Newbie - FAQ

You need a URL. Your best bet is to upload it to one of those free image hosting sites. eom
frankie2003a 8013 reads


This is a technical question.
I want to post a message on the porn star board, looking for the name of a lady who is probably a porn actrress. In my random downloading of pictures over the years, I got a picture of her in RCG. I'd like to know her name so I can look up any of her movies, find more photos, and (probably a fantasy) perhaps have a PSE.

The problem is the space in this message box that asks for the picture URL. Well, I have no idea what the picture URL would be (long ago and far away). I do have the picture on my machine and could upload it if there was a tool for that.  How do I proceed?

Thanks for any advice.

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