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Issuing a challenge to providers who think they are better than TER and want to delist
CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 21 reads
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When I joined P411 I had to have a providers one - I didn’t have to have TER reviews. From what you are saying that appears to have changed but I can assure you it hasn’t always been the case...

CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 23 reads
2 / 29

I need to have a providers approval/referral.

derekmcminn 79 Reviews 25 reads
3 / 29

Posts like this serve no useful purpose except encourage an us-vs-them online bickering. You want to leave? So leave. Market forces will bring you back. When Verizon comes calling for your monthly phone bill wanna bet you will be advertising back on the sites you thought you were too good for?

AlexandraMarie See my TER Reviews 50 reads
5 / 29

I'm not sure why you are lumping them together as their functions and the way they are presented are completely different.  Can you please explain why a girl who uses P411 should be forced to participate in TER as well?

Submitting a "challenge" to ladies who do not wish to participate in TER highlights the problem with reviews to begin with -- it feels like SWs have no control over their work lives or privacy.  

Why do reviewers get to decide if a lady has a profile here?  Why shouldn't it be up to her?  That's like forcing someone to have a Facebook profile or Facebook automatically generating one for them (which it sometimes does for businesses).  

P411 is a screening and advertising platform (with limited capabilities).  It's not as open to the public and being on there does not subject one to reviews.  TER has reviews as it;s primary function but it's also networking platform and has more options for advertising/marketing oneself.

Also, MANY guys who don't even look at review boards are members of P411.  Work screening is a requirement to join, or at the support of several established providers (although I personally disagree with that option for joining).  No man needs TER to be a part of P411.  

Although I think "review culture" is riddled with problems and can be quite toxic (it certainly was right before TER closed it's doors in 2018), it does have other benefits that are quite useful and fun -- like civilized discussion on boards such as this one.  I have mixed feelings about the return of reviews but if any lady or gentleman wants to remove her or himself from this platform then I think that is their prerogative.  It's not a challenge to say that any lady must participate: it's a threat to her business and sense of well-being

I'm participating on TER again because at this point in time the benefits significantly outweigh the disadvantages.  That may  change, but any sort pf "challenge" is meaningless since I make my own decisions and control my own fate.  I am not beholden to any reviewer or review culture.  But I do enjoy the conversations and posts here and sometimes review culture can be good for business.

MP67 11 Reviews 21 reads
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i agree. They're two different things. P411 is for the purpose of making sure you and I are on the up-and-up, while TER is here to make providers accountable, originally.  

I say originally because the founder ended up being a scumbag, but the idea was pure.

In all actuality, personally, I met a lot of damn good ladies. All they want was respect and they got it from TER. At least the ones I used to frequent. Some of us spoiled the shit out of each other. WTF was wrong with being friends. Actually wanting to hang out together. It wasn't always about the hobby. Just cool people that dug other cool people.  

It's the little minded people that ruin any and everything for everyone else.  

If you're so fucked up in your miserable deal, just go find a hole, lay down and die.  

Why do you have to fuck it up for everyone else?

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 27 reads
7 / 29

When I was accepted into P411, I believe it was via a client-member referral and a vouch from RS-AVS (formerly RS2K) which is mainly a Chicago thing.  

Yes, I think you're correct that the vast majority of P411 provider-members were approved because they were established here, from their reviews.  

However, they might not even have wanted to be reviewed in the first place.  Yes, those reviews then granted them access to P411 but I personally see no reason they should remove themselves from that site if they delist here.   Their reviews served a purpose, but now they apparently feel the bad outweighs the good.   Same thing if they were once accepting, or even completely happy, to be reviewed here.  

Everyone has the right to change their mind down the road.  

There are also client-members of both sites who choose not to submit reviews.   They still browse them and might even post on the message boards, but don't contribute their own reviews.   That's ok too.  

The bottom line is that there are enough providers who are either happy or accepting of having their review profiles here that I really don't think anyone should be getting riled up or offended by those delisting.

GaGambler 49 reads
8 / 29

As for the OP, you know how I feel about "man hating cunts" Well I feel the same way about "hooker hating Johns" and that describes the OP to a tee.  

Providers, if you don't want to be here, leave. Johns, if you don't like the hookers you see, go beat off or get a GF. We talk a lot about consenting adults here, well we are ALL here by our own consent and there is nobody holding a gun to our head keeping us here.

Speaking strictly for myself, I honestly don't care how many women choose to delist, and I completely agree it's an individual choice whether to be here or not. That said, with literally thousands of providers to pick from, if I have no way of verifying that a woman is legitimate or not, and reviews are by far the easiest way to do that, I will simply book with some other woman who hasn't chosen to delist herself. The same thing goes for women with what I consider unreasonable screening, ie deposits, making me fill out stupid forms, etc. I don't go around making OP's bashing their business practices, but I certainly am not going to book with them either, and if asked, or if the subject comes up on a thread I have ZERO problems telling them exactly WHY there aren't going to get my business.

As for the guys, I especially dislike whiny little he cunts who have nothing better to do that bash the women they either can't afford, or who ask for more information than they care to give. Remember the days when many restaurants had dress codes? A coat and tie for the men, dresses for the women. I can't imagine patronizing a restaurant today that DEMANDED I wear a coat and tie. I would however accept the fact that they have the right to conduct their business as they see fit. I would never be a customer at such a place (not in the 21 century at least) but I wouldn't flood the internet with complaints about how "mean" they were to have such rules.

In short Deb, the OP is a woman hating he-cunt,  I wouldn't give his opinion a lot of room in my head if were you.

HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 19 reads
9 / 29

First I was a member of P411 before my first review on TER. 2 longstanding male members of P411 gave me OK's way back when. before 2007

Most ladies that are not happy with TER  ....  "your attitude". This site is initially a man's board but it sure an hell needs ladies participation. Your post isn't welcoming to those ladies who might drop in

TER has always been my favorite site of mine and glad it's back but this is the time when "every person who comes back to check it out needs to come back". They won't come back for negativity or male chauvinism

Looking forward to a great 2020 and hope TER is a big part of it

Kisses Haley  

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 19 reads
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I think there is some confusion about the TER/P411 relationship timeline.  I may have misread it, but recently there was a posting on here where some provider mentioned that P411 is now accepting only TER reviews as verification.  I may have that wrong, but it would be a change from past practices.

PollieAmorous See my TER Reviews 24 reads
11 / 29

Idk I don’t have p411 , I left them long before sesta fosta , I had it through referrals though not TER . I wasn’t a fan really , although I know lot of people did well there . haven’t had it and I have my reviews here and a twitter account . I place very few ads personally.  
I just have regulars .
Some girls don’t want reviews, I guess that’s their thing .

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 33 reads
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I'd avoid bringing up past doxing.  We really don't want to go there.

DaphneDamour See my TER Reviews 23 reads
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There are thousands on here, why do you care about the ladies who delist? If you only want to see reviewed ladies, just dont call the delisted one's, simple.

DaphneDamour See my TER Reviews 28 reads
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This wouls be like me saying "I only date guys who own cats, how dare the others own dogs instead!"

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 21 reads
15 / 29

Hey do you NOT know how to read?

Respect is given as earned and being a super ass won't get you anywhere here
Did you NOT get simple respect and you not being outted?

Simple basic reading. FFS.  

Please erase your non discreet ass. Really.

Vanessa_Vega See my TER Reviews 24 reads
16 / 29

I can’t help but feel the hatred for women in this thread. Very shameful.  

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 42 reads
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Posted By: AlexandraMarie
Re: I don't think P411 and TER are synonymous
I'm not sure why you are lumping them together as their functions and the way they are presented are completely different.  Can you please explain why a girl who uses P411 should be forced to participate in TER as well?  
 Submitting a "challenge" to ladies who do not wish to participate in TER highlights the problem with reviews to begin with -- it feels like SWs have no control over their work lives or privacy.    
 Why do reviewers get to decide if a lady has a profile here?  Why shouldn't it be up to her?  That's like forcing someone to have a Facebook profile or Facebook automatically generating one for them (which it sometimes does for businesses).  
 P411 is a screening and advertising platform (with limited capabilities).  It's not as open to the public and being on there does not subject one to reviews.  TER has reviews as it;s primary function but it's also networking platform and has more options for advertising/marketing oneself.  
 Also, MANY guys who don't even look at review boards are members of P411.  Work screening is a requirement to join, or at the support of several established providers (although I personally disagree with that option for joining).  No man needs TER to be a part of P411.    
 Although I think "review culture" is riddled with problems and can be quite toxic (it certainly was right before TER closed it's doors in 2018), it does have other benefits that are quite useful and fun -- like civilized discussion on boards such as this one.  I have mixed feelings about the return of reviews but if any lady or gentleman wants to remove her or himself from this platform then I think that is their prerogative.  It's not a challenge to say that any lady must participate: it's a threat to her business and sense of well-being  
 I'm participating on TER again because at this point in time the benefits significantly outweigh the disadvantages.  That may  change, but any sort pf "challenge" is meaningless since I make my own decisions and control my own fate.  I am not beholden to any reviewer or review culture.  But I do enjoy the conversations and posts here and sometimes review culture can be good for business.

Neal_MX 19 Reviews 45 reads
18 / 29

No need to be adversarial.

There are bad apples on both sides.   But I can't help feeling bashed when women hates on TER or a gentleman that uses TER as a generality

Just be respectful, punctual, and clean, for both participants and everyone comes out satisfied.

Vanessa_Vega See my TER Reviews 34 reads
19 / 29

Also, this CEO REBORN guy is all OVER twitter. Harassing, insulting and antagonizing women. Most sex workers on twitter have blocked him months ago. He goes on twitter outburst talking about how bad sex workers are in each and every tweet! I want this guy kicked off TER.  
I HAVE BEEN A MEMBER SINCE 2011 and I have always supported TER when many ladies turned their back on this website and still are.  
This should be a place sex workers and clients can discuss topics not a place that sex workers can be insulted and berated.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 24 reads
20 / 29

Its pretty clear to me that the negative comments here are about the duplicitous providers that are TER bashers, make disparaging comments about hobbyists on social media, and have been overcharging for substandard services.  If you're NOT one of them, then there's no need for you to get worked up about it.  Ladies here that are guilty of these things KNOW who they are.  The worst offenders are doubling down here with additional negative comments.  

Now that the reviews are back, the high-priced hustle-days are nearly over.  Those ladies that don't provide good services at a fair price are the ones panicking about reviews coming back.  The girls here with integrity are just as happy as the men that reviews are coming back.  REVIEWS DRIVE CUSTOMERS TO SEE PROVIDERS.  Nothing has changed in that respect.  Don't make yourself seem like one of THOSE women.

GaGambler 27 reads
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Yes, you are right about the comments about the TER bashers, but that was NOT her point. Her point was about this ONE poster CEO, who used to post as MidAgedCEO, who is most definitely a misogynist or the very least he has a deep dislike for all hookers, not just the sub par providers. If you doubt me, just do a message search under his old handle and you will see post after post proving my and Vanessa's point.

He is also the cowardly little cunt who helped to spread my personal info all over TWITTER, why he is still allowed on this board is beyond me.

I think you owe Vanessa an apology, she is not coming across as a man hating bitch at all, she just has an issue with THIS particular male cunt, and with good reason.

JackDunphy 21 reads
22 / 29

You and I don't often throw that word around towards other dudes, as you well know BOTH you and I have had that label tossed our way on WAY more than one occasion, only to have several women come out and push back on that nonsense.

But MidAgedCeo just hated women. It was evident in all his posts and he NEVER lifted a finger to point out the real dangers here i.e. stalkers, the guys who threatened "revenge" openly on the boards bc a girl NCNS or some such other crap ahole guys pulled here.

I have seen his act enough on the NYC board to def call him a misogynist and frankly I think he was proud of being one.

inicky46 61 Reviews 39 reads
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cuz I agree with both of you about MidAgedCEO. I would only add that if you ever worked with a REAL CEO you'd know that dude was only the CEO of a Mens Room broom closet.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 21 reads
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one of THEM.  Read my last line.  I told her not to make herself "SEEM" like one of them.  I know, historically speaking, that she is NOT like some of the others.  If that wasn't clear, my apologies, of course.  

imanalias 31 reads
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Vanessa_Vega See my TER Reviews 51 reads
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Well, ok. I won’t get my panties in a bunch. Thank you for the advice. However you are missing my point entirely by trying to belittle me with the panties comment as well as the THOSE WOMEN Comment.  
 CEO REBORN still needs to be kicked off of TER.  
I GET YOU.....YOU CALL THE SHOTS.....us ladies just obey.  
for those of you level headed gents out there don’t forget to catch me on twitter.  
@[email protected]

GaGambler 25 reads
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PLEASE don't let some midget with a big fucking mouth chase you off this site. YOU are more than welcome here, that little wanna be web pimp is most definitely NOT welcome here. Yes CEO most definitely needs to be kicked off this site, you OTOH need to stay.

YES, CEO reborn is a little fucking wanna be web pimp who makes up for being a midget by having a big fucking mouth PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't let him or a few misguided words by CDL, who honestly means well, but got things wrong make you leave this site. I might be an asshole, ok I am most Definitely an asshole, but I will be an asshole on YOUR side where it comes to defending you against the likes of CEO.

If you will simply tell CDL that he owes you an apology, I bet you he will do so and I also bet he will be on your side just like me where it comes to that little punk CEO. CDL might have his faults, but he is also known for acknowledging when he is in the wrong and he could end up being one of your biggest advocates here once he gets the full story, and I will make damn sure he gets the FULL story about CEO

GiaGenet See my TER Reviews 56 reads
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Clients who love TER and providers who hate TER are likely going to have other incompatibilities as well. De-listing doesn't mean all TER members will be blacklisted as clients, just that the screening and introductory process may look a bit different than it has in the past.

Providers who know what is sustainable for them in this industry are going to give you a better experience every time, whether or not they are on TER.

crsm27 26 Reviews 24 reads
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The bashing of TER on other plat forms and from other companions (I have seen some who don't like TER) is what was happening at the end and some other issues.

Here are some of the things I took in from convo's and watching threads and what not.

1. They were getting pressured by clients to do certain acts they were not comfortable with because the client said... A) I will give  you a bad review if you don't do this act.  b) I read on TER you did do this act (when it was a lie.

2. They don't like the rating system because they could only get 5 stars if they performed certain acts.  When a rating is in the eye of the reviewer.  One persons 5 star could be someone else's 2 star.    

3. Some didn't like it because they got called out for being ROB's when it wasn't their fault (some times it was).  But they didn't get a chance to prove or defend the claim.

4. Some just didn't like to be "rated".  Because they believe that each encounter is its each own experience.  So how can you be "rated" fairly when each individual wants or needs are different.

So you see there is many things that go into all of this.    

Then to call out people and issue a "Challenge" of sorts is stupid.   each individual can make up if they want to use TER or not.  They honestly should be free to go or asked to be delisted with out any reprocussions.  This is a tool for everyone... client, provider.   It just seems how each person wants to use it.

Just like others have stated... if someone doesn't want reviews of them out there on this platform it is their right if they want to be delisted.  Just like a client has a right if they don't want to see someone who isn't reviewed.   Or if the provider doesn't want to take advantage of this advertising platform they don't have to.  It is their choice on how they want to market their "business" or "services".    I mean a restaurant can decide where it wants to advertise or how it wants to.  This is the same type of thing.  

I am happy to be back.  I wish nothing but the best of anyone if they participate or not.  Wish the ladies (and gentlemen) a safe, fun, happy and profitiable 2020.

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