In Search Of

Never claimed to be a hobbyist
Zorro 21 Reviews 27239 reads

As I did in another posting, I apologize for my immature response to you.  Anyway, I don't even know what a "hobbyist" is.  I mean I can pretty much figure it out but I am definitely not prone to backing out of erotic encounters.  I like to consider myself a "connosieur" (how ignorant is that...misspelling a word with french origins to the worst kind of French person...a french canadian!).  I am like a vintage wine taster but my wine does not come from a grape, but instead from a nice young hotty (that felt unnatural but as a show of respect I elected to use hotty instead of that terrible "B" word).Anyway, peace and all that shit.

Monet23592 reads

Hello,I am going to be in Milan in August and was wondering if anyone would know of any Italian Message Boards or sites to advertise. I would really appreciate your help. Even if you know of some good overall European Boards that would be great!Thank-you for you help :)Love Monet xoxooxxo

While visiting Florence, Milan, Venice, Rome, Sorrento and Capri I encountered so many beautiful women!  Look around and they are everywhere.  Unfortunately because I was with my wife I was unable to check out the scene.  Unfortunately I do not have a website to help you with but I can offer a little advice.  Next to these Italian beauties you are not at all attractive...perhaps you should either lose the link to your website and describe yourself in an enhanced manner or you should consider substituting someone elses pictures in your place.Hope it all works out for you! :)

Monet24349 reads

Zorro,Do you ever stop??? I mean really, this is getting stupid. Did I hurt your little feelings in some way? If so I am sorry. I get the feeling you are not a true Hobbyist, never even seen one in fact. Just called on the phone to hear her voice, perhaps make a tentative appointment, then cancel. Am I right? Give it up hon, this has gotten real old, real fast.

As I did in another posting, I apologize for my immature response to you.  Anyway, I don't even know what a "hobbyist" is.  I mean I can pretty much figure it out but I am definitely not prone to backing out of erotic encounters.  I like to consider myself a "connosieur" (how ignorant is that...misspelling a word with french origins to the worst kind of French person...a french canadian!).  I am like a vintage wine taster but my wine does not come from a grape, but instead from a nice young hotty (that felt unnatural but as a show of respect I elected to use hotty instead of that terrible "B" word).Anyway, peace and all that shit.

Sedagive21263 reads

You seem like a fairly intelligent person, but that remark about "the worst kind of french person...a french canadian!" reeks of ignorance and racism.  Further, your constant derogatory language towards women is mind numbingly moronic and in very poor taste.  Sed.

You could make the argument that a site that promotes prostitution or  disseminates information about it's availability is in poor taste but that would be just an opinion...a judgemental opinion, it's not worth much.But the French,now thats different,everyone hates them,they smell,they are ungrateful and they can't fight worth a shit.They are so rude that the Krauts have to go and kick thier asses every few years just to keep them in line.Oh and the men dress like Faggots.Canadians are all right if you like lumberjacks.   Hey!!! What is long and green and has a cumulative IQ of 30?........a St. Patricks day parade....get it? I knew you would, you are so smart.

Sedagive23394 reads

Another racist heard from.

OCGuy22219 reads

It's really sad, what the lack of good summer camps has done to the youth of today.  Poor guy has nothing better to do but try and entertain himself here on our board.

OC Guy,I feel so betrayed but I must congratulate you on your keen insight.  See I really am a 14 year old but I went to this really eclectic Montessori school that taught me all about the sex trade and red light districts of not only L.A. but of Mexico and Europe as well.  They even taught me how to write essays where I could visualize being in strip clubs and getting my barely pubescent weenie stroked.  I was even taught that massage parlors suck because they are staffed by Korean bitches.  Imagine fucking a Korean bitch all the time.  Ooooppss, I forgot, you are married to one!

Anon19337 reads

Maybe we should leave Zero..ooops I mean Zorro alone...he came from a bad home..his parents were probably cousins!

I love it when the dim-witted ones crawl out from under their rocks and add their two cents.  I guess that was the best he could do.  Pity.

Anon19734 reads

Funny..your "bitches" probably say the same thing about you when your done with them (after about 20 seconds).

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