Legal Corner

Re: Tapping Foot?
gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 512 reads

Well in Minneapolis what if someone is moon walking instead of tapping, what does that the code for?  

She was arrested for allegedly allowing a customer to touch her while on stage in a non sexual manner!

An Ohio law known as the Community Defense Act prohibits anyone who isn’t a family member to touch a nude or semi-nude dancer.

Lawyer: Charges against Stormy Daniels have been dropped

-- Modified on 7/12/2018 5:33:21 PM

She'll be able to take that publicity to the bank.

The losers here are the other gals and their clients who won't be able to do lap dances anymore until this all blows over.

Not blaming her, but the piggy police who decided to nab her.

According to the motion to dismiss by the prosecutor the regular appearance clause was used to dismiss in that she is not regularly appearing.  So it would mean that each strip club there could rotate dancers every night so that there would be no regular dancers and everyone could touch eachother.  

This was in the newsfeed today:
"Which Political Party Is the Most Adulterous? New Study Points to Patterns."  This is from an analysis of the leaked Ashley Madison data and checking it against voter registration documents. "Using this sample, as well as validated regression models controlling for state, gender, and age, the scientists could deduce that Democrats were the least likely to use the website, while Libertarians were the most likely. After Libertarians, Republicans are the second most likely registered group to use Ashley Madison."  
Although FOSTA/SESTA was bipartisan, a lot of "community standards" laws that seek to control the sexual behaviors of others tended to come from the right wing ... the same group that is the #2 group most like to avail themselves of AM and seek to have affairs. You know, like Larry Craig, who Republican Senator who always voted anti-gay in Congress but solicited gay sex in the bathroom (and got caught).  
EDIT: I forgot to make the tie-in. Lots of local ordinances affect strip clubs: pasties, no pasties; complete nudity, partial nudity; maximum stiletto length (that the bouncers can carry, not the ones that the dancers wear); touching, no touching; alcohol, no alcohol. There are laws about local massage parlors.  And many laws intended to crimp our style, the ladies' income, and ruin our fun. Lots of those laws were passed by conservative councilmen who then go home and set up a date to adulterate with their Ashley Madison friends.

-- Modified on 7/13/2018 6:03:49 AM

Wait doesn't Lawrence v. Texas and the constitutional penumbra of privacy allow citizens protected activity in the stall?  

The only thing that Lawrence vs. Texas ever protected was Lawrence.

Every living human is a family member according to mitochondrial DNA

I don't get it.  So it is a crime to tap your foot while taking a dump?

How is tapping your foot a signal exactly?  Morse code?  WTF?

Posted By: gypsypooner2015
Re: Tapping Foot?
I don't get it.  So it is a crime to tap your foot while taking a dump?  
 How is tapping your foot a signal exactly?  Morse code?  WTF?
A sequence of dots and dashes and spaces is quite meaningless. When you reconsider it in context as Morse code, it's easy to glean a meaning.  --.- . -..  
Tapping your foot while standing on line at the bank is a sign of impatience. Tapping your foot during a music concert is, usually, a sign of enjoyment. Tapping your foot in the Senate when an opponent is addressing the chamber is, usually, a sign of disrespect.  
It was well known in that area (Minn-St Paul) that foot tapping and foot touching in the mens' bathroom stalls and the associated hand signals was a solicitation for sex. And Craig agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge.

Well in Minneapolis what if someone is moon walking instead of tapping, what does that the code for?  

Posted By: gypsypooner2015
Re: Tapping Foot?
Well in Minneapolis what if someone is moon walking instead of tapping, what does that the code for?  
"I'm a wannabe Michael Jackson."

What if he tapped in morse code, "Are you a cop?"

Would the government have to tap back a truthful answer since it could be covered by an FAA regulation for local LE to be truthful in Morse code transmission in an airport?

..     -.. ---     -. --- -     - .... .. -. -.-     ... ---

Posted By: gypsypooner2015
Re: Tap
What if he tapped in morse code, "Are you a cop?"  
Would the government have to tap back a truthful answer since it could be covered by an FAA regulation for local LE to be truthful in Morse code transmission in an airport?

BBbecky526 reads

I haven't read the law, but it sounds like it's to protect the dancers from unwanted touching by the club patrons.  

If touching a dancer was legal any body could walk in the club and grope the dancers as he or she sees fit, and the law would be on their side, and not the dancers.

It would be like arresting the bank teller after a robbery.

BBbecky552 reads

Why I don't know, maybe because the officers broke the law? Although the official story was she wasn't a regular

She allowed the touching which I think would be in violation of the law. If a bank teller told the robbers they could rob the bank. I think the teller would be arrested.

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