Los Angeles

My Seducing Post
tankbinding 16 Reviews 184 reads

To be honest, I am not seeing why this is so offensive to so many - but shoots maybe I am slipping and it is hard to read...

It was inspired by you talking about seducing a provider CDL - but they wouldn't let me post it here while that original topic was still on page 1 - so I went for it on the San Diego board knowing those guys would freak out. I didn't expect to get into it with GG but one of his BFFs hit him up for (I guess help jousting with me the internet troll?!?)

I tried to knock the hard edges off it before dropping it here but it did change a bit... In any case, it was even more unpopular here - oh well...  

I don't get hammered near as often these days and I have much less free time - which probably affects my post quality negatively, (as judged by the members here - anyway).  

I do feel bad about the old post mentioned by cumshot - that was definitely a real douchy one (that I have already apologised to VB for)...  

Cest La Vie - TER Discussion Board Community

Can you seduce a provider?

First of all, let me say I had no idea what a wildly unpopular topic this would be. I have tried to make this post less offensive to you sensitive types out there and I just offer it up as an information share on some of the most satisfying encounters I have had.
Boys - You can seduce that beautiful creature that has agreed to see you. I have done it many times and have found that both the physical & emotional interaction is much, much better – As always YMMV…

I will take you through what I do to enhance the GFE – I Start with scheduling more time, so I can take my time...  

I take care of all the transactional details right away and if she looks like I thought she would and she's not distracted – I am more generous (so she knows right away that I’m not a douche). I get that we all come from different places and some drive Kias while some went right out and bought a new Maserati Levante – both are perfectly fine and I’m not judging…
It’s great if you can bring her some clothing for her to try on and start with a little fashion show ☺ I often do this…

Now she's starting to trust me – I slow shit down!! I’m not worried I know I will get to fuck  her and I’m enjoying this process!!  

This is mental foreplay (with a complicated but utterly amazing & beautiful woman - that has been completely objectified on TER). This is where all my heavy lifting is done.    

I will go into more mental foreplay and where this lands me in a bit but my goal here is for her to have the best sexual time of her life as much as myself. I worship women and their real orgasm is what I hobby for.

Cheers - TB

> "I am more of a sucker"

> "so she knows right away that I’m a total douche"

> "This is monetary foreplay"


So, what you're saying is that women just want money? and are about as shallow as a dollar store kiddie pool? and totally get off on draining your bank account?  

Tank, level with me man, have you ever thought that maybe you just hate women? Like maybe you just think of them as more or less extremely inconvenient sex objects and only your financial status has allowed you to easily partake in their company?

Lol - Kinda...  You should try it next time you go to a rub & tug :))

It was a play on words cum-shot...

I almost said rub & text (a play on words since playing with a chicks clit is kinda like texting real fast) but I didn't think anyone would get it (just like my first post evidently)...

> like texting real fast

Are we talking oldschool t9 dialpad texting? or are we talking these newfangled touch swipey keyboards?


Either way, ouch.

...Give her a lot of "cool shit" for her apartment.  Take Victoria Baker - You posted: "... half the cool shit in her apartment came from me...Books, records, a magic glass donkey, tapestries, scarves, etc..."

If that's true (and I highly doubt it), do you think she really wants everyone to know that?  When guys go to see her, you think she'll like them asking: "Hey, Victoria, where's that magic glass donkey that 'tankbinding' gave you?"  

Why don't you buy a dictionary and look up the word "discretion?"  Then give the dictionary to a provider - it can be part of the "cool shit" you give to them.

You're a moron for shooting your mouth off about what's in a provider's apartment and for blathering about "seducing a provider."  Please stop posting until you get to be 25 years old.  Idjit!!

-- Modified on 6/21/2017 5:52:45 PM

If I am a moron for saying it then you are a farking moron for repeating it with instructions for other morons to ask questions and posting a link - you are clearly looking out for her...

Great job SenPai...   Knob...

...the one who wanted to brag (or lie) so much that you couldn't help yourself by posting that crap.  I'm sure she's thrilled about it.  Don't be surprised if you find yourself on a blacklist.  

You reply to every post like a butt hurt teenager.  Grow up.

-- Modified on 6/21/2017 11:07:33 PM

When I first started posting on this board a couple years ago, you were really entertaining and posted some really cleaver shit, but unless your OP is some kind of joke, there's not much to make anyone think you're not a d-bag.  You can do a lot better than this.  Give us back the old Tank.  Much more fun.  

To be honest, I am not seeing why this is so offensive to so many - but shoots maybe I am slipping and it is hard to read...

It was inspired by you talking about seducing a provider CDL - but they wouldn't let me post it here while that original topic was still on page 1 - so I went for it on the San Diego board knowing those guys would freak out. I didn't expect to get into it with GG but one of his BFFs hit him up for (I guess help jousting with me the internet troll?!?)

I tried to knock the hard edges off it before dropping it here but it did change a bit... In any case, it was even more unpopular here - oh well...  

I don't get hammered near as often these days and I have much less free time - which probably affects my post quality negatively, (as judged by the members here - anyway).  

I do feel bad about the old post mentioned by cumshot - that was definitely a real douchy one (that I have already apologised to VB for)...  

Cest La Vie - TER Discussion Board Community

"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing."

Julia Roberts' character, Vivian in "Pretty Woman" (1990)

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