.

You're just pissed off and embarrassed that I showed you for the dishonest person you are for using obsolete data and deliberately not linking your source to try to fool everyone.

Continuing to misquote me makes you look more guilty than ever (if that's even possible).

Here's what I actually said regarding your misquote:

"BTW the source wasn't wrong. It was a "crumb" of data from a year before California changed their law."


I clearly acknowledged the data predated the California law change. Also, note my use of past tense.

BTW, as I stated earlier, my reason for even posting that data had only 2% (1/50th) to do with California. It showed the larger issue at hand mari was making that Texas changing to open carry was somehow a big deal but of course it wasn't since about half the states are already open carry. You of course aren't interested in reality. You only use the typical leftest tactics of attempting to smear the messenger rather than address issues at hand.

I am shocked though that you have not yet had your deceitful posts pulled.

-- Modified on 4/22/2015 11:05:38 AM

...your map ORIGINALLY, you claimed there were 42 open carry states.  Maybe you're too stupid to know that map was wrong but more likely, you knew that the data was four years old and hopelessly outdated so you deliberately omitted the link to make us think there really are 42 open carry states TODAY.

You only "acknowledged" California was not an open carry state when I busted you.  How many of the other 41 open carry states are no longer open carry states?  I know, I know, it's up to me to find out because you want everyone to believe your four year old bullshit map that says there are 42 open carry states.  We're supposed to believe your bullshit unless we want to dig up the TRUTH for ourselves.  Which I did, but which you still won't "acknowledge."  Righty bullshitter!  Why didn't you "acknowledge" your map was bullshit when you originally posted it?

BTW, it's not 1/50, it's at least one 1/42 of the open carry states that you lied about and deceived us with your old, outdated bullshit map.  Math isn't one of your strong suits, is it?

-- Modified on 4/22/2015 4:07:40 PM

then you confirmed my acknowledgement. Then AFTER your confirmation you attempted to call me out AGAIN for the error, as if I was STILL claiming it to be true.

Do you know how to read a clock? A calendar?

The correct count was in the link attached to the post which also specified that California did not allow open carry. You apparently read only my post and not the link. Next time before you declare victory by showing that a gun law change is not a big deal , perhaps you should actually read the link. In fact texas is the biggest state to allow this so it was a big deal and made national news.

Next time try to not link to a protected news article. I had to go find my own data. Google images happened to pull up one from prior to 2012. Good news for me visa-vi BP's blood pressure. Too bad BP can't grasp the NATIONAL implications of my point as he only cares about California and not the national trend, but then again it now seems maybe you're in the same boat regarding Texas.

The big news was not the size of Texas. The news was that they were so late to the game as they joined a very large club of other states. In the 11 or 12 paragraphs you laid out, I don't think their size appeared anywhere. All I saw was Henny Pennyish, the sky is falling, the sky is falling. I simply pointed out what Texas did was absolutely nothing new and is now headed in the same direction as most other states (except California as we now know, thanks to BP.)


-- Modified on 4/22/2015 10:41:03 PM

...with your old-ass bullshit link. You got caught like a wolf in a leg trap and you did everything including gnawing your own leg off to avoid admitting it.

When I asked you for the link, you didn't post it. You said: "...it is a CC group in the state of Hawaii."

When I asked again, all you had was an insult.  You said I was: "too stupid to figure out" (how to find the link).

When I asked again, more insults to avoid posting the link.  You said I was: "unemployed for a long time."  You said I should get out of bed and get off my ass and "read with comprehension."  All to avoid posting a link you knew was bullshit.

Would you like to post the link now or do you want to chew off your other leg?

where you were absolutely sure, yet totally incorrect, that Bill O'Reilly was no longer heard on radio. You need to do the same thing here and simply disappear.

...quadseasonal, wake up with stupid.  Congrats, you just proved you're as stupid as quad.

...quadseasonal posted a link to prove that O'Reilly's radio show was still on the air.  Only problem was the link was from 2008!  You and he have that in common - you love to post outdated bullshit links.

When I pointed out his old link, he backpedaled and claimed he was really talking about the audio version the The O'Reilly Factor being re-broadcast on radio.  Sure, that was what he meant.  LOL!  And you're supporting him because you're a partisan righty and as stupid as he is.

Have you got a link newer than 2008 to prove that it is still on radio?  Where is the vast national network of radio stations that's carrying the audio version of The O'Reilly Factor that quad claimed after he claimed that O'Reilly's RADIO show was still on the air?  

ed2000's bullshit map of open carry states:



quadseasonal's map of the vast nationwide network of radio stations that carry Bill O'Reilly's RADIO show:




-- Modified on 4/25/2015 3:34:38 AM

His multi-hour show did indeed end in 2009 but he still has a short spot called Talking Points that is aired just as the radio station finder indicates.

...familiar with the phrase "grasping at straws?"

Talking Points Memo is a 3 to 4 minute editorial given by O'Reilly where he uses the gimmick of referring to himself as "Talking Points" when giving his opinion rather than saying "I."

The fact that you consider a 3 to 4 minute editorial to be "still on radio" shows just how picayune your argument is.

of on the radio. Only a pathologically dishonest person would contend that producing a daily editorial spot, aired on HUNDREDS of stations, typically twice a day does NOT qualify as being on the radio".  

You made no such qualification when quad tried to get you to listen to reality. He knew you were digging a deep hole but just let you dig. I watched in amusement as you demanded he was WRONG WRONG WRONG when of course he was RIGHT. Now you have discovered your mistake but are are not nearly man enough to own up to it.  

I earlier admitted I'd made an error with California on the open carry map but you refused to even reply to my admission. Instead you simply carried forward with your admonishment of me and my "mistake" AFTER I'd admitted it.

You are truly an example of the smallest excuse for a human being I think I've ever come across. Either that or you are 14 years old.

...You lied when you called TPM a "different show" in this post:


Actually, O'Reilly does the TPM at the beginning of every one of his TV shows.  This is snipped out of the TV show and played as a stand-alone editorial on conservative radio stations.  So you lied once again when you said that O'Reilly "produced a daily editorial spot."  Got any more lies?  

Having a "show" on the radio means people tune in to listen to the "show" at home or while driving.  A 3 minute editorial is not a "show."  People don't say: " Hey did you hear O'Reilly's "show on the radio today?" You know why?  Because it's not a "show."  You think people tune in to the radio to hear a 3 minute editorial or would they rather listen to someone like Rush blather for 3 hours?

Call me some more names to cover up the fact that you don't know what you're talking about.  Idjit


     "I don't care about OReilley, I don't watch his show or listen to him on the radio."


     "That's not surprising since he hasn't been on the radio for SIX YEARS!  Your brain must have been in dry dock during that time."



I know, I know, you're going to demand links now. The fact that you consider Bill O'Reilly's voice coming out of radios, all across the country, on hundreds of radio stations, on a daily basis as NOT being on the radio illustrates the raw depth of your desperation.

I know, I know. My illustration is wrong because I said ZERO instead of LOVE, but you don't deserve to be associated with that word in any context.

-- Modified on 4/26/2015 7:35:23 PM

""I don't care about OReilley, I don't watch his show or listen to him on the radio.""

   That statement of mine was a reflection of stations I listened  to on my radio, before last week.
       Since the day BP showed himself, for the ninety  ninth time,  to be stuck in his small minded snail shell, surrounded by  his own version of  reality, being the inquisitive guy I am, I've listened  to O'Reilly on the radio a few times since then.
   Last night as I was driving from Mayberry to Hoboken, I had time to listen to an hour of O'Reilly  
   TV on my car radio.  
  I don't know where he gets his 3 minute editorial tunes , must be another  
  one of his wrong ideas when he confuses left coast with  East Coast.  
  When I posted a photo of EC stations near me, broadcasting O'Reilly for all to see, par for his course,  BP continued to dodge the truth.

 Due to his teachers giving him passing grades all through his failed school years, as an adult  he doesn't have the mental capacity to recognize when he's wrong.  
 In his defense, both Laffy and he have serious afflictions stopping them from opening links, and understanding pictures  that aren't coloring books .  

Posted By: ed2000
      "I don't care about OReilley, I don't watch his show or listen to him on the radio."  
      "That's not surprising since he hasn't been on the radio for SIX YEARS!  Your brain must have been in dry dock during that time."  
 Quad = ACE - GAME - SET - MATCH  
 BP = ZERO  
 I know, I know, you're going to demand links now. The fact that you consider Bill O'Reilly's voice coming out of radios, all across the country, on hundreds of radio stations, on a daily basis as NOT being on the radio illustrates the raw depth of your desperation.  
 I know, I know. My illustration is wrong because I said ZERO instead of LOVE, but you don't deserve to be associated with that word in any context.  

-- Modified on 4/26/2015 7:35:23 PM

""I don't care about OReilley, I don't watch his show or listen to him on the radio.""  
    That statement of mine was a reflection of stations I listened  to on my radio, before last week.  
        Since the day you  showed , for the ninety  ninth time,  to be stuck in your  small minded snail shell, surrounded by your  own version of  reality, my listening habits on the radio have changed.
    Being the inquisitive guy I am, I've listened  to O'Reilly on the radio a few times since then.  
    Last night as I was driving from Mayberry to Hoboken, I had time to listen to an hour of O'Reilly  TV on my car radio.  
    Since you don't grasp the truth, I'll repeat myself for you.  
    I don't know where you concocted your 3 minute editorial idea  , must be another  
   one of your  wrong answers  when  confusing  left coast with  East Coast.  
   When I posted a photo of EC stations near me, broadcasting O'Reilly for all to *see , par for your  course, you  continued to dodge the truth.  
 * see as in seeing where they are, to know where to tune in to hear.  
 Due to your  teachers giving you  passing grades all through all your failed school years, as an adult you don't have the mental capacity to recognize when you're wrong.    
  In your  defense, both you and Laffy  have serious afflictions stopping you two from  opening links, and understanding pictures  that aren't coloring books .  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...You lied when you called TPM a "different show" in this post:  
 Actually, O'Reilly does the TPM at the beginning of every one of his TV shows.  This is snipped out of the TV show and played as a stand-alone editorial on conservative radio stations.  So you lied once again when you said that O'Reilly "produced a daily editorial spot."  Got any more lies?  
 Having a "show" on the radio means people tune in to listen to the "show" at home or while driving.  A 3 minute editorial is not a "show."  People don't say: " Hey did you hear O'Reilly's "show on the radio today?" You know why?  Because it's not a "show."  You think people tune in to the radio to hear a 3 minute editorial or would they rather listen to someone like Rush blather for 3 hours?  
 Call me some more names to cover up the fact that you don't know what you're talking about.  Idjit!  
-- Modified on 4/28/2015 12:46:17 PM

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