60 and Over

Another health consequence of CV response
impposter 49 Reviews 1612 reads

For a month or so, lots of meetings have been cancelled or been conducted by conference call. Less travel to remote sites, more working from home. All an acceptable part of the CV measures. For me, at least, one consequence is that I've gained more than 5 pounds over the past few weeks.  
At work -- I mean, at an official office / workPLACE -- I'm not a snacker and don't do lunch (unless it's a lunch meeting). At home -- I mean when spending the work day working at home -- I am eating more, including snacking more.  
I haven't hit the gym in WEEKS and who knows when I can get back to that.  
Eating is up; exercising is down.
First of all:  Should this topic stay on 60 and Over or be moved to General?
2. Anybody else in the same situation (weight gain due to CV related lifestyle change)?
3. Anybody have any suggestions for coping (other than, "shut your mouth and eat less")?
I suspect that this might affect Providers, too, who might be bulking up at home during the slack periods. When "we" (TER family) get back to business, I hope that Providers won't judge those of us who have plumped up harshly. Likewise, I suspect that old photos might not show how much "more" a Provider has become when encountered in person. A little patience and understanding might be in order.
Your thoughts if any?

Black-Panther162 reads

I've actually lost weight. I snack hard when I travel; free lounge access, free onboard food, food cart, ALWAYS grab a Chicago dog at O'hare and downtown. Then add on heavy conference food of breakfast, lunch, and the going out to eat and drinking for dinner.  

At home I'm on a routine, go walking or biking, and don't really snack that much. I've lost a good chunk of weight already.

Steve_Trevor167 reads

The night I heard all the gyms were closing, I went out and bought stuff to assemble a makeshift home gym—just some dumbbell bars, some weight plates, a Swiss ball, and a kettlebell. Had a mat and ab roller already, also an exercise band for my PT.  That lets me do lots of different exercises while I listen to the news each morning. That plus running outdoors a few times a week (maintaining that social distance of course) has maintained my weight and muscle tone and helps keep me sane.  It’s as close as I can get right now to my long time practice of going to the gym every morning.  

And I try to eat healthy. But the kitchen is not far from my home office...

...but not easy.

Yes, I know you don't want to hear "eat less" but that's really the only sure way if your exercise options are reduced.

I've been in the gym 5-6 days a week for the last two years and now that they're shut down, I'm jonesing hard.

I don't have the room to set up a home gym with weights, so I'm making do with resistance bands and bodyweight workouts. There are good options on line delineating these exercises. I'm also doing some walking outside but, with "stay home" restrictions in place and spring time allergy season in full swing, it's not optimal for me.

So I've cut about 250 calories a day from my 2600 calorie a day regimen.

I'm keeping the protein levels about the same, so that I can (hopefully) maintain the muscle I've built over the years. This should get me through the next few weeks (?) without too much loss of muscle or conditioning.

Calories in, calories out...ya gotta balance those with your activity level, whether it's up or down.

Buena suerte!

I normally never snack, never eat lunch, and work out 5 or 6 times a week. Now I'm a slug.
I have no reason to get out of my desk chair, I stare at my computer for 8 hours, nosh, and then veg all night. My trainer, a gorgeous fit 28 year old I can't touch bc the wife also sees her, will have her work cut out for her when this is all over.  
Oh, and no sex. Can't even rub one out bc there's no privacy.

I sit & read emails..type emails, make calls and eat cookies. I also seem to doze uncontrollably starting about 3:30 PM  or so. I notice my coats are getting a little tight. So this topic convinced me that I do have a problem. I'm going to do my best to walk a minor so at some point every day. Gotta stop the trend

Yes, I miss the gym!  But on the flip side, I've been walking someplace different every day (very weird, window shopping in funky little towns that are normally packed with people).  If your knees aren't up for the long walks, try biking.  Dance in your living room.
At first, I thought the isolation, loneliness, would be devastating but I'm trying to get into new routines.  If I can do it, you can too!  Call someone for no reason but to say hello.  They will appreciate it.  Hang in there my friends!  
Remember your favorite gal may not have another source of income.  Ask her how you can help.  
Warmest hugs and naughty kisses...

I go on a 3 mile walk everyday. I bought a chin up bar, some dumbbells, use chairs for dips, and do pushups about 2 to 3 times a week.

GaGambler158 reads

Does anyone else appreciate the irony? lol

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