Politics and Religion

And every part of the Nuclear power plant was forged and created
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1200 reads

using nuclear energy ??? or nuclear components...  I doubt it.  It never ceases to amaze me that folks just cannot get their heads around the energy - petroleum problem.

Plastics - are for the most part - Created, synthesized or a derivative of PETROLEUM.  and whether or not YOUR energy comes from a Nuc plant - the point is - the energy goes onto the general "Grid" and that has energy from many sources... hydroelectric to coal to whatever is used at a specific generating plant...

Farmers use mules... in a very inefficient way....  see my link  Dude....  I live less that 50 miles from some of the most productive farms in the world... and they really don't use petroleum products....  

Our modern civilization is largely base upon a complex matrix of interdependencies... and to say that you don't use petroleum products demonstrates to me just how little understanding you have of the true problem....   The problem is - we've finite resources and as each individual's needs for resources increase it places an increasing burden on the rest of society's requirement for those finite resouces...  Solution?  A general reduction in the population.  

Sorry, but that is the only real solution - and it must be worldwide....  not just the US.  

What do you think is gonna happen when everyone in China drives a car?  or every home in India has central Air?????  

and that day - is coming.

CaptainKhaos3200 reads

1.  Build more nuclear power plants.

2.  Start using the vast amount of coal reserves
   we have.

3.  Start drilling for oil in Alaska, and off the  
   west coast.

4.  Build new refineries

Now all you tree hugging, spotted owl loving, pot smoking hippies won't like that but tough shit.  Move to Europe.

BTW Fuck, and I do mean FUCK, the Kyoto treaty. It hurts the US and allows India and China to get away with anything they want.

Walking more and using public transportation. This week I have walked 9 miles. Next week it will be 12 miles. It is more of a benefit for my health than my wallet.

-- Modified on 5/24/2008 6:07:44 AM

ALL from Petroleum.  Get real folks, we've no choice but to tap into our own oil....

My power comes from a Nuclear power plant.

See the article below about farmers using mules to save on fuel.

-- Modified on 5/24/2008 7:00:22 AM

using nuclear energy ??? or nuclear components...  I doubt it.  It never ceases to amaze me that folks just cannot get their heads around the energy - petroleum problem.

Plastics - are for the most part - Created, synthesized or a derivative of PETROLEUM.  and whether or not YOUR energy comes from a Nuc plant - the point is - the energy goes onto the general "Grid" and that has energy from many sources... hydroelectric to coal to whatever is used at a specific generating plant...

Farmers use mules... in a very inefficient way....  see my link  Dude....  I live less that 50 miles from some of the most productive farms in the world... and they really don't use petroleum products....  

Our modern civilization is largely base upon a complex matrix of interdependencies... and to say that you don't use petroleum products demonstrates to me just how little understanding you have of the true problem....   The problem is - we've finite resources and as each individual's needs for resources increase it places an increasing burden on the rest of society's requirement for those finite resouces...  Solution?  A general reduction in the population.  

Sorry, but that is the only real solution - and it must be worldwide....  not just the US.  

What do you think is gonna happen when everyone in China drives a car?  or every home in India has central Air?????  

and that day - is coming.

shit, i run 30 miles a week and cycle another 100

i'm fucking driving when i feel like it.

Dickless_Chaney1655 reads

I with you all the way, Captain!! But you forgot to mention one more thing and that is we must invade Iran. Don't they now have WMD too?  If not, at least they have oil! And remember, it is all about the oil.

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