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To post a picture you must first upload that picture to a picture hosting site...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 310 reads

Imagecoast seems to be the preferred on these days.  (Photo Bucket is not provider friendly.)

Once you get photos on there, you just click and paste the picture's URL into the picture URL box that appears when you start to post.  The picture will then appear when you open your post after you send it in.

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ok i advertis in other sites but when it comes to ter i am confused i want to post pics or link yo my ad...well i was told i need the emblem i have it now on my site now what do i do........

Imagecoast seems to be the preferred on these days.  (Photo Bucket is not provider friendly.)

Once you get photos on there, you just click and paste the picture's URL into the picture URL box that appears when you start to post.  The picture will then appear when you open your post after you send it in.

Is that what you are wondering about

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