Meet and Greet

Re: As a couple of you know...............
OldCountryBoy 5987 reads
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bouinage 402 Reviews 4868 reads
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If I rememer correctly Gabby Mancini was in charge of the last M+G in charlotte, she should have all the details you need about it.

ItalianGabriella See my TER Reviews 4573 reads
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We had two successful ones, and ever since then, people seem hell bent on ruining them. I have no interest in doing another one. Its a shame people have nothing better to do with their time.

JimmyPW 58 Reviews 4287 reads
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Yes, what is the deal up there? I came to the first one, and came with ladies from Atlanta.  I came there last time with arm candy and the M&G got cancelled and I wasted a trip,  well , not really, she was really a sweet and wonderful lady and we just spent the time together.  But , why is someone so hell bent to not have a M&G there?

ItalianGabriella See my TER Reviews 4799 reads
5 / 8

We had two successful ones, then the next one had a security breach last minute that we couldn't fix,  and then the last one got messed up when someone apparently called around to all the bars warning them of the party. And the bar manager where the party was booked inquired about it, so it was cancelled the afternoon of. Not sure why some people are so obsessed with others and what they are doing!

TampaMG 4862 reads
6 / 8

Carolina is not the only place to have these "issues".

After 5 very successful Tampa Soiree's, the 6th Soiree' one was cancelled due to threats that were received way before the party date. These threats were in the form of notifying LE and the local press.
While I am pretty sure they were just bogus, we can't, and wouldn't take that chance with the guests safety and security. So the party got cancelled/delayed.

It's to bad that there are a few people who just can't stand many others having a nice time enjoying each others company, but, there are.

However, we won't let them do it again. The Soiree's will go on, and will be safe and secure.

bill17zxcbnm 2 Reviews 4141 reads
7 / 8

The three M&G that I have attended have been Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale. ALL went off INCREDIBLY  great.

I would be willing to foot the financial tab for having one similar to my first. It was a The usual type of 3-star business/tourist hotel. Catering was done with hors d'oeuvres prepared by the hotel hotel with a cash bar. Hotel LOVED the business.

Guys purchased all the ladies drinks of course...   anyway PRIVATE ROOM such as the usual conference rooms where seminars are... When you entered the hotel all went to the bulletin board where there were 20 parties on for that evening... The rooms are so cheap... and if just 4 hotel rooms were booked by guests the price was so cheap... Hotel bar eventually got business. Hotel restaurant made money as they seat at late and early hours...

Everyone dressed up... name tags, sign in sheet. Music by a DJ..... very classy.... maybe that does not sound classy to all but point is NO BAR/RESTAURANT business had to be notified it was a private friday after hours work party from 6-10PM.

People drifted in and out all night (security was by one of us after a social club list). PM me if someone is interested.

bill17zxcbnm 2 Reviews 4330 reads
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OldCountryBoy, can you PM me yr contact. I do not know why your PM is not working. I have a good idea !

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