Los Angeles

Holy crap, there were no results when I checked, good catch! (e)
ericdravn242 18 Reviews 484 reads


Agencies passing themselves off as Independent (FRAUD) and (BAIT AND SWITCH)  Look, I don't like being lied to.  You were adequately compensated.  Your agent received 300 just for showing up.  And You opened with 300.  She had the option of leaving at that time, because she wasn't what I ordered.  I ordered what was in the picture(Rachelle1). She chose to have some fun, after the fact, and what a beautiful person she is, both behind her eyes and on the outside.  (310-867-4051) is the call number.  WTF  you spend the next two hours on the cell texting with threats and intimidation.  HOW COMPLETELY UNPROFESSIONAL.  Vulgar language, racial slurs, REALLY!!!!  The BP ad is COMPLETE BU!!SH!T.  Hey everybody consider yourselves warned.  It is amazing that such a beautiful personality would associate with and be an agent for you(310-867-4051).  Why would she lower herself and associate with you(this agency!)  Your behavior was just despicable.


I'm sorry that happened to you, it definitely sucks. Regardless of what you're buying, no one wants to pay money and get nothing but headaches. Unfortunately your rant will mostly go unnoticed, as the bait-n-switch and "for companionship only" scams exist in every city, moreso in major hubs like LA, DC, NY, etc.

The "agency owner" won't read it here, and certainly won't change their business practices. They make money by preying on unsuspecting people, no different than a purse snatcher or identity thieves. There's no morality that will stop them, no Better Business Bureau to contact, and they know you can't exactly go to the cops. But hopefully this will be the last time, as I'm sure you've learned a few things.

1) Backpage is almost never worth it. If you want a cheap quickie with a 6/6 that doesn't require references, BP is the place to find them. However you will almost NEVER find girls like the one advertised in that photo. I know someone will likely reply with an example or two of the diamond in the rough they found, but that's exactly what it is, a 1 in 1000 chance that she's a perfect 10 and the pics are hers, recent, and untouched.

2) There's almost no information out there. Search that number on TER, no reviews come up. No other hits on TinEye or Google Images, which means the pics might not be stolen. I ran the phone number through Google, it's attached to a lot of similar ads, and some vague reviews on a site that I can almost guarantee is fake.

Not necessarily a clear indication that it's a scam, but certainly leaning in that direction and it's something to consider before you make the call. What you did is known as TOFTT, taking one for the team. There's almost no information to go on, so you run the risk of getting scammed.

3) Feel free to share your experience in a review, it will save others the trouble of going through the same thing. Put whatever you like for her "Looks", but make sure you mark the "Performance" as a 1. Most of the members will do some research, and when they look up the number they can see your unfortunate experience. Your post on this board will help, but as the weeks go by it will get buried, so I'd recommend submitting a review to make it more permanent.

Bottom line, if there are no reviews, then there's no guarantee you'll get what you're expecting. There are a lot of great established girls out there, but frankly a provider that looks like that would charge a bit more. It's better than shelling out cash and get nothing but frustration. Don't give up, hopefully the next one works out better!

Posted By: digitalbohemian
I don't know what to expect I've only been doing this for about 3 weeks.
AND I'm not knocking the woman that showed at all. She was exquisite!!! Kind, attractive, sensual and enjoyed her work and you could tell.   I just don't understand how a woman of that caliber gets mixed up with this wretched agency.


loves2hobby681 reads

Don't run with scissors
Don't play with matches
Stay the fuck away from BP

Posted By: loves2hobby
Don't run with scissors  
 Don't play with matches  
 Stay the fuck away from BP

Sir,   Yes SIR!

Thank you,  NO REALLY   THANK YOU!!!  I'm learning . . .  ;?


PS  Just saw Goldie Knox's site.  OH MY WORD!!!!  ok,  GOTTA GET ON HER DANCE CARD
 Christian Louboutin's  ALL OVER HER :)  WHAT CLASSSS!!!!

Over time this post will go down the list but the review will be up and google-able with the phone/email etc


Be careful out there

Posted By: GoldieKnox
Over time this post will go down the list but the review will be up and google-able with the phone/email etc  
 Be careful out there
I'm not certain how to do that(review).  I wouldn't want to tarnish the person that showed.  She's a really great person and She's wonderful!  In fact I'd REALLY like to see her again but that's impossible because I don't want anything to do with that Agency.   So I'm kinda stuck.


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