Legal Corner

i'm beginning to wonder if any sites can be trusted after what...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 525 reads

one gal told me yesterday.

She used to advertise on one very well known site but after that site began making more and more demands on her for personal information - including a passport photo - she told them to can it.

She fears that with the passport photo the government could not track her through facial recognition, and she wanted no part of that.

It would seem that these sites have made a Faustian pact with the government to avoid prosecution from FOSTA if they deliver us to the government all wrapped up in a bow.

It may be a bit of paranoia, but why take chances?

DAVEPHX3278 reads

The police posed on and the guy that makes 3D guns and is an extreme right-wing nut case contacted the police officer.

They met in a hotel and he paid her $500 on August 15th and he allegedly "sexually assaulted" a 16-year old girl after paying $500. It is not clear if he knew the girls age. But police who interviewed her say she looks younger than 16, rather than older.

He is charged with a second-degree felony of sexual assault of a child.  

He went to Taiwan after an arrest warrant was issued but deported back to the U.S. on 9/22/2018.  He faces up to 20 years in prison.

While few folks have any sympathy for this white supremacist who promoted "Assassination Market" on the dark web, the "honey pot" setup with a women who lied about her age to get on the sugar daddy site is now treated as "child rape" is a concern of sexworkers that this may be the start of trying to shut down sugar daddy sites just like they did with backpage.


And reporting more on the deportation back to U.S.

one gal told me yesterday.

She used to advertise on one very well known site but after that site began making more and more demands on her for personal information - including a passport photo - she told them to can it.

She fears that with the passport photo the government could not track her through facial recognition, and she wanted no part of that.

It would seem that these sites have made a Faustian pact with the government to avoid prosecution from FOSTA if they deliver us to the government all wrapped up in a bow.

It may be a bit of paranoia, but why take chances?

I'm confused by this:

Posted By: DAVEPHX

The police posed on and the guy that makes 3D guns and is an extreme right-wing nut case contacted the police officer.  
 They met in a hotel and he paid her $500 on August 15th and he allegedly "sexually assaulted" a 16-year old girl after paying $500. It is not clear if he knew the girls age. But police who interviewed her say she looks younger than 16, rather than older.
Are you saying that LE ran the ad? LE allowed a 16 yo to meet and go into the room with Wilson? LE allowed the meeting to proceed to completion and let Wilson go until they arrested him at a later time?  
I can see LE discovering this after the fact during an investigation of WIlson's emails, phone calls, CC bills for hotel rooms, etc.. I do not see LE using a real 16 yo to entrap someone. (They do use fakes: older woman exchanging emails, sounding like a teen in phone calls and chat rooms, etc.. But LE does not allow meet ups to go to completion once they have all the background evidence in hand.)

GaGambler520 reads

and this is yet another case of Dave pulling a "Ready, fire, aim" on us. lol

If the police had actually set this up, they would all be facing prison time as Wilson actually did have sex with the underage girl. I would call her a "victim" but she hardly seems like a "victim" to me although there almost certainly was a crime committed.

I have read several articles on the case and it appears the underage girl told her therapist about the  incident and it was the therapist who contacted LE.  They pulled up hotel video on the day in question, (unlike Christine Ford, this girl knew the exact date of the event) and it clearly shows the two of them going in together and then leaving together an hour or so later. There is very little doubt about his actual guilt, and the one thing Dave does get right is that Wilson is hardly a sympathetic defendant.

Dave I know you consider yourself the "go to" guy on this board, but let's please try to get our facts straight before posting.

there are advantages of staying away from gals who are too young.

They lack the maturity to make good decisions, and can inveigle you in ways that are rather sticky.

Most gals eschew younger guys for the same reason.   We guys should do likewise.

Posted By: mrfisher
They ... can inveigle you in ways that are rather sticky.
I have been inveigled many times in the other direction (older pretending to be younger) and that can still be rather enjoyable!  
Then there was the time I told my hostess I didn't want to inveigle her but she insisted that I do so, as long as I used a cover. Then there was the time I asked my hostess to inveigle me; she took a look and said, "Sure! I'll try. But I hope I don't choke on it."

GaGambler512 reads

I have been seeing girls in the 18-21 range for decades,  and on average they are no more BSC than their much older counterparts.


I would rephrase that and say there are advantages to "not being stupid" and that is what "Cody" has just found out, and I can't say I have a lot of sympathy for him.  

Don't get me wrong, OTHFB's need loving to, and the more guys with your attitude means the more "young pussy" for me, but it's simply not true that seeing younger women has to be any more problematic than seeing the "old broads" that you and many other guys here seem to prefer.

That said there are a few "red flags" that should warn anyone with even room temperature IQ that they are entering the "danger zone" If a girl is still in high school, even if she claims to be 18, that should be enough to make most guys call the next girl on their list. Or if she says "she has to be home by ten because her parents have set a curfew" that should warn you off as well. OTOH, if she has two kids, you are probably safe. If she has you pick her up at her college dorm, your odds are pretty good. If she lives alone, it's unlikely she is under age. If she orders a Macallan 25 after dinner I guarantee you, you have nothing to worry about. lol None of this is rocket science and when "in doubt" insist on seeing ID.

so you do have a point there.  

Still and all, experience should round a person off so as to help ensure some maturity, at least I like to think so.  

The more problematic gals I’ve known were the younger ones, and more often than not booze was the main culprit.  

One of my long term favorites managed to beat the odds and dry out. Now she is great, though her daughter is battling the same demon.

HOtel surveillance?

For $500 he could have bought a salvage title minivan and not had anything to worry about.

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