60 and Over

Low T
nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 4180 reads

ok so early 60s and my T is 218 ...which is obviously very low ...  any suggestions, experiences with TRT ?  


I tried it, it worked, and then my urologist recommended against it as it raises the risk of heart attack. He prescribed my sildenafil for about @1/20 mg. pill.

i have to take at least a 100mg  blue pill .   so maybe i should just give up the hobby and think of all the $ i will save  ......................  nahhhhhh     LOL

I don’t know what trt is but I do use cialis on occasion and find it better than viagra(causes headache for me)I’m not sure what my t count is but now at my early 60’s I can only pop once and have to wait awhile for the next one.

well i started the TRT process with the injected pellets.   says it will take 2 to 3 weeks for me to feel affect.   will report back.  apparently works for 70% of gentleman.  

I had this procedure a few times (lasts about 6 months) and it was beneficial to me.

Black-Panther207 reads

I have low T, but not below the range. The one issue is once on T you need to stay on it. It can also make you a "roid" like the body builders who use it, meaning you can also see a downside to taking testosterone. Definitie upsides, but there are downsides, too.  I decided against it, but may try it in a couple of years.

Agreed. I have low T and AM below the range but the potential side effects have so far prevented my trying it. This may change. Or I may try Tri-Mix or an implant. Haven't reached that point yet.

Theres a number of things that you can do to increase your low T. Lets start with diet, first cut out  
the crap,,fast foods , keep sweets to a minimum. And eat fats,,,grass fed beef, avacodos, free rang eggs. Loose  
some weight. Go to the gym, heavy weight training will increase T levels.    
   Estrogen is your enemy,,,,(female hormone)  eliminate soy , and  consume broccoli, cauliflower. They are estrogen  
blockers.  Estrogen and Test battle each other , reduce Estrogen and Test will increase.
  Take a few herbs, I take Ashwagandha,  and ginseng.  Also Boron and zinc ( minerals).  And get some sun. Vitamin D from sunlight is  
great for high test....  

   How do I know it works , Im in my 60 and have more energy than a 30 yo. Only problem is Im fucking horny all the time!!!

Low T is what it is there are options. Together we have been able to help improve this issue. Everyone is different, but I have coached many older gents into this transition in life. Not everyone requires the same therapy. All achieve extraordinary results.

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