Los Angeles

Simply terrifying
ismellturkey 359 reads

I feel so sorry for these poor women. This is exactly why I don't do outcall and hope more ladies will do the same. I've heard & read plenty of scary stories of girls being trapped, robbed, raped, and killed at a man's place to make that decision. It really is not worth losing your life over. There's always uber or a taxi for the men to travel to you. Safety is so important for ladies these days.

Hey TER. I wanted to draw everyone's attention to this because this is IMPORTANT and very few people outside of affected communities are talking about it.  

The NAME is going on trial for the murder of 10 women later this year, but police found 180 photos of different women at his house, many of whom are still missing. Because these women were mostly black, sex workers and/or struggling with drug addiction, police turned a blind eye. I am posting this to raise awareness about these cases in hopes that we might all have more conversations about this tremendous loss of life and support working towards justice on behalf of the victims and their families, as well as holding police who swept these murders under the rug accountable for failing to act sooner and with far more manpower.

From the documentarian (HBO), ''If police had told the public in 1987 when they knew there was a serial killer who had already killed five victims, if they had told the community then I think things could have been very different and a lot of lives saved.'

TER is not letting me add the link to this because it reveals the xxxxx name (seriously??!!), but a google search will return this article quickly.

-- Modified on 3/26/2015 11:53:16 AM

harlowe great post, these piece of shit losers that are suppose to stand for something, allowed this to happen. the lapd, the largest gang in los angeles, always look for the path of lease resistence, being a proud american military veteran, who has been in real combat these guys are cowards.

Skppr571 reads

Good post from Harlowe though.

Really not cool for this forum to try to hide the identity of a man who murders sex workers. >:(

It took huge amounts of complicity, withholding information, racism/judgment and silence on the parts of many people (especially police and media) to pull off a small-scale genocide over almost 30 years.

That was 80's politics in south central LA.  
the Federal Government was down there doing their illicit stuff.
local politicians were more interested in their own perks instead of doing their elected job.
the local cops were ordered not to engage down there  
the economic climate was so depressed, gangs had free reign.  

No one cared if these women died, so many other bad things were going on, this was just another set of statics.

-- Modified on 3/28/2015 1:06:16 AM

Perhaps you are a blonde woman and meant to say sexism.
 The police searched for the guy for years.  
The serial killer you spoke of is Black.  The guy has been in jail for five years.

  Victims families also have a right to a speedy trial .  

  You wouldn't sound  so ignorant if you did some research before you spout nonsense.
     In your defense,  L.A. smog  kills brain cells.

Posted By: HarloweDahl
It took huge amounts of complicity, withholding information, racism/judgment and silence on the parts of many people (especially police and media) to pull off a small-scale genocide over almost 30 years.

WOW. I am many things, but I'm *NOT* stupid. Nor am I blonde, thank you. I'm aware the killer was black. Re-read my post and check your comprehension- I said racism and inaction on the part of COPS AND MEDIA. If you want a better term, how about 'misogynoir,' a concept that articulates both misogyny & anti-blackness?  

Don't be mean-spirited for no reason. (Although it's kind of funny for a guy who wants to tell ME what sexism is.)

-- Modified on 3/28/2015 10:59:02 AM

I stand by my statement wholeheartedly   " Sounds like stupidity to call it racism "

   I find it odd so many  ignorant whites  use the race card  with reckless abandon while  rarely experiencing discrimination  first hand.  
  I have always lived in cities and counties on the East Coast,  sometimes with a majority Black population, sometimes  not, yet I have never witnessed  the racial divide and hatred for police so common in California.  
    What's up with that?

   The Documentary you referenced was a sensationalist portrayal of a terribly sad case of young women killed by a lone psychotic killer, written and produced with a one sided view by a pasty white guy desperately searching for a larger share of fame and fortune.
          Sensationalism sells well to the ignorant.

  Most stupid of the Movie producer to promote racial divide and contempt  for the police , especially where violent crimes are concerned.  
  You find it funny I said "perhaps you meant to say sexism"
 I wasn't trying to be funny, I was mocking your ludicrous statements and your  belief  
  the police were "complicit" and "turned a blind eye" as  reasons a  killer escaped  detection for 30 years.
  I have often wondered who buys the National Enquirer, I have a feeling, most  likely people like you.
   Your ignorance  of all the facts after watching a  one way documentary  helped convince you  racism was the primary culprit in an extremely complex case.  

  Jerry Brown was DA of California in 2007-2010 when the killer was still on the loose.
  I have never thought of him as a racist or a corrupt official when he was  DA .  
   Anyone that truly believes a majority of police or the L.A.   D.A. did not want the case solved because  Black girls were being killed defines  stupid in my book.
  In defense of the stupid, sometimes they can't help the way they are. The stupid  are difficult to cure, ignorance can usually be remedied by reading.  

  I would be inclined to believe  some white cops involved in the case cried at night every time  another victim was found.
    If you would read in depth about the case, instead of obtaining your "facts" from a one way documentary you would find there were many variables that stifled the investigation.  
  Police had numerous detectives assigned to that case for many years, along with many other unsolved crimes going at the same time.  
   Lack of the killer's DNA on file was a major problem finding him.  
  The likely possibility the killer took a fourteen year hiatus was another obstacle  
   Lack of community cooperation with police with information on that case and other violent crimes is another obstacle the police are faced with every day.
    There was a serial killer in my area killing  White girls for the last five years. The first rape he was connected to was ten years ago. The only reason he was caught he was on video in town talking to his last victim.
    I don't believe the police turned a blind eye searching for the rapist/ killer the last ten years but I am sure there are some people  that do.    
  You made no mention of  the killer's neighbor viewing photos of ladies that looked dead, and noticing  a rope and gun in his van, years before he was caught, yet she did not contact the police because she was embarrassed of the photos he took of her.  
Ask yourself, how many times has someone let a violent crime go unanswered for, because they were worried they might be charged by L.E.  with a simple misdemeanor.
  In closing, my reading skills and comprehension are  excellent, the  likelihood of being duped by a false narrative are extremely slim.
    By the way, I didn't look at your profile before my first reply.
             I have noticed since then your TER profile says you are blonde.  
           Just because I'm a man doesn't mean I can't  recognize  sexism, with as much clarity  as Whites finding a majority of racism where it doesn't exist.
   Taking a cue from your twisted logic, the next time a  female clerk I've never met responds to my payment with " Thank you Sweetie"   I'll laugh to myself while wondering, if the roles and gender were reversed, would Harlowe claim that clerk is sexist?  



Posted By: HarloweDahl
WOW. I am many things, but I'm *NOT* stupid. Nor am I blonde, thank you. I'm aware the killer was black. Re-read my post and check your comprehension- I said racism and inaction on the part of COPS AND MEDIA. If you want a better term, how about 'misogynoir,' a concept that articulates both misogyny & anti-blackness?  
 Don't be mean-spirited for no reason. (Although it's kind of funny for a guy who wants to tell ME what sexism is.)  

So much writing, no real point. You're clearly a kind and friendly "client", calling women names.

The LAPD is NOTORIOUSLY racist. I gather you've never heard of William H. Parker. You should take your own advice and do some research. Are you even FROM here? Do you have first hand experience with the police force here? Do you know that some black cops in the LAPD have come forward regarding the forces racism? But I'm sure you will come up with some long-winded pointless diatribe on why those people are wrong and can't actually speak to their own experience. And dude? It's not just that those women were black, it's the they were black AND sex workers. Totally irrelevant human beings according to the LAPD (and most police forces). And BTW, you mention "lack of community cooperation with police". Why do you think that is?

I've attached an academic paper. But there are MANY MANY articles that I could have linked to.  
Of course, none of this will change your mind, you are obviously the type who thinks you're right all the time. Which is a really awesome personality trait, btw. Very sexy. :|

that is sickening and scary

ismellturkey360 reads

I feel so sorry for these poor women. This is exactly why I don't do outcall and hope more ladies will do the same. I've heard & read plenty of scary stories of girls being trapped, robbed, raped, and killed at a man's place to make that decision. It really is not worth losing your life over. There's always uber or a taxi for the men to travel to you. Safety is so important for ladies these days.

Dear Harlow,

There are a thousand things that I could discuss with you about this case and am happy to speak with you anytime you may like to. I would like to assure you that the public were very informed about this butcher in California, alongside the countless other, cruel and horrid of the 80s. We had a system before the tech days, trust me.

Things were profoundly different for sex workers in the 80s than from what you know today. We faced numerous serial killers in most major cities and most of us lost at least one close friend to them. Personally, I had three very close friends murdered within only 6 years time and had met at least 10 or more others that lost their lives, brutally. This case is not any different than several others of the exact time period with the exception that he was a man that met no known racial/crim profile of the time. This granted him a longer and more ruthless career until authorities could capture him.  

There is nothing racially bias in this case nor is there any conspiracy in play here. My friends were slaughtered equally and I was terrorized beyond your wildest imagination. Sex workers have been victims of their time across all racial and economic lines. In fact, it was only the hand full of remarkable detectives and law enforcement agents that cared enough, which caught any of these guys. My personal experiences and face off with the GRK and other horrible men are experienced to state that it was the sole compassion and tenacity of LE (and literally no one else) that eventually stopped him and identified countless victims.

It is a horrible and unspeakable fact of the world that we live in. As long as sex workers are criminalized, we will be victimized. Take comfort in knowing that you in fact have a forum (a place called the internet) and the opportunity (pell grants/edx,etc) to educate yourself and further elevate the society you live in. As much as we can dislike the forums and their rules, we can thank them for merely existing for us and work hard to improve our own process.

May your passion for justice and sisterhood find it's way to genuine and realized change. I tried, where many could not.  
I encourage you to take your voice and do so much more. Make real change for us, as it will happen with or without you.  

You have the passion....and I wish you well. Anything you may need, hit me up.

Sincerely Sweet Sarah
Just An Old Original

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