Politics and Religion

Boxer and Pelosi are the two most irritating broads on planet Earth
St. Croix 871 reads

I'm probably stealing a few lines from Greg Giraldo during a Joan Rivers roast, but what goes into peoples heads like Boxer and Pelosi on cosmetic surgery. How much worse can they look vs the clown mask welded on their heads. They used to look their age, now they don't even look like their species. Both look like a surprised catfish.

Besides that, these two rubber faced monsters don't have a fucking clue on economic matters. All I can hope for during their next collagen injection, is that their lips swell so much they won't be able to talk. Everybody will say they probably gave a beehive a blowjob.

St. Croix1037 reads

and Pelosi in the November elections. I have total disdain for those two. And now Boxer wants to limit off-shore drilling, and begin a criminal investigation.  

Just maybe the two of them will have a severe reaction to their next botox injection, which will render them totally useless. They are both 70, and are starting to look like Joan Rivers.

Did I mention how much I despise those two?

Pelosi? lol. When a local news program televised a couple of months ago, Speaker of the House Pelosi addressing her constitutents after the "Health Care Bill" I thought I was seeing an renactment of Jonestown. How can anybody drink  the kool-aid she is dispensing is a mystery to me.

Sen. Boxer was at her truly magnificent self when she critized the US Coast Guard response after the Chinese Freighter Busan hit the pier on the SF Bay Bridge. When I hear her speak, it's like hearing fingernails scratch a blackboard. Do you remember the sound?

St. Croix872 reads

I'm probably stealing a few lines from Greg Giraldo during a Joan Rivers roast, but what goes into peoples heads like Boxer and Pelosi on cosmetic surgery. How much worse can they look vs the clown mask welded on their heads. They used to look their age, now they don't even look like their species. Both look like a surprised catfish.

Besides that, these two rubber faced monsters don't have a fucking clue on economic matters. All I can hope for during their next collagen injection, is that their lips swell so much they won't be able to talk. Everybody will say they probably gave a beehive a blowjob.

It seems that Rand Paul has won in Kentucky. This seems to be a giant slap in the face of Mitch McConnel since he favored the establishment candidate. It may also be very good news for the Dems, as they may have a very easy time defeating someone who is essentially a Libertarian candidate.

Also interesting is that Arlen Specter has lost his primary to Joe Sustak. This may be good news for Republicans since they hate their own moderates, but the Dems ended up electing a real and genuine Democrat to take Specter's place, which if he's victorious, it would move the Senate to the left.

And while the Dems had it in for Blanche Lincoln, she still won the election, yet having to move to a run-off. If she wins, she may keep a Republican out of office in a very conservative state.

It seems the biggest message sent was that Republicans are tired of the GOP, and Democrats are tired of Obama governing as a moderate.

Let's face it, Obama supporters are NOT moderates. Many of his base are hard-core leftists who see the USSR as a flaw in execution rather than philosophy.

They are PISSED and feel cheated when he shows that, just like the Republicans, his strings are pulled by other powerful interests.

Meanwhile, the GOP has rendered itself meaningless to those who oppose socialism.

While the GOP had both houses of Congress and the Presidency; spending flew out of control, welfare programs were enlarged, immigration was uncontrolled and the government gained unprecedented power. Showing, to any conservative with a brain, that the GOP in aggregated action was nothing more than the Democratic Socialist party with a different label.

Real conservatives are pissed and abandoning the establishment GOP as it should have been abandoned decades ago.

Obama's base isn't really all that hard core. They just haven't been thrown a bone in about 30 years. They worked their asses off to get Obama in office, and then he treats his base like the red headed step child.

The GOP hasn't really been meaningless in opposing socialism, otherwise, I would have voted for them. :) The neo-cons pissed the left off big time. They were (and still are) behaving like corportists rather than socialists.

St. Croix987 reads

Are you nuts? Look, what we have is a dysfunctional government, and I see absolutely no incentive to change it. The so-called economic recovery Obama, Geithner, Summers, Romer have been talking about, well get ready for a repeat of 2008. There is a European version of Lehman Brothers about to hit. Europe, and their little Eurozone experiment is imploding, and their austerity plans will come to a local theater near you. Throw in uncertainty, draconian regulation, higher taxes, and a President that attacks every industry, and you have an economic recovery gone in an instant. Moderate my ass!

Could the Dems and Republicans fix the upcoming problems? Yeah, but do you really think that's going to happen?

Judicial Nominations - 2 moderate picks in Sotomayor & Kagan (assuming she's confirmed)..There were some very liberal choices out there; Pam Karlan, Harold Koh, Kathleen Sullivan, Diane Wood, Cass Sunstein, etc. but President Obama, even w/a 59-41 senate majority, refuses to name a solid liberal to the SCOTUS...As a matter of fact, of all his judicial nominations; SCOTUS, Court of Appeals, & District Courts, only Goodwin Liu (9th. Circuit nominee, who has cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee and is awaiting full senate vote) was a very liberal choice...

HCR - No single payer, & no public option...It is a very centrist health care bill...

St. Croix1635 reads

I don't think there has been any significant decisions since Sotomayor was nominated. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court is divided along ideological lines just like DC. The wild card is Kennedy. I expect Sotomayor and Kagan to vote with Breyer, Ginsberg. I can't remember the last 9-0 decision.

Re HC...granted no single payer & no public option, but the costs will continue to rise. CBO adjusted their their numbers and came back with $100B in additional costs.

My main issue is on the economy. At the end of the day, the economy trumps all other issues. Look at the action in the stock market. It's the best future indicator, and what it's saying is look out below. You have a government assault on just about every industry. You have pending regulation that will have an adverse impact to the financials. Hell, even Bill Clinton said GS didn't do anything wrong, but the White House and the SEC want a pound of flesh. Europe is a complete mess, and their austerity plans will eventually happen to us. Merkle's decision to ban naked shorting was just the latest in government involvement in the private sector.

PitchingWedge mentioned in an earlier post that the govt has little impact in the economy. In the past, he is right, but not today. I work for a F100 company that had, the operative word is "had", 5000 open positions. Guess what? All open positions are on hold due to uncertainty, pending regulations, and pending tax increases.

I realize Obama needs to pander to the left wing of his party, but it will be to his detriment. This country is about as moderate as you can get. All I ask of Obama is to take a breather, cut the populist rhetoric, become a cheerleader for the economy and business, lay off any new regulation that will have a negative impact to job creation.

This economy wants to grow, but governments in the US and Europe are doing a phenomenal job of fucking it up.

Actually, there are usually several 9-0 decisions eacy year, but they generally aren't the most high profile cases..

that is all he could get passed.  He wanted the more radical changes, but even his own party balked at that.

He may appear moderate, but only because this country is mostly moderate and right of center.

"but only because this country is mostly moderate and right of center"..

I think your're half correct on that...I don't think there's any doubt the south & interior west (WY, ID, UT) are certainly right of center, but i would submit to you that the entire northeast, New England, & coastal west are very left of center...Hell, OR. & WA. voted for Dukakis in 1988, lol...

RE HCR - A public option was needed to provide more competition...I think President Obama had the votes in the senate to pass it, had he fought harder for it...

President Obama missed some chances to excite the Democratic base for the Nov. elections had

1. he passed HCR w/a public option

2. had one of his SCOTUS nominations been a solid liberal

3. had he repealed DADT

St. Croix1022 reads

and watching the meltdown of the eurozone, euro, global stocks. Liberal Democrats have always had a fascination with Europe. They want the U.S. to emulate their social and economic policies. How is that working? You can't keep increasing the size of government, free shit like HC, govt pensions that are killing state governments. We are running debt in excess of 10% of GDP. Well so is Greece and other European countries. Now today we have an advantage where interest rates are low, and its cheap to finance our debt, plus the world is buying treasuries and fleeing the Euro. That will eventually change. What is happening in Europe will hit us.

At the end of the day, we are going to have to increase taxes substantially, and not just on the rich. Dems like that, but at the same time, the services govt provides needs to be dramatically reduced. Dems don't like that. I honestly thought Obama and the Dems could survive the November elections as long as the nascent recovery was on track, and unemployment showed some level of improvement. Well today, weekly unemployment claims jumped. Companies are not hiring. Obama just doesn't get it, or else he gets it, but doesn't care.

I just hope my liberal friend marikod is not thinking about slashing his wrists as a result of his investments.

or he was toast.  He could not take a chance of that failing.  So, he gave in to a lot of the things he and the liberal left wanted.

I agree that the NE and the West Coast (Wash., Ore., California) are more left of center.  But just about every other state is more right of center.  It will be interesting to see if he goes more left -- which is his inclination -- in his second term which I painfully admit is almost a certainty to happen.

I totally agree..Had he not passed ANY HCR, the Nov. elections would certainly be a disaster for Democrats..

I do think he'll be a 2-term president, but i don't see him turning into Howard Dean, lol..

Even with a 59-41 senate majority, he hasn't nominated far left liberals to the SCOTUS, didn't get a public option in HCR, didn't close GITMO, etc...Reagan, & both Bushes never had that kind of majority & they got most of their legislation & judicial nominations thru..

I mean, George HW Bush nominated a solid conservative (Thomas) to replace a liberal justice (Thurgood Marshall) & he was confirmed with a Democratic controlled senate in 1991...So its baffling why President Obama couldn't have picked a hardcore liberal to the Supreme Court with (at least) one of his 2 SCOTUS picks...

would ever happen.  One Howard Dean in this country is more than enough.  Just like one Jesse Helms and one Rick Santorum are more than any country deserves.  LOL

I do think he will show a little more "lefty-ness" in his second term but going too far left or too far right would be impossible for any President.

The GITMO situation is just another one where someone steps in, says something and then finds out that trying to do it is a whole lot more difficult than it appeared to be.

Snowman39977 reads

and I'll be able to hear you yelling WTF through the internet in November :-)

Timbow758 reads

''Except, of course, he doesn't. We know Paul doesn't support this policy because he's told us he doesn't support this policy. Indeed, just last night, Rachel Maddow asked the Republican candidate, "Do you think that a private business has the right to say we don't serve black people?" Paul replied, "Yes."


Paul is an idiot :) He is done after they make an ad with the white lunch counter :)

Timbow633 reads

But then again not a lot of blacks in Kentucky so will it really hurt him locally :)

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