60 and Over

the same way for us//.
TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 61 reads

Some men may appear to be kind and trustworthy upfront, but engage in questionable behavior behind our backs. Canceling appts just to see someone else and making us waste our time and advertising cost. Some pretend to be sick, one, 2 and even three times with the same excuse...  

Is it considered confrontational to speak up about such actions? Should we just bite our tongue and boost mens ego even if we are hurt, not just emotionally but financially?

So, prior to scheduling a date I've started to not only check providers websites and reviews but also their social media posts. I'm not a big social media guy but I've found that often times there is a significant difference between the way providers market themselves on their websites and their social media comments. When their social media posts consist mainly of bitching about clients I've started to avoid them regardless of the way they describe themselves on their websites or the ad boards. I've found tha ladies whose social media posts and website/ad board profiles are consistent result in way better dates than those that don't.
Any one else follow this practice or am I just late to the party in finding this out?

After seeing providers post here on TER I will follow their X. After reading the content sometimes I will unfollow because of their content. Politics post are not for me. Positing RT4RT & you don’t is ridiculous if you don’t actually do it. I love positive providers who reciprocate & follow fellow SW back. Some never follow me back. Many bitch about clients constantly it’s a killer. Follow me on X & tell me what you think…

@masterdomina 🤓I know the name could be better, but I can’t change it, so call me Mrs. Happy Pants lol  
Smile for me! Xo

We are aligned! Now following you. Thanks for your thoughts on this!

or care about social media, but that sounds like a good way to get more info in your search for good providers!  
Thanks for the post ff123!

If I am interested, I follow and/or read their posts. If a lady is dissing other girls, I avoid her. If she refers to us as 'slobbyists', I avoid her. If she is constantly begging for money and gifts, I avoid her.

You get the picture.

Exactly. I would never see a provider who includes “Birthday Month” in their social media. It’s just begging for money, gifts or attention.

Playing this game is hard enough when both party's want a great outcome.  Its impossible when the other person just want some cash to go do what they want. Thankfully great providers are still out there ! Nothing is easy, do the work and find someone you will enjoy. Once you find them , pay them well and treat them with great respect . A great provider or two will improve your life a lot !  

Some men may appear to be kind and trustworthy upfront, but engage in questionable behavior behind our backs. Canceling appts just to see someone else and making us waste our time and advertising cost. Some pretend to be sick, one, 2 and even three times with the same excuse...  

Is it considered confrontational to speak up about such actions? Should we just bite our tongue and boost mens ego even if we are hurt, not just emotionally but financially?

I have only canceled last minute twice in a 20 year period.  Luckily both times where with long term regulars. Both times I tipped 1/2 of there rate on the next meet. They seemed happy with that, if it had been a new provider to me I would have tipped the complete rate. Having run my own business for 30 years has taught me what it is like to be on the other side. I've always heard if you canceled last minute on a good provider you are probably done for. You sounds like you a special  lady to consider keeping the door open. Your reviews reflect that same professionalism.    

you'd give the long-time provider the full rate before a new one.

Just to be clear, I would pay the full rate to any provider, new or a long-time favorite.
If they want to kick it or any of it back, that should be their call.

Thank you for your kind words.

Unfortunately, the OP was a long-time regular until he claimed to have had "covid" for the 3rd time right before our appointment.

That being said, I am retracting all of the 5 OKs I have given him in the past. I'm almost certain that he is insinuating that I was "bitching" about clients, when in reality, I was addressing concerns about him. He has canceled on me three times already, each time citing COVID, yet I received inquiries for references on him immediately afterward. LOL...

It's the quickest way to have your OKs removed and references adjusted accordingly.

The next time he wants to book, he would have to fully prepay for the entire date... (though I doubt he would ever book me again, lol an im totally ok with that).  

He never sent a gift nor tip me for the 3 times he inconvenience me already.

Newto100046 reads

Used the Covid excuse 3 times.  That is the definition of chutzpah.  George Constanza territory.  In the past, when boyfriends or girlfriends broke up with you did they say "its me, not you"?

I’ve been following providers’ social media for close to 10 years. It’s amazing what one can learn there. I’ve had at least 5 providers in Vegas and SoCal who I really wanted to meet but when I checked their social media it was clear that they hated their jobs and/or their clients. So they went from potential prospects to no chance I’d see them. And going forward their reviews confirmed my suspicions. So yes, social media is an important tool in selecting potential partners.

First of all, I don't need a website to get the right clients. I just need to put out there what I offer, the cost of my services, my hours and what area(s) I am working. as well as how to contact me

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