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Glitch in the save search matrix?
Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 1486 reads
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Maybe I shoulda put this in SP or a feedback, but I’m here because maybe it’s just me.  

Anybody else having trouble with the save search feature?

I can run a search with an age range preference, but when I save the search, it will not save the age. It just defaults to no preference every time.  

The other stuff I’m putting in saves just fine. For all I know, it could be a problem with all of the provider description fields. I’m not trying to narrow it down that much, just city, price, and age.  

Not a huge deal but annoying.  

Thanks in advance for any answers.

impposter 49 Reviews 113 reads
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Some of my old Saved Searches use "Age" criteria and those are working just fine.  
Of course, that doesn't address the save NEW search with Age criteria question.

Posted By: Lt_FrankDrebin

Maybe I shoulda put this in SP or a feedback, but I’m here because maybe it’s just me.  
 Anybody else having trouble with the save search feature?  
 I can run a search with an age range preference, but when I save the search, it will not save the age. It just defaults to no preference every time.  
 The other stuff I’m putting in saves just fine. For all I know, it could be a problem with all of the provider description fields. I’m not trying to narrow it down that much, just city, price, and age.  
 Not a huge deal but annoying.  
 Thanks in advance for any answers.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 104 reads
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Hey this reply slipped by me, just saw it.  

That’s really weird. I just tried again, very slowly, to make sure I wasn’t being an idiot. Age and a couple other things in the provider appearance will definitely  not save to a search for me.  

Maybe a browser thing. I dunno. Not worth getting excited about.  

Thank you for the response though 👍

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