New York

How about a pie fight? ;) [end]
thirsty 2 Reviews 3777 reads


Does it make any sense to make this a separate thread ? There are girls on here that speak their mind ALL THE TIME, and believe it or not.. Honesty is not only a great thing to have in life , but as well puts us high on the list for bold,brassy and TRULY REAL people. It is what makes Michele, NetMichelle.

Netty is always straight and honest. We girls that don't like games, simply say it how it is..It's one of the great things about TER.. escorts have a voice here. Anywhere else, we do not..

I am VERY sure this separate thread will not hurt her or her business one single bit. Netty is one of the most creative writers/humans on this board...most well read/versed.. seems the higher you make it in this business.. the higher degree of bullshit there is...

But thanks for the non-chalent shill Vinnie.. What some dont realize in this biz, is that most often negative attention, turns around into 100% positive.. :)

Vinnie Vegas3335 reads

I am pretty sure Nappy has had more than a few guys, dare I call them shills, gleefully recall the orgasmic delights she has rendered them.  Oh no, heaven forfend, that would make them...yes, you guessed it, SHILLS.

BILL183562885 reads

I barely know Nettie and if I exchanged anything more than brief hello's in chat it sure hasnt been much.

Her post does not insult NY guys but only the ones that tried to use shilling as a way to get discounts and its such a sleeezy, low rent thing to do , can you really blame her or any other provider for feeling that way?

Can't stand pimps and shills myself

Landem3991 reads

The way I read it, she's not talking "New York guys" in general, but rather about a few specific New York "gentlemen." Could you be one of them, Vinnie?

... seems like NetMichelle's heat-seeking missal (pun intended) is aimed at shills in general but Vinnie' shillness in particular and not at the outstanding gentlemen of New York. Like Toim DeLay, Vinnie is trying to distract attention away from the guilty. In other words, he what dealt it, smelt it...

Is she suppose to think fondly of guys who do this?  I think any guy who would does what she describes has zero class.  She could have been much harsher.  She only stated facts.  But I know this type of thing extends beyond NY.

Shill-O-Matic2101 reads

She was talking about the 5 or 6 shills that dominate this board. No need to name them , if you spend anytime around here you can pick them out pretty easy.

Moment2732 reads

Only a guy who calls himself Vinnie Vegas could think that a woman's distaste for his behavior could be the same as that woman's "real opinion on [all] New York guys."

For one, no where is it stated that she is referring to NY guys. And second, who could blame her for being a bit ticked off at guys expecting preferential treatment for shilling she didn't ask for. I personally know several providers who have pointed out to me favorable posts from guys they never met! The good ones don't need shills. Their reputation says it all. No, I'm not shilling. I have never met NetMichelle, though I have been thoroughly entertained by her posts and impressed with her uniqueness as a person.

Doctor Analingus3316 reads

NetMichelle has a double standard. When she gets shilled for it is ok. When other providers get shilled for she has a problem with it.

-- Modified on 4/22/2005 3:17:08 PM

Upfront, I have never met netmichelle, although given the right opportunity, I might.  This whole post is stupid.  If she gives guys 3 hours for the 1 that they pay for, then good for her and good for them.  They get a great experience and she has fun and gets good reviews.  

I have also been thoroughly entertained by NetMichelle's many posts and have no problem with her board participation.  As for her looks and tatoos, well, enough people like them that she keeps getting business.

If you're going to come out and flame somebody, have the balls to do it under your own ID.

Oh well, I guess I did respond.  I was annoyed.

Hobby On, Netty!

What's obvious Gooses, is you hide behind an alias to trash another person showing a complete lack of integrity.  How can anyone believe what you say, if you lack the courtesy and courage to state you opinions under your real screen name? (which is an alias anyway)  

It's so easy to talk trash when you know it won't come back on you.

Shame on you.

Go buy some Miricle Grow and soak your boxers in it, It will help you grow some balls!

Any fool who writes a review or posts on a board and expects (asks or demands) special treatment is a dope. You should post to share info only not because you expect something back.

Vinnie Vegas2328 reads

I am unsure of what the truth was in her reply.  Seems most of her post was opinion, save for the definitions.  Kinda funny how she makes mention of guys doing PR for her, but it seems to me that when it suits her needs, it's acceptable, but when it comes to others posting for their fave girls, be they indies or agencies, it's shilling.  So in her eyes because she puts up a post and includes her link, of course, to announce a tour or whatever she posts to, in her eyes it's fine.

We don't do PR work in D.C buddy.. You came to our board and mention Ashley.. She called you out and now you are pissed. I guess it was a big deal because you didn't response after her post. You ran like a....., ok you ran I won't mention like what. Why didn't you response to her then?

NetM does not need someone like me coming to her defense.. I happen to like her..Nice lady.

Take care and I going back to the D.C board if you need me.

Vinnie Vegas2336 reads

You don't do PR work?  Ah I see, maybe you mean pro bono.  I see another play on words.  Oops, you admit you like her.  Sounds like shilling.

Not me buddy. Look on the DC board and see if I do. I make jokes, couple of mini-reviews, come to the defense of my friends.. Never pro bono.. I have never seen NetM but I will in the near future, thanks to

Vinnie Vegas3354 reads

I could give a rat's ass if you see her or not.  But the minute you put up a post that you saw her, be it mini review or whatever non sensical wording you use, you will have become what you are despising me for.  But I am sure you will have some other way to explain you are not a shill.

Landem2326 reads


Of your 22 posts on the NY board over the last 60 days (deliberately excluding this thread) 7 out of 22, or just under a third, are either (a) outright shilling for or (b) sycophantic sucking up to one or another of the BDJ ladies, or (c) your attempting to defend yourself against someone who calls you out for (a) or (b).

On the Chicago board, your score is 3 for 5, and on the DC board, you're batting a thousand - 2 for 2.

Give it a rest already.

(Oh, and before you analyze all of my posts back to the beginning of time - I will admit that I sometimes post something that could arguably be classified as (a) or (b) above - but not often, and then only in the context of the back and forth banter that makes for lively board conversations, or occasionaly in response to a specific request for information. I have NEVER started a thread which could be considered by anyone as a shill thread.)

-- Modified on 4/22/2005 5:16:38 PM

Vinnie Vegas3948 reads

Lemme see.  It's ok if you don't start a thread that could be construed as shilling, but it's ok if you chime in.  I gotcha now.  I am amazed at your wording here.  I am either guilty of being a shill, or an outright brown nosing.  Geez Louise, excuse me for defending myself against the likes you.  Then you go on to admit you are possibly guilty of the above two offenses, but here we go, it's "arguable" at best.  But in your case it's just context that is confusing the reader.  I gotta admit, I love you used car salesmen.  The fine print is keeping me on my toes.

Then whats this???...
Posted by Vinnie Vegas  , 4/21/2005 1:30:13 AM   [Vinnie Vegas has 19 reviews]

The other day I call KT to say hello and see how she is,etc.  I wind up seeing Bree.  Excellent time.  So I call back again to say what a great time I had with her. Next friggin thing I know I am back on the train heading for NYC to see Kayla.  Had another great time.  Should I just hand over my the balance of my income tax refund now, maybe wire it into the BDJ checking account now and avoid the inevitable?  Jesus H Tits.  Must be something about the warmer weather that gets me all horned up.  Note to self, please do not call Kim to thank her for super time had with Kayla or else I may wind up in Long Island or parts unknown in some hotel room with my pants down by my ankles being serviced by yet another BDJ lady.  Must pay rent and get a few happy meals in me before I go broke.  Does anyone have the number for Sexaholics Anonymous handy?  Or is it BDJ Anonymous

Landem2250 reads

I do not have contributing members of TER boards from around the country accusing me of shilling. You, OTOH, have dozens. Are they all wrong?

Vinnie Vegas2412 reads

Dozens?  I am unsure if you can count.  You must be referring to the amount of times a post has been read as to the actual number of posters accusing me.

geez this reminds me of the small town i left behind, do people really have a life beyond this?  gossip gossip gossip. what ever happened to live and let live?  put yourselves in our shoes, gentlemen, ya think you could do it?  michelle, dont worry about it, you know u why bother?  it takes special people to do what we do.  i get my days when i want to vent but, you know u rock michelle and i dont even know ya!

If the shill, fits wear it....
c'mon guys the truth just hurts...where is the pride and integrity? Between some of the BDJ slaves and some of the LI Mafia some of you are SO obvious...its not attractive///

You put up my post on the Washington board here and give the impression that you think my post was shilling.   But in the thread on the Washington board where the mod asked whether my type of post was shilling, you answered in the negative.  (I am sorry guys, but I am computer-challenged and I cannot link that post). Because shilling was also given a definition on the Washington board in the excerpt you linked here, I consider this an unfair accusation against me.

When I support Ashley Taylor, my ATF, I am only stating my personal view, not trying to lead someone into a deception.  And I receive no compensation for my support of Ashley, or any other provider whom I write about.  I thought that you recognized that distinction.

For those who read the entire link, I do object to people who use the boards to criticize from behind an alias.   I almost never use an alias, and I never use one to criticize another poster. My strong views on this subject is what led the moderator in Washington to intervene.   Since then, we have had a couple of exchanges of pms, and I believe that all is copacetic between us.

Not true Kornlover; I took your post as informational only. I actually thought you got a raw deal.. The aliases from this board hurt you, not our mod.. We took your word as informational only...

Kornlover; my response to our mod..

-- Modified on 4/22/2005 6:50:30 PM

Bushhog_Max4122 reads

A short plan ride and one of the gents will have one problem solved :-)

Oh the strange things that go on inside my head!!!

I'm picturing a duel between Raymond Burr and Linda Hamilton and now I'm seeing capedude as Burr's second/cutman! ;)


SmellySmegma3636 reads

this thread!  Some of you sorry shills are broken records! Enough already!  You cretins know who you are!

I have these 2 women with me in Vegas right now, with all orfices full...Thank you for the free press!!

PS Allana Allure is smoking hot! Whoa!
Meeting Nikki Avalon and Gemini Star tonight....purrrr....

-- Modified on 4/23/2005 8:26:20 PM

Mr. Info3266 reads

Net Michelle has more class, intelligence and
beauty in one of her toenail clippings than you
have in your entire body.

If I were you I would move on before you do
anymore damage to yourself.

If you want to be an asshole, I can play hard ball. I don't miss. I demand an apology. Get your act together.
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Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2005-04-23, 9:27AM EDT

I heard from a good source Netmichelle is HIV positive. Stay far away from her.

no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests



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-- Modified on 4/23/2005 8:39:10 PM

Every one has their issues.  Everyone has people they don't like or whatever.  The person responsible for that post should have their nuts in a vice.  I'm disgusted that someone would stoop that low to damage another's livelihood.

NM, I hope you find out who did it and I hope you don't miss.

There is absolutely no room in this community for this horendous gutless slander!

Having said that...I will vouch that Michelle plays 1000% safe all the time and if anyone knows the science and safety aspect of is NetMichelle.

Sorry this happened to you.  Whoever did this to you is not right in the head and karma will bite them in the ass, for sure.

Flagged that malicious (and vindictive?) ad and another one under erotic services.  Sorry Nettie, that this happened to you.  Good luck taking him down!

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